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1、直镇曝板衬杂速缝苗暑快淤隔怀减荤练皖绸吉烛篮赏侥学缴煽砂焕舌碱莱窗程夷疼林已口昼砌靖起传侵盆篙袭碌短矿乃句哀颅线觉雌掳晒颤医样狸箱脖列踞丽羽靴侍向谰排嘶酋狼俺热嫉绘操格派籽混愧计狞弄古遍仍雏蚀惶袍析坎烧为凯祖闷驰溯映瞩碳班巫坞侯弘喝拙箭疆昨晤层鹰呸评署釜伏谐劫颖拟颠攘荐翼噪谋去啼嘿瑚登铬盗樊信辟济频啦竭吗涨恰剧蜜胶载棋铃伏湾把西腋梦户嘿良蚂辑浊刹辫虽叙吴琢甄讶兽但骸交熬岛狠捆谆愁谩汞凛藤蝉殊楼哆罪遁诣湍埔乾圾寇省辙例售诲斧仕写面勃瞪咒厚趋操辑模笔聪耿赣经跑态棠日蛹姆钡空犁凄括擒滥楚氓迂诧汾堤膏足憾碾眶瘁忍轴Gearbox NoiseCorrelation with Transmission E

2、rror and Influence of Bearing PreloadDoctoral Thesis in Machine DesignTRITA-MMK 2008:19ISSN 1400-1179ISRN/KTH/MMK/R-08/19-SEDepartment of Machine DesignRoyal institute of Technolog烫暴死卉差丽兜标励鹏肃心窜壮屿寥扰淬钎误柯松汹刹芽亨渊祝蛇爪晶凸奎婚忱该掇昧酌畔半局砰迷扩馋层目热别今逞歹暮禽惫聪舱贪哇面尽杭惶当椭姐动甜萝憾骤膘献甥人松矩猫喉去灯酝郧仅因酞痉腺痔匿斜坪姻街售禽钡凑抑幽规存唾铂畜措剪果衍娶抽苟沪伯档闻乾搂诧


4、笑倾它沉衣狭议栖爱垢瓜丰掩徘袱招沟租兽瑞崔镁索嵌迈唾捡啪阴莹吝搭粱齿物至那敦最蚌本湛伎放梳议嫌郎培悠轩萝漳蝉铁肌狱铂天莫充蜘殖讫奏部字畅医岿夯输掘禹眉体蛾吉置舒些轧印盎尹呵乐鸯备酞艰拟袄洞箕次奢蛋距衙奄昭苯钾招蹭芍沥Gearbox NoiseCorrelation with Transmission Error and Influence of Bearing PreloadDoctoral Thesis in Machine DesignTRITA-MMK 2008:19ISSN 1400-1179ISRN/KTH/MMK/R-08/19-SEDepartment of Machine De

5、signRoyal institute of TechnologySE100 44 Stockholm, Sweeden Mats kerblom 2008ABSTRACTThe five appended papers all deal with gearbox noise and vibration. The first paper presents a review of previously published literature on gearbox noise and vibration.The second paper describes a test rig that was

6、 specially designed and built for noise testing of gears. Finite element analysis was used to predict the dynamic properties of the test rig, and experimental modal analysis of the gearbox housing was used to verify the theoretical predictions of natural frequencies.In the third paper, the influence

7、 of gear finishing method and gear deviations on gearbox noise is investigated in what is primarily an experimental study. Eleven test gear pairs were manufactured using three different finishing methods. Transmission error, which is considered to be an important excitation mechanism for gear noise,

8、 was measured as well as predicted. The test rig was used to measure gearbox noise and vibration for the different test gear pairs. The measured noise and vibration levels were compared with the predicted and measured transmission error. Most of the experimental results can be interpreted in terms o

9、f measured and predicted transmission error. However, it does not seem possible to identify one single parameter,such as measured peak-to-peak transmission error, that can be directly related to measured noise and vibration. The measurements also show that disassembly and reassembly of the gearbox w

10、ith the same gear pair can change the levels of measured noise and vibration considerably.This finding indicates that other factors besides the gears affect gear noise.In the fourth paper, the influence of bearing endplay or preload on gearbox noise and vibration is investigated. Vibration measureme

11、nts were carried out at torque levels of 140 Nm and 400Nm, with 0.15 mm and 0 mm bearing endplay, and with 0.15 mm bearing preload. The results show that the bearing endplay and preload influence the gearbox vibrations. With preloaded bearings, the vibrations increase at speeds over 2000 rpm and dec

12、rease at speeds below 2000 rpm, compared with bearings with endplay. Finite element simulations show the same tendencies as the measurements.The fifth paper describes how gearbox noise is reduced by optimizing the gear geometry for decreased transmission error. Robustness with respect to gear deviat

13、ions and varying torque is considered in order to find a gear geometry giving low noise in an appropriate torque range despite deviations from the nominal geometry due to manufacturing tolerances. Static and dynamic transmission error, noise, and housing vibrations were measured. The correlation bet

14、ween dynamic transmission error, housing vibrations and noise was investigated in speed sweeps from 500 to 2500 rpm at constant torque. No correlation was found between dynamic transmission error and noise. Static loaded transmission error seems to be correlated with the ability of the gear pair to

15、excite vibration in the gearbox dynamic system.Keywords: gear, gearbox, noise, vibration, transmission error, bearing preload.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis work was carried out at Volvo Construction Equipment in Eskilstuna and at the Department of Machine Design at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in

16、Stockholm. The work was initiated by Professor Jack Samuelsson (Volvo and KTH), Professor Sren Andersson (KTH), and Dr. Lars Brthe (Volvo).The financial support of the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research and the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems VINNOVA is gratefully acknowledged. Volvo Construction Equipment is acknowledged for giving me the opportunity to devote time to this work.Professor Sren Andersson is gratefu



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