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1、Parody in Chinese Government Work ReportsSubmitted in Partial Fulfillmentof the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of ArtsBy Under the Direction ofProfessor English DepartmentCollege of Foreign LanguagesHuaqiao University2016AcknowledgmentsI would like to express my gratitude to all those who h

2、ave helped me during the writing of this thesis.My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to XXX, my supervisor, for his constant encouragement and great guidance. Without his illuminating instructions and enlightenment, this thesis could never have reached its present form.Second, I would like t

3、o extend my gratitude to XXXX for her informative and helpful comments on my thesis. Third, I am deeply indebted to all the professors and teachers at English Department, from whose devoted teaching and enlightening lectures I have benefited a lot and academically prepared for the thesis.Thanks are

4、also due to my roommates, who never failed to give me great encouragement and suggestions.Finally I must thank my family for their unconditional continuous support all the way from the very beginning of my study.Abstract: Based on a quantitative and qualitative study on 46 parodies collected from 39

5、 Chinese Government Work Reports (GWR) from 1978 to 2016, the present study attempts to give an account of parody use in political writings such as GWR, using Pragmatic Markedness Value (PMV) and the Convergence-EconomyCONTENT, Variation-Effectiveness and Relevance (CEVER) model for parody proposed

6、by Hou (2015) as the research tool. The findings are as follows: FINDINGS(1) Parodies in GWR are seen more and more often over 39 years. (2) Parody in GWR has achieved higher and higher PMV since the reform and opening-up, which means parodies in GWR are more and more well-formed. (3) Of four types

7、of parody (word parody, phrase parody, sentence parody, paragraph parody), word parody is used much more often than other three in GWR. (4) Once used for the first time, the parodier in GWR tends to be mimetically used, more and more unmarked. (5) The reason to explain the increasing use of parody i

8、n 39 GWR is that the speakers/writers are trying to gain marked effects and communicative value by using parodies more frequently.Keywords: rhetoric; parody; political writings; Government Work Reports; pragmatic markedness value摘要:本文从1978年至2016年共39篇国务院政府工作报告中共搜集到46处仿拟, 基于对这些仿拟的定量与定性分析, 该研究试图以语用标记值作

9、为量化工具,借用侯国金 (2015) 提出的同省异效关模型作为研究工具,对国务院政府工作报告这种政论文体中的仿拟进行解释与评估,得到如下发现:(1) 39年来仿拟在国务院政府工作报告中出现的次数呈上升趋势;(2) 改革开放至今,政府工作报告中仿拟的语用标记值呈上升趋势,亦即其仿拟的良构性在逐渐增强;(3) 在四种仿拟类别 (仿词、仿语、仿句、仿篇) 中,仿词在国务院政府工作报告中比其它三种类别出现地更多;(4) 仿体在政府工作报告出现过一次以后越来越趋向于被重复使用,也越来越具有无标记性;(5) 仿拟在政府工作报告中被使用得越来越频繁,这是因为言者 (作者) 想要获取“标记效果”以及“交际价值

10、”。关键词:修辞;仿拟;政论文体;国务院政府工作报告;语用标记值Table of ContentsAcknowledgmentsAbstract1. Introduction11.1 Research Background11.2 Significance of the Thesis11.2.1 Motivation of This Research11.2.2 Research Questions21.3 Research Methodology and Data Collection21.3.1 Research Methodology21.3.2 Data Collection21.4

11、Organization of the Thesis32. Literature Review42.1 Relevant Studies on Parody42.1.1 Relevant Studies on Parody at Home42.1.2 Relevant Studies on Parody Abroad42.3 Relevant Studies on GWR52.4 Definitions of Parody53. Related Theoretical Frameworks73.1 Markedness Theory73.2 Pragmatic Markedness Theor

12、y73.3 Pragmatic Markedness Value (PMV) and Parody73.4 CEVER Model for Parody84. Analysis and Discussion104.1 GWR104.1.1 Definition of GWR104.1.2 Why Parody in GWR104.1.3 Divisions of GWR104.2 Quantitative Study of Parody in GWR114.2.1 Parody in GWR (Initial Stage: 1978-1990)114.2.2 Parody in GWR (De

13、epening Stage: 1991-2003)154.2.3 Parody in GWR (Maturity Stage: 2004-2016)164.2.4 Trend of Parody Use in GWR (1978-2016)184.3 Qualitative Study of Parody in GWR184.3.1 Classification of Parody in GWR184.3.2 Repetitions of Parody in GWR194.4 Causative Discussions204.4.1 Causative Study of the Appeara

14、nce of Parody in GWR204.4.2 Causative Study of Parody Trend in GWR215. Conclusion22References24Appendix261. Introduction1.1 Research BackgroundParody, as a figure of speech, has long existed in human history, viewed by Rossen-Knill et al. (1997) as a human behavior. Parody has been increasingly used

15、 and noticed these days, which has been studied by experts and scholars from diverse perspectives, such as translationology, rhetoric, and pragmatics. These previous studies do provide myriad research dimensions to view this figure of speech, but most of them, especially those in recent years, focused on the parody in advertising. Rare researches are conducted to analyze parody in political writings, which is a serious writing style. Although being serious overall as political writings, the interesting point is that there appears parody, which seems counter to the charac



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