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1、1They want to know _ do to help us. (NMET) A. what they can B. how they can C. how can they D. what can they 析:此题要选陈述语序项,故应排除C、D。又因how they can do不完整,do后无宾 语,故也应排除,只有A项既是陈述语序,且what they can do完整正确地表达出“他 们能做些什么”这一意思,故答案为A。 2His teacher _ he _ bright and _ he was worth teaching. A.didnt think;was;that

2、 B.thought;was;whether C.didnt think;was; D.thought;wasnt; 析:观察题目,可知think后跟有and连接的两个并列宾语从句,这时前一个宾语从句 的引导语that可以省略,但引导后一宾语从句的that不可省略,据此,可排除C、D 两个选项。若选B项,全句意思不通,而选择A项可表达“他的老师认为他不聪明,不 值得教”这一意思,且语法结构无误,故可定A是正确答案。 3_ is done cannot be undone. A.How B.That C.What D.Where 析:do一般作及物动词使用,从题干看,需选一词作主语(逻辑上是do

3、ne的宾语)。 而A.How,D.Where均是副词,不能作主语,故应排除。B项that一词只能在定语从句 中作主语,不能在主语从句中作主语,也应排除。只有选what(the thing that),才 能正确表述“凡是做的不可不做”这一意思。 4Take care _ you dont make mistakes in the coming exam. A.of that B.about that C.for what D.that 析:take care是“注意”、“当心”意,后面可跟that引导的宾语从句来表达“当心 不要”意思,据此,该题应选D。 5To his surprise,th

4、e umbrella was not _ he had put. A.which B.where C.the place D.that 析:观察题干,was not后是表语,根据where在表语从句中相当于in/at the place where, 将其置于空白处则可表达“伞不在他当初放的地方”这一意思,而C选项缺少词,不可 选。A、D项皆不合用。 6_ we cant get seems better than _ we have. A.what;what B.what;that C.that;that D.that;what 析:此题显然是要表达“我们得不到的东西似乎比我们得到的东西好。

5、”这一意思,即 “A seems better that B”结构,根据whatthe thing(s) that这一特点,将其置 于两空白处正好可以表达出前者比后者好这一意思,故答案为A。 7_ well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather. A.If B.Whether C.That D.Where 析:此题depends前的主语从句是一个不肯定的内容,在句首表“是否”意时,只能用 Whether,不可用If。故答案为B。 8_ they are most interested in is _ they can produce more a

6、nd better cars. A.That;how B.What;how C.What;what D.That;that 析:is前面是一个主语从句,要表达“他们最感兴趣的(东西)”这一意思,只能选what 填入空白;is是表语从句,显然只有选how才能表达“如何生产更多更好的汽车”,故 答案为B。 9He made a suggestion that the English test _ until next Wednesday. A.will be put off B.be put off C.will put off D.put off 析:suggestion,order,adivc

7、e等词后的同位语从句谓语要用(should)do的形式,且 该句中test与put off为被动关系,故选B。 10I dont think _ he said something like that is right. A.that B.what C.whether D.when 析:此句think后是一宾语从句,这个宾语从句的主语在is之前,它是一个被动句。 因为he said something like that已经含有主、谓、宾、状等成分,只有选不表意义, 不做成分的that才合适,故选A。 定语从句考点分析 1 The best work _ Luxun wrote and _ I

8、 have read has been made into a film. A.which;that B.that; C.;that D.; 析:如果两个定语从句并列,关系代词作宾语时前一句的可以省略,但后一句的不可省略,故应选C。 2 It was in 1969 _ two Americans got to the moon by space ship. It was 1969 _ two Amerians got to the moon by space ship. A.when B.which C.that D. 析:第一句是强调时间in 1969,强调结构是“It was强调部分th

9、at句”,故应选C。第二句It是表时间的,先行词1969在从句中作状语,故选A。 3 Is this the house _ Shakespeare was born? A.at which B.which C.in which D.at where 析:观察题目,空白处只有填in which或where才能表达“这是莎士比亚出生的房子吗?”这一意思,故答案为C。 4 Is this house _ Shakespeare was born? A.where B.which C.in which D.at which 析:将此句变为陈述句;This house is _ Shakespeare

10、 was born.显然is后是一表语从句,只有选where(the place where)才能表达“这是莎士比亚的出生地”这一意思,故答案为A。 5 In the dark street,there wasnt a single person _ she could turn for help. A.to whom B.of whom C.from whom D.that 析:“介词关系代词”要考虑短语搭配或与先行搭配,这道题短语turn to有关,故 应选A。 6 The two things _ they felt very proud were Jims gold watch and

11、 Dellas hair. Aabout which B.of which C.in which D.for which 析:涉及be/feel proud of短语,故答案为B。 7 Have you ever asked him the reason _ may explain his being late. A.why B.that C.for which D.what 析:此题易误选A、C,因为先行词是the reason,但细观察分析,定语从句缺少主语,所以答案是B。注意what不能引导定语从句。 8 Farming is difficult _ there is no rain.

12、A.where B.in place C.that D.the place where 析:因为difficult是形容词,故其后不是定语从句。这儿的空白处应填引导状语从句where(in the place where),全句表达“在没有雨水的地方耕种困难”。这一意思,可见答案为A。 9 We need the same machine _ in your factory. A.which is being used B.as is being used C.that is being used D.as it is being used 析:根据“the same先行词”后跟as引导定语从

13、句的原则,可知答案为B。 10_ the people,not things _ are most important. A.There are;who B.Those are;that C.It is;that D.It was;who 析:仔细观察分析题目,可知只有C构成强调句才有成立。当我们要检验视其为强调 句的判断是否正确时,只要将“It is (或was)that”这三个词去掉,剩下部分读 起来正确无误,则证明判断是正确的,反之是错误的。此题如不填“It isthat” 三词,句子是The people,not things are most important.语义完整正确,说明选 C是对的。


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