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1、重点语法专攻一. 形容词和副词的比较级 形容词和副词是英语学习中的两个重点。形容词主要是用来修饰名词,说明人或物的性质、 状态和特征。如:beautiful flower漂亮的花。副词是指在句子中表示行为或状态特征的词, 用来修饰动词、形容词、副词、介词短语等,表示时间、地点、原因、程度、方式等。如: work hard 努力工作。关于形容词和副词有两个重点:形容词和副词的倍数表示法以及形容 词和副词的比较级的三种用法。1. 倍数的表示法有三种基本的倍数表示法:(1) A +be +X倍数+as + a形容词或副词原级+ as B其中的倍数如果是2倍就用twice,如果是3倍以上则说成thre

2、e times(four times, five times )。如: My age is twice as old as yours. 我的年龄是你的年龄的两倍大。(2) A +be +X倍数+形容词或副词的比较级+ than B此句的意思是A比B多(高/大/宽)X倍。即A是B的X+1倍。如: China is 22 times larger than Britain. 中国比英国大 22 倍(即和英国的 23 倍一样大)。(3) A +be +X倍数+the +名词(size/ length/ width/ depth weight/ height)+of B 如: My ruler is

3、 three times the length of yours. 我的尺子和你的尺子的三倍一样长。【注意】在倍数表示法中,如果需要跟名词,那么则要把名词放在形容词和第二个as中间。 如: I have three times as big a house as yours. 我有一个和你们家三倍一样大的房子。2. 比较级的三种用法:( 1 )表示 “越来越 ” 基本结构有两种:“比较级and比较级” 如: It is getting warmer and warmer. 天气越来越暖和。【注意】如果是多音节词我们则用more and more”或者“less and less”再加上这个形容

4、词或副 词。English becomes more and more important. 英语越来越重要了。The tests are less and less difficult. 测验越来越不难啦。(2) 表示“越越.”基本结构:the +比较级.,the+比较级。如:The more money he earns, the happier he will be. 钱挣的越多,他就越开心。The harder you study, the better your English will be. 你越努力学习,你的英语就会越好。(3) 表示程度的副词(much, a little.)

5、+形容词或副词的比较级。 在比较级前可以用一个表示程度的副词来修饰,如: even, still, much, far, a great deal, by far, a lot, any, rather等,表示,很、更、非常、十分;slightly, a little, a bit等表示“稍微、有点儿”。【注意】(1) . more 和 less 只能帮助多音节形容词或副词构成比较级,而不能修饰比较级。如:After taking the medicine, he is slightly better now. 吃完药之后,他现在感到稍微好点啦。(2) . many more 和 much m

6、ore 都可以表示“更多的”,但是有所不同。 many more +可数名词复 数: many more candies; much more + 不可数名词: much more pollution。二 以-ed和-ing结尾的形容词形容词的种类很多,其中-ed 和-ing结尾的形容词是高考考查的重点,所以必须掌握它们的 特征和用法。一. 基本特征-ed 结尾的形容词主要用来说明句中的人的情绪变化,说明对某事的感受。常修饰人。译为“感 到的”。如:interested感到有趣的,surprised感到吃惊的,puzzled感到困惑的,tired感到疲惫的, bored 感到无聊的, disa

7、ppointed 感到灰心失望的等。这类形容词常含有被动 的意味。-ing 结尾的形容词主要是用来说明事物的性质和特征,用它来谈论使我们感到有趣、厌烦等 的那个物或事。常修饰物。译为“使人 的,令人 的”。女口: interesting有趣的,surprising 令人吃惊的,puzzling令人困惑的,tiring令人疲惫的,boring令人厌烦的,disappointing令 人失望的等。二. 用法(1)-ing的形容词往往是表示主语的性质,常常修饰物,含有主动的意味;而ed的形容词表 示主语的状态,常常修饰人,含有被动的意味。如:The book is quite interesting

8、.这本书很有趣(书的内容使人觉得有趣)The tiring travel made me tired.这个令人疲惫的旅行让我感到很疲惫(旅行使人疲惫;自己感 到疲惫)(2)-ing结尾的形容词有时也可以表示动作正在进行,或是表示所修饰名词的用途。-ed结尾 的形容词则可以表示动作的完成。这类形容词大多是不及物动词转化而来。a sleeping car= a car which is for sleeping. 房车 boiling water = water which is boiling. 正在沸 腾的水 boiled water = water which has been boiled

9、 烧开过的水(3)一般情况下如果修饰物就用-ing结尾的形容词,而如果修饰人则大多使用-ed结尾的形 容词。若修饰事物,则多为air(神态),appearance(外貌),cry(哭声),face(表情),voice(声音), mood (情绪)等显示某人的情感状况的名词。如:There was a worried look on his face. 他脸上一副担心的表情(是他自己感到担心)He told me the news in a very excited voice. 他声音很激动地告诉了我这个消息。(他很激动) 【注意】做好此类题目的关键在于,要准确判断好所要用的形容词到底是描述名

10、词自身的状 况还是强调这个名词令别的人或物发生的反应。请对比下面的句子:He is frightened. 他很害怕。(自己感到害怕)He is frightening. 他很吓人。(令别人害怕)He is interested in the film.他对这部电影很感兴趣(是自身有兴趣)He is an interesting man. 他是个有趣的人(他能让别人感到有趣)同步练习I. 按要求填空,并选出正确的单词填入下面各句中。动词名词形容词(令人)形容词(感到)puzzle3.puzzling8.1.interestinteresting9.surprise4.6.surprised2.

11、disappointmentdisappointing10.please5.7.pleaseda. Thank you very much for picking me up to the school.It is my .b. His look told us that he was in the book he read.c. To her , she failed to win the first prize again.d. From her eyes, I realized that I made a mistake.e. The surprising news made us .f

12、. My brother shows great in collecting stamps.Answers:1 interest; 2. disappoint; 3. puzzlement; 4. surprise; 5. pleasure; 6. surprisM 7. pleasant; & puzzled; 9. interested; 10. disappointed.Measure; b. pleased; interested; c. disappointment; d. puzzled; e. surprised; f. interest.II. 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出

13、可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. The homework of todays children is we used to have.A. twice as much asB. as twice much asC. as twice more asD. twice as many as2. It was a job, and I was with it.A. bored; boringB. boring; bored C. bored; bored D. boring; boring3. - I failed to pass the examination again.- Dont lose

14、heart. .A. The more you practice, the good you will beB. The much you practice, the better you will be.C. The better you practice, the more you will beD. The more you practice, the better you will be.4. Because English becomes , we have to study English .A. less important and less important; harder

15、and harderB. more important and more important; harder and harderC. more and more important; harder and harderD. more and more important; more and more hard5. Be careful! Dont stand too close to the .A. fall tree B. falling tree C. fallen tree D. fell tree6. I am quite in the novel, for the main character is an man, in whom I show greatA. interested; interesting; interest B. interested; interested; interesting C. interesting; interested; interestingD. interesting; interesting; interest7. -I couldnt catch you. Would you please


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