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1、【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流制药工程专业英语-11单元.精品文档.P117-14制药专英作业Unit111.The oral route of drug administration is the most important method of administering drugs for systemic effects Translations:口服给药是通过给药途径产生系统效应中最重要的方法。2.Except in cases of Insulin therapy,the parenteral route is not routinely used for s

2、elf-administration of medication 除了胰岛素疗法之外,肠外给药途径通常不适用于患者自主用药。3.The topic route of administration has only recently been employed to deliver drugs to the body for systemic effects , with two classes of marketed products : Nitroglycerin for the treatment of angina and scopolamine for the treatment of

3、 motion sickness.局部给药这种途径只是近年来才被用于把药物送到人体内从而产生系统效应,采用这种给药方式的药物有两种已经上市:用于治疗心绞痛的硝酸甘油酯和治疗晕动症的莨岩胺。4.Other drugs are certain to follow , but the topical route of administration is limited in its ability to allow effective drug absorption for systemic drug action.今后肯定还会有其他的药物相继出现,但是局部给药的途径在药物有效吸收从而产生药物系统效

4、应方面仍有其局限性。5.原文:5The parenteral route of administration is important in treating medical emergencies in which a subject is comatose or cannot swallow,and inproviding various types of maintenance therapy for hospitalized patients.在病人处于昏迷状态或病人不能吞咽的医疗急救处理中,肠外给药途径是很重要的,同时它也给住院的病人提供了各种不同类型的维持疗法。6.Neverthe

5、less,it is probable that at least 90% of all drugs used to produce systemic effects are administered by the oral rote.然而,被用于产生系统效应的药物可能至少有90%是通过口服的途径给药的。7 When a new drug is discovered , one of the first questions a pharmaceutical company asks is whether or not drug can be effectively administered f

6、or its intended effect by the oral route. 当发现一种新药时,首要问题中的一条是制药厂会询问药品是否通过口服途径有效地达到了预期的效果。当一种新的药物被研发出来的时候,制药公司问的第一个问题就是这种药物能否有效地通过口服给药途径来达到预期的效果。8. If it cannot, the drug is primarily relegated to administration in a hospital setting or physicians office.如果不能,药物主要被归入医院环境或医生办公室给药。如果不能口服给药,那么这种药物就要被医院或者

7、医师放弃使用。9.IF patient self-administration cannot be achieved , the sales of the drug constitute only a small fraction of what the market would be otherwise.如果不能实现病人自主给药,那么(这种)药物的销量相对于其他的药物来说就只占了市场的一小部分。10.Ofdrugsthatareadministeredorally,solidoraldosageformsrepre-sentthepreferredclassofproduct.在所有通过口服

8、来给药的药物当中,固体口服制剂是(人们)偏爱的药物剂型。11.The reasons for this preference are as follows. 出现这种偏好的原因如下。12.原文:(117页)Tablets and capsules represent unit dosage forms in which one usual dose of the drug has been accurately place.翻译:片剂和胶囊在平时代表哪一个单位剂型的剂量已经有准确的位置了。其原因如下:药片剂和胶囊剂代表着单元剂量的形式,胶囊剂是指胶囊里放置好一定剂量药物的剂型。13.原文:By

9、 comparison, liquid oral dosage forms, such as syrups , suspensions, emulsions, solutions, and elixirs, are usually designed to contain one dose of medication in 5 to 30 ml.翻译:,液体口服剂型,如糖浆、悬浮液,乳剂,溶液剂,和酏剂,通常一个剂量的药物设计为5到30毫升。 相比之下,液体口服制剂,比如说糖浆、悬浮液、乳剂、溶液和酏剂,则通常被设计成在5-30ml范围内(液体中)包含一定剂量的药物。第14句:The patie

10、nt is then asked to measure his or her own medication using a teaspoon , tablespoon , or other measuring device.翻译:病人又问衡量他(她)自己的药物是使用茶匙,大调羹或者其测量器具。这些剂型的药物要求病人用茶匙、调羹或其他测量方法来衡量自己的用药量。15.Such dosage measurements are typically in error by a factor ranging from 20% to 50% when the drug is self-administer

11、ed by the patient.病人自己服药时,采用这种服药方法是典型的,误差范围在20%50%。病人自己用这种剂量测量方法服用这些药物时,产生的误差通常在20%-50%。16.Liquid oral dosage forms have other disadvantages and limitations .when compared with tablets.翻译:口服液剂型和药片比起来还有其他的缺点和局限性。液体口服制剂和药片相比还有其他弊端和局限性。17、They are much more expensive to ship (one liquid dosage weighs 5

12、g or more versus 0.25 to 0.4g fore the average tablet),and breakage or leakage during shipment is a more serious problem with liquids than with tablets. 译:液体制剂的运输成本更昂贵(一剂量液体制剂5g重量相当于普通药片0.25g到0.4g的平均片重),而且对于液体制剂来说,在运输过程中液体制剂的破坏和泄漏是一个更为严重的问题18.原文:Taste masking of the drug is often a problem (if the d

13、rug is in solution even partially).翻译:药物味道的掩盖通常也是一个问题(如果药物溶解,甚至是部分溶解)药物味道的掩蔽通常也是个问题(如果说药物在溶液中溶解,甚至只是部分溶解)。19.原文:In addition,liquids are less portable and require much more space per number of doses on the pharmacists shelf.翻译:另外,液体更不方便携带,而且在药架上摆放时,每支制剂需要的空间更多。 另外,液体也比较不易携带,而且同样数目的剂量,液体制剂在药架上占据的空间(比药

14、片)要多得多。20.Drugsareingenerallessstable(bothchemicallyandphysically)inliquidformthaninadrystateandexpirationdatestendtobeshorter.药物一般不太稳定(化学和物理)的液体形式比在干燥状态和到期日期往往是更短的。液体形式的药物通常比干燥状态的药片更不稳定(不仅在化学上,物理上也是),而且保质期也相对短。21.Careful attention is required to assure that the product will not allow a heavy microb

15、iologic burden to develop on standing or under normal conditions of use once opened (preservation requirements)翻译:需要小心注意确保产品在存放和正常的拆封情况下,不会有微生物的压力负担。(保存要求)(人们)需要小心注意以确保药物在储存或正常的拆封使用情况下,不会有大量的的微生物生长。(保存要求)。22.There are basically three reasons for having liquid dosage forms of a drug: (1) The liquid form is what the public has come to expect for certain types of products (e.g.cough medicines).翻译:出现液体剂型药物基本上有三种原因。第一种原因是液体形式是公众所期望的必然的产品形式(比如咳嗽药)。液体剂型药物的产生有三个基本的原因:(1)对于某些类型的药物,液体剂型的出现是公众所期望的。(例如:咳嗽药)。2


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