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1、JS+(3 )对话文本主持人:你好,很高兴你能来到演播室和大家分享你的经历。几乎所有吸烟的人都知道烟草对健康的危害,也有许多人尝试过戒烟,或正打算开始戒烟,但真正能戒掉的人却很少,请问 你在戒烟前有多长的烟龄? /Hello, welcome to our studio to share your experiences with usAlmost all smokers know how smoking hurts their health and manyhave tried or are planning to quit, but only a few have succeeded. H

2、owlong had you been smoking before you quit it?Evans: Well, this year I amturning 48 and I have been smoke-free for 2 years. My first cigarette was at the age of 14.Now you can do the math. Quitting smoking may be the best and most rewarding decision that r ve ever made although the process is pains

3、taking. /伊文斯:今年我就48岁了 ,戒烟已经有两年了。 我14岁开始 抽烟,你可以算出我的烟龄。尽管过程很痛苦,但是戒烟是我做过的最正确也最有价值的决定主持人:是的,我想不吸烟的人很难想象戒烟有多难,而吸烟的人也无法得知戒烟成功后的舒适感。你提到开始吸烟是在青少年时期,能说说为什么会想学抽烟吗? /Host: Yes, I think nonsmokers cannot imagine how difficult quittingsmoking is, neither do smokers know the comfortableness when they manage to gi

4、ve it up. You said you started smoking when you were ateenager. Can you tell us why you developed an interest in smokingEvans: My father was well-liked and influential in thecommunity. He also was a smoker. So I attempted to be more like my father, which naturally includedsmoking cigarettes.伊文斯:我父亲在

5、我们那一带很有威望,他也抽烟。我努力成 为和他一样的人,所以会效仿他吸烟。At that time I believed that smoking makes me appear mature and Independent. I think that family history influences whether or not a child becomes a smoker. Children often copy what they see their parents do. /那时我认为吸烟可以使我看上去更加成熟和独立。在我看来,家庭在很大程度上会影响孩子是否吸烟,因为孩子通常会模

6、仿父母的法。主持人:你提到了一个很值得关注的事实,那就是青少年吸烟的诱因多为环境因素,如家庭成员间的相互影响或是来自同 龄人的群体压力。有许多人是在参军后或是在学校的集体宿 舍里学会吸烟的。Host: You mentioned a noteworthy fact: for teenagers, their incentive to smoke mostly lies in the environment such as interaction among family members or peer pressure. Many people learn to smoke after joi

7、ning the army or when staying in the dormitory.那你为何会在吸烟30年后戒烟呢?是什么促使你改掉了这么 多年的老习惯?成功戒烟后感觉如何?/Why were you determined to quit after thirty years? What prompted you to break with your old habit? How did you feel after you managed to kick thehabit?Evans: I was determined to do so the moment I noticed t

8、he damage from smoking started causing healIth problems. Quitting was hard- nicotine patches and sugar-free gum helped me - but my health continues to be a big motivator.伊文斯:当我意识到吸烟会引发健康问题的时候就决定戒烟了。这个过程是痛苦的,戒烟贴片和无糖口香糖帮助了我,不过一直以来最大的动机还是保持身体健康Since I quit smoking, I have been able to make other import

9、ant changes to improve my health. I became an avidcyclist and began riding several miles per day. Its a real accomplishment for me. Now I still make a point to ride 9 or 10 miles every day for exercise .I also enjoy swimming and do some sort of cardiol exercise every morning.戒烟成功后,我调整了我的生活以改善健康。我爱上了

10、骑自行 车,每天都要骑行数英里。对我来说这是个了不起的成就。现在我每天都要骑行九到十英里。我也喜欢游泳,每天早上还会 做各种有氧动。主持人:你的健康意识值得大家学习,不仅成功戒烟,还养成了 定时健身的好习惯。看来吸烟者的自我意愿很重要 ,内在动力 可能比外在压力更有说服力。最后请你给那些想过戒烟却迟 迟没能采取行动的人一些建议。/Host: Your awareness of health is worth learning. It helps you quit smoking and establish the habit of exercising on a regular basis.

11、Therefore will plays an essential role because self-motivation works better than external pressure. Before we finish, can you give some advice to people who want to quit but havent done anything yet?Evans: I want to send a message to people who thinksmoking isnt going to hurt them just because they

12、havent experienced a smoking-related health problem yet. If you smoke, you should quit. Maybenothing really bad has happened yet, maybe yourelucky, but youre probably not going to stay lucky. / 伊文斯:我想说,很多人认为吸烟不妨碍健康是因为他们还没 有患上相关疾病。如果你在吸烟,就应该马上戒掉。可能最坏 的事情还没有发生,目前来看你还很幸运,但是你不会一直幸 运下去主持人:好的,最后我同大家分享一下专家

13、建议的戒烟流程:首先把你想戒烟的原因写下来,越明确越好,如我的太太怀孕了 , 吸二手会影响婴幼儿发育;然后提醒自己戒烟的过程是痛苦的,但只要坚持大约两周,强烈的不适感就会消失;Host:Alright. In conclusion I would like to share with you the smokequitting procedure recommended by experts. First, write down reasons for quitting, the clearer, the better. For instance, my wife is pregnantsec

14、ond-hand smoking will damage infant development. Then, remind yourself that the process wont be easy, but as long as you hold on for two weeks. the intense discomfort will disappear.接下来请尽可能寻求帮助,如看医生、寻找替品、请家人帮忙 监督、向戒烟成功人士取经等 ;最后当你下定决心戒烟时,就 坚决吸,一根也别吸。感谢你的参与,谢谢大家! /Next, try your best to ask for help.

15、You can see a doctor, find some substitutes, turn tofamily members for supervision and draw experience from successful quitters. Finally, when you have made up your mind, never smoke again, not even one cigarette. Thanks for your participation. Thank you allEvans: Its a pleasure that I can offer som

16、ething to help peoplequit smoking. Thank you for having me here. /伊文斯:非常高兴能够和大家分享我的戒烟经历。谢谢!3.对话口译:戒烟行动Host:Hello, welcome to our studio to share your experiences with usAlmost all smokers know how smoking hurts their health and manyhave tried or are planning to quit, but only a few have succeeded. Howlong had you been smoking before you quit it?伊文斯:今年我就48岁了 ,戒烟已经有两年了。 我14岁开始 抽


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