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1、高中英语听力高频词汇A absent from school缺课 a couple of两三个 a great deal非常(用来修饰比较级) a la carte(order)点菜 matter of time时间问题 a million times很多次 a sheet of paper一张纸 a sore throat嗓子痛 a waste of moneytimeenergy钱时间精力的浪add up加起来,总计 after all毕竟,终究,到底,终于 agree with同意适合 air-hostess空姐 airmail航空信 alarm clock闹钟 au along始终 a

2、llowance津贴 anything but并不;恰恰不 application letter求职信 apply for申请 around the clock整天不问断,一天24小时不停as a matter of fact事实上 as far as I know据我所知 as good as和一样好 as long as只要 as soon as possible尽快 ask for要求;请求 ask for leave请假 ask somebody for a ride请求搭车 at least至少 at the most至多顶多 at somebodys service愿意为某人效劳

3、B bargain便宜货 be about to do正要做 be absent from school缺课,没上学 be accustomed to习惯于 be behind in在方面落后be bound for去地方 be capable of有能力做 be finished做完了 be full(be stuffed)吃饱 be good at擅长 be in luck有运气,幸运 be in the dark蒙在鼓里,不知道 be known to为所熟知 be on a diet正在节食 be prepared for准备做be responsible for对负责任 be sic

4、k of对感到反感 be suitable for适合做be supposed to应该 be up to somebody由某人来决定 be used to习惯于 be worth the money合算 be fore long不久,很快 behind the time(s)落后于时代 believe in相信 believe it or not信不信由你 belong to属于 bit by bit逐步地,慢慢地 black coffee黑咖啡(不加糖,也不加奶的咖啡) blood pressure血压 board a plane上飞机,登机 bookshelf书架 book catal

5、og图书目录 box office售票处 break休息,中断 break down坏了,出故障 break up分手(夫妻或者情人之间)bus fare公共汽车票钱bus station汽车站(一般指发车站或终点站;总站) bus tour乘公共汽车旅行 by all means当然可以;务必;尽一切办法 by and by不久,迟早 by oneself自己一个人,单独Ccall on somebody拜访某人camping trip露营cant help doing不得不忍不住cancel an appointment取消约会care for喜欢carry on继续下去carry out

6、执行,履行cash现金catch up on赶上,补上catch ones eyes吸引的目光,引catch up with赶上change ones mind改变主意check支票check out核实,办理(借、还)手续;植check-out stand(cash desk)付款柜自cheer up高兴起来chemistry lab化学实验室Chinese food中餐chocolate bar巧克力块classical music古典音乐clean out清除,清理出去clean up大扫除,整理一下close to靠近coffee break喝咖啡的休息时间come out出来;出版c

7、ome over过来,拜访come to ones mind想起coffle up来临,发生come up with想出complain about抱怨cost a fortune花大价钱,价格很高cough咳嗽count on依靠,指望course课程cut off电话线断了cot down on削减减少Ddaily necessities日常用品dark side阴暗面day and night夜以继日day in and day out一天又一天deal with应付,处理decide决定dentist牙科医生depend on依靠,依赖deposit存款 dessert点心甜食 dev

8、elop the film冲洗胶卷 dial the number拨电话 dine out出去吃饭 dining car餐车 dinner party晚宴 do ones best尽某人最大的努力 do ones hair做头发 do somebody good对某人有益 do some shopping买东西,购物 do the cooking做饭 do the washing洗衣服 do with处理;凑合用 do without没有也行 dont mention it不用客气,没关系 double room双人间 drive someone out of mind让某人发疯 driver

9、s license驾照 drop In on somebody拜访某人 dry off烘干 due到期的 doe to因为 E eat out出去吃饭 eat up吃光,占用 educational background教育背景 EMS(Express Mail Service)邮政特快专递 end up结束,告终 every now and then有时 every once in awhile有时 every other每隔 extra work额外作业,额外工作 express train快车 F Face to face面对面 fail asleep睡着了 fail不及格 failur

10、e差(不及格)缸from离差得很远 feel well身体好 fever发烧 figure out搞清楚舢ones place代替out(a form)填(表) final exam期末考试financial aid助学金 find out调查,搞清楚 first class一流的,最好的 flight航班 flu流行感冒 fly by(时间)飞逝 for fun为了好玩 for nothing免费 for oneself自己,亲自 for sale出售 for sure肯定,一定 for years很多年,很长时间 from now on从现在开始 from time to time有时 f

11、rom top to bottom到处,从上到下 Ggain some weight胖了一些 gas station加油站 general manager总经理 get a ride with搭的车 get along相处 get along with友好相娃 get away出去 get better康复 get hold of抓住抓到 get out of从当中出来;不再做 get out of bed起床 get over摆脱 get rid of处理掉 get started on开始做 get through完成,做完 get tired of对厌烦 get to找到,到达,赶到 g

12、et to sleep睡觉 get together聚会 get up起床 get used to习惯 getin order将处理,整理 give sb. a hand给某人帮忙,帮某人一把 give sba ride让某人搭车 give up放弃不再做了 grade评分;等级 go ahead继续 go all out全力以赴,鼓足干劲 go Dutch各付各的账(AA制) go for a walk出去散步go on a diet开始节食 go out for dinner出去吃饭 go over复习 go to sleep睡觉 go up上升 H had better do sth最好

13、干某事 hand in交上去 hand out分发 hang up挂了(电话) have a good time玩得愉快 have enough of受够了have had to必须做 have much on ones mind心头有很多事情 have trouble doing做有困难 headache头痛 health center医疗中心 hear from收到的来信 help oneself自己动手 hold up耽误,持续 HR manager人事经理 I if only要是就好了 in a bad(blue)mood心情不好 in a terrible mood心情极糟 in a

14、 good mood心情好 in no good mood没有心情做 in a little while一会儿之后 in a minute一会儿之后in advance提前 in case万一,说不定 in common共同点 in good shape处于很好的状态,身体很好in high spirits喜气洋洋的,兴高采烈的 in low spirits情绪低落(不高兴) in memory of纪念 in no time马上,很快 injection注射 fn spite of尽管 in stock有货 in time及时 interest rate利率 insist on坚持 instead of而没有而不Kkeep all eye on小心,关注keep in shape保持健康(原形)keep it between the two of us这只是你我之间的事情 keep on继续坚持 keep up坚持下去L last call(登机前)最后一次点名 law school法学院 lay off裁员,解雇 leavealone将放在


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