黑龙江省大庆市喇中中考英语 考题精选复习1 选词填空30例

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《黑龙江省大庆市喇中中考英语 考题精选复习1 选词填空30例》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《黑龙江省大庆市喇中中考英语 考题精选复习1 选词填空30例(30页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、选词填空30例1、请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。 stomach true she stress Asia+ C9 B) g& J: _6 O9 1. China is one of thecountries in the world.2. When feeling , you can wear white.3. Do you know that a bull has four ?4. To tell you the _, I lost the present May give me yesterday.5. She just wants to make _

2、 look pretty. 答案Asian stressed stomachs truth herself解析1.本句的含义为中国是世界上其中的一个亚洲的国家,故本句空格处填亚洲的形容词Asian。2.本句的含义为当你感到有压力时,你可以穿白色衣服,故本句空格处填压力的形容词stressed。3.本句的含义为你知道公牛有4个胃吗?故本句空格处填胃的复数形式stomachs。4.说实话,我昨天丢掉了梅给我的礼物,故本句空格处填真实的名词形式truth。5.本句的含义为她只是想使她自己看起来漂亮,故本句空格处填她自己的反身代词herself。2、请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空

3、,使句子通顺。promise hold discover reply visit8 K0 a1 g! W, X2 J0 D+ b; G# Z【小题1】She just_ _ that people in the west have 12 star signs.【小题2】 My father _ to celebrate my birthday with me several times but never did it. 【小题3】If I have time, I my grandparents in the countryside this weekend.【小题4】 My penfrie

4、nd to my e-mail every week.【小题5】一Can you hear some students singing in the hall?一Yes. Our school _ a red-song competition there. 答案has discovered promised will visit replies is holding解析1.本句的含义为她刚刚发现在西方人们有12个明星符号,本题表示完成时态的结构,结构为have或has+动词发现的过去分词discovered,故本句空格处填has discovered。2.本句的含义我的爸爸答应庆祝我的生日聚会

5、,故本句空格处填答应或承诺动词的过去式promised。3.本句的含义为如果我有时间,我将看望我的祖父母,故本句空格处填看望的将来是will visit。4.本句的含义为我的笔友每周给我回电子邮件,reply表示回复的含义,故本句空格处填replies。5.本句的含义为我们的学校正在举行一个红歌比赛,本题表示进行时态,故本句空格处填is holding。3、Jack is a businessman. He has three friends. They are Mary, Ann and David. Jack has a car. He drives to work. Mary works

6、 in a hotel. She goes to work on her bicycle. Where does Ann work? She works in a supermarket. She is a clerk. She goes to work by bus. David works in a park, and the park is not far from his home. How does he go to work? He walks to work. The four friends often have parties on weekends. 表示职业的词: 12表

7、示工作单位的词: 345答案【小题1】businessman【小题2】clerk【小题3】hotel【小题4】supermarket【小题5】park解析【小题1】本文中的第一句意思为杰克是一名商人,句中的businessman表示商人的含义,是职业的单词,故本空填businessman。【小题2】本文的第三行有一句She is a clerk.意思为她是一名职员,clerk是职业的单词,故本空填clerk。【小题3】本文第二行有一句Mary works in a hotel.意思为玛丽在一家旅馆工作,hotel表示工作单位的词,故本空填旅馆的单词hotel。【小题4】本文第三行有一句She

8、works in a supermarket.意思为安在一家超市工作,超市supermarket表示工作单词的单词,故本空填supermarket。【小题5】本文第四行有一句David works in a park,意思为大卫在公园工作,公园park表示的工作单位的单词,故本空填 park。4、阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词填空。 Anna comes from Russia. She is 17 years old. Shes going to stay with the Black family for a year. Anna comes to England because she

9、 wants to study English. She helps Mrs. Black(1)_ housework and goes to English (2) _ every Wednesday and Friday afternoon.Anna is now in London. Everything is new to her. She finds life is (3) _from that in Moscow. Some things are great in London, but many things are not so nice. The shops are (4)

10、_ in London than those in Moscow. But its very expensive to (5) _ breakfast in London.答案【小题1】with【小题2】class【小题3】different【小题4】bigger【小题5】have解析【小题1】help sb.with sth.“帮助某人某事”所以填with。【小题2】English class“英语课”,所以填class【小题3】be different from“和不同”所以填different【小题4】be bigger than“比大”,所以填bigger。【小题5】have brea

11、kfast“吃早饭”所以填have。5、根据句意,从方框中选用合适的动词并用其适当形式完成下列句子,其中有两个词是多余的。be, die, help, forget, come, repair, cry% Q% d/ S) c. G【小题1】Its very _ to read something.【小题2】Look! Here _ the school bus.【小题3】We all think the machine needs_.【小题4】If I _ a rich man ,1 would donate all my money to the charity.【小题5】His uncl

12、e has_ for seven years. 答案【小题1】helpful【小题2】comes【小题3】repairing【小题4】were【小题5】been dead.6、根据句子意思,从方框中选用恰当的词或短语填空。 stronger, grew into, by, quarrel with, fewer, at the same time, looked up, never, realized2 / d4 U. M1 B: a, 2 K* W* L 【小题1】My school has weeks off in the summertime than Daniels school.【小

13、题2】Xi Wang a healthy young giant panda and weighed 35 kilograms.【小题3】Daniel is very clever, but he shows off.【小题4】This CD-ROM helps you learn English testing your knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary.【小题5】To tell you the truth, sometimes I my cousin Shirley.【小题6】You cant sneeze and keep your

14、eyes open .【小题7】Later, the government it was a very serious problem and took action to reduce the pollution.【小题8】The spirit of the Olympics is “Swifter, higher, .” 答案【小题1】fewer【小题2】grew into【小题3】never【小题4】by【小题5】quarrel with【小题6】at the same time【小题7】realized【小题8】stronger解析【小题1】我们学校暑假的休息时间比丹尼尔学校的少,用比较级fewer【小题2】希望长成了一个健康的年轻熊猫:grew into【小题3】考查副词:丹尼尔很聪明,但从不炫耀:never【小题4】考查介词:by doing通过做【小题5】考查词组:quarrel with和争吵【小题6】考查介词短语:at the same time同时【小题7】考查动词:后来政府开始意识到这是很严重的问题:realized用过去式【小题8】奥运的精神是“更快,更高,更


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