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1、动词时态语态练习1. Idontthinkshellbeupset,butIllseeherincase_. A.shell B.sheis C.shedoes D.shewould2. WhatIwasuncertainabout_whethertheycouldovercomethedifficulties. A.isB.willbeC.hadbeenD.was3. Eachtimeyoulookatanobject,you_apicture. A.tookB.aretakingC.takeD.havetaken4. .“Haveyougonetoseethedoctor?” “No,bu

2、t _.” A.IgoB.IamgoingtoseeC.IgotoseeD.Imgoingto5. Hedidnotarriveuntilthemeetingwasnearlyover,forthesimplereasonisthathe_ asleepwhilewatchingtelevision.A.hadfallenB.hasfallenC.fellD.wasfalling6. Thegovernment_toapprovetheuseofwidespreadsurveillancewhenthe JusticeDepartmenttookobjections. A.isgoingB.h

3、adbeenC.wasaboutD.iscoming7. Inthelongrunyourmoney_inbonds. A.wasmoresafelyinvested B.ismoresafelyinvestedC.willbemoresafelyinvested D.aremoresafelyinvested8. We_ontheprojectbytheendofnextweek. A.shallhavefinishedtowork B.shallfinishtowork C.shallhavefinishedworking D.shallfinishworking9. Theory_wit

4、hpractice. A.mustbecombining B.mustcombineC.musthavebeencombined D.mustbecombined10. Mydictionary_,Ihavelookedforiteverywherebutstill_it. A.haslost,dontfindB.ismissing,dontfindC.haslost,haventfoundD.ismissing,haventfound.11. -Yourphonenumberagain?I_quitecatchit. -Its69568442. A.didntB.couldnt C.dont

5、 D.cant12. _thatdresswhenIfirstsawyouatthestation? A.WereyouwearingB.HaveyouwornC.DidyouwearD.doyouwear13. Myuncle,Sam,_managerofthefirm. A.hasjustmadeB.isjustbeingmadeC.hasjustbeenmadeD.isjustmade14. She_hermothersworksinceshewasadmittedintohospital.A.isdoing B.hasbeendoing C.hasdone D.hasbeendone1

6、5. Everythingontheearth_allthetime. A.ischangingB.ischangedC.haschangedD.hasbeenchanged16. It_everydaysofarthismonth. A.israiningB.rainsC.hasrainedD.hasbeenrained17. Thelittlegirl_bythedrug-pushertocarrydrugsintothecountry. A.wasmadeuse B.wasmadeused C.wasmadeuseof D.wasmadeusedof18. They_withusfort

7、hetimebeing. A.wouldstay B.willstay C.havebeenstaying D.willbestaying19. Shetoldmethatherproposal_. A.neededtotakeintoconsiderationB.neededtobetakenintoconsideration C.neededtobetakingintoconsiderationD.neededtohavetakenintoconsideration20. The police found that the house _ and a lot of things _.A.

8、has broken into; has been stolen B. had broken into; had been stolenC. has been broken into; stolen D. had been broken into; stolen21. 下列四句是“这本书我已经买了三个月了。”的英译文,哪一种不对? A.I have had this book for three months B.I have bought this book for three months C.I bought this book three months ago D. It is thr

9、ee months since I bought this book22. My pictures _ until next Friday.A. wont develop B. arent developed C. dont develop D. won t be developed23. I found an aspirin bottle _dropped on the floor of Davids room.A. was B. had C. had been D. is24. You ought to have put the milk in the refrigerator, now

10、_sour.A. I smell B. it is smelt C. it smells D. it is smelling25. To get a better view of the stage, _.A. our seats had to be changed B. our seats were changedC. we had to change our seats D. our seats were changed by us 26.The elephant _ hours ago by the keepers. A. ought to be fed B. might be fed

11、C. ought to have been fed D. should be fed27. Use must _the thermal energy stored underground in the form of natural gas or hot water. A. be made of B. make of C. be made into D. made into 28. This _tremendous changes in many of our products. A. has been resulted in B. has resulted in C. results in

12、D. has resulted from 29. When the fire broke out, _. A. the house became emptying B. the house had emptied C. the house was made empty D. the house had emptied30. The teacher could not make himself _ attention to because the students were so noisy. A. paid B. pay C. to pay D. to be paidBDBDA CCCDD AACBA CCDBB BDBCC CABCA



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