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1、诸论转换 conversion 重复 repetition 倒置 inversion 缀合 combination 重组 reconstruction对比分析 contrastive analysi选词 dietion 增补 addition省略。mission替代 substitution变换 variation反说 negation拆离 division阐释 annotation浓缩 condensation对比语言学 contrastive linguistics文化语言学 culturallinguistics不同之处difference特殊之处peculiarity粘连性cohesi

2、on连贯性coherence认知-功能语法对比分析cognitive-functional approach明白 explicit描写语言学 descriptive linguistics语言学革命 Chomskyan Revolution转换生成语法 Transformational-Generative Grammar篇章语言学textlinguistics谁在何时用何种语言向谁说话Whospeaks what language te whom and when 社会语言学 sociolinguistics跨文化交际学 intercultural communication 语言langu

3、e 言语parole形式form机构 structure理想化的人an idealizedman语法能力 grammaticalcompetence社会的人 a social man交际能力 communicative competence文化圈的人cultural men文化背景 cultural background语言文化的异同 language and culture:Chinese cs.Foreign 火辣的言辞fiery words 双语人 bilingualist双文化人 biculturalist形式接应 formal cohesion意念连贯 semantic cohere

4、nce言语交际 verbal communication非言语交际 nonverbal communication 身势语 body language无声语言 silent language文化冲击culture shock和平队 Peace Corps隐性文化 covert culture跨文化意识 cross-cultural awareness丑陋的美国人The Ugly American无声的语言 The Silent language我们为何是丑陋的美国人Why are we Ugly Americans文化意识 cultural literacy跨文化教育、训练和研究学会 Soci

5、e ty for Int ercul tu ral Educa tion, Training and Research 语言能力 linguistic competence合乎语法 grammaticality片恰当/得体 appropriateness接受 acceptability美国外语教学协会 American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages综合语与分析语变化形式(hered it ary inflections综合一 析语(syntheti c-anal ytic language语调(intonati)声调(t one)词缀

6、变化(affixa ti)n前缀(prefi)后缀(suff)动词的变化(conjuga tion)副词的变化(declension)性(gender)数(number)格(case)时(tense) 体(aspect) 语态(voice) 语气(mood)比较级(degree of comparison)人称(person)词性(parts of speech)我们的学校(our school)你看见了没有(have you see it)思维方式(rela tio nal t hinking)爱能征服一切(love conquers all t hings)保持一致(S-V concor)

7、结构性倒装(st rue tural inversion)功能性倒装(func tional inversion)语法关系一致(grammatical concord)英语里多作定语,少作谓语(heavy att ribu te, small predica te) 汉语里则多作谓语,少作定语(small attribute, heavy predicate) 头轻脚重(end-weigh t)让人印象深刻(each ismore impressive t han the preceding)直线型(st raight l)ne 演绎式(deduc tiv0 混合式(hybrid 直线式(li

8、nea) 主题句(to pic sen tence 结构词(structu ral wo)s 连接词(coordina to) 虚词(emp ty words)螺旋型(circular )ine归纳式(induetiv) 其临摹性(isomorphism)迂回式(cyclical虚词 f orm word)功能词 f unc tion words从属连接词(subordinato)介词、助词(particl0s虚词、实词(notion word或 full words语气助词(emotional partic)es语调(intonati) 语调(intonati) 降调(fallintpne)

9、 (fall-rise)平调(level)声调(tones) 重音(str ess) 升调(risingone) 升降调(rise-fall)降加升调(fall-plus-rise)降升调双音节化和四音节化(predominance of disyllables and quadrisyllables over monosyllables andtrisyllab)les刚性与柔性两者协调一致(S V concord关系网络(connective nexus聚集型(compac tn ess)核心(kernel动词造句的形式(verb patte) 主谓结构(subject-predic3te

10、 语法一致 (gramma ti cal concord意义一致(notio nal conco)d流散型(diffusivene)s 说明(comment)注重话题(to pic-prominen t) 意合(para tax)话题(t opic)注重主语(subjec t-prominen t) 形合(hypotaxi) 话题+说明(t opic+commen t)语法功能灵活多变(flexibili ty of gramma tical func tion非逻辑表达方式(illogical expressions晒太阳 to bask in the sun.晒衣服 to sun orfe

11、 clothes吃食堂 to have orfe meals in the mess 吃苹果 to eat an apple还他的债 to pay him o debts还他的钱to pay him back住四人 four people livin 住旅馆 to stay at a hotel在家养病 to recuperate at home闭目养神 to sit in repose with ones closed 救火 fire fighting 救国 to save the nation 打扫卫生 to do some cleaning 打扫房间 to clean the room

12、补充缺额 to fill a vacancy 补充人力 to replenish manpower 恢复疲劳 to get refreshed 恢复健康 to recover oehealtheggplant茄 子) quicksand流 沙)sweetmeat (是糖果、蜜线,不是甜的肉) fill o填写)a slim chance= a fat ch渺!茫的机会 quite a lot二 quite 相当w多,不少burn dow烧成平地) hamburger 汉堡包) The alarm wen t o闹响) boxing ring拳击台) baths浴室)burn up烧掉)ham(

13、火腿)went of闹响) public bat hroom公共厕所)sweetbread (甜面包)drive on a parkw公y园大道上开车)a wise manl聪明的人) overlook忽 视,忽略) pineapple菠萝) apple苹果)Ligh ts are og不见灯光) a wise gu自以为是的人) oversee监视,监督,看管) pine松树)St ars are o能看见星星)wind up my wat ch让表开始走)wind up this ar t不是开始写文章,而是文章写完了)完全句(full sen ter)ce不完全句(minor sen t

14、enc)破句(fragmen t9形式接应(f ormal cohesion意念连贯(semantic coherence 显性(explicitn)s 刚性(rigidi)y引性(implicitne)s柔性(suppleness形合与意合 形合法(hypo taxing意合法(Para tax)s显性接应(overt cohesic).连接手段和形式(cohesive ti)s简单介词(如 with, to, in of, abo ut, bet ween, t hrough)合成介词(如 insic, onto, upon, within without throughout)成语介词(

15、如 according toalong with apar t from because of in fro nt , of)n behalf of with regarc to)保持前后一致的关系(gramma ti cal and notio nal concord)替补词(exple ti ves)显性(explici t逻辑=语法关系链接词语(logic-gramma tical conned tor低语境(low-contex)作者责任型(writ er-responsible隐性连贯(cover t coherence)严谨(preciseness)简洁(conciseness)隐性(implicit高语境(high-contet读者责任型(reader-responsit)le从属结构(subordina tion) 又繁又长(long-winded) 包孕式的复合句(complex sen tences with embedded clauses) 将几个从属子句相互衔接(dove tail several


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