The Feminist Image and Causes of Scarlett in Gone

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1、CONTENTSAbstract.1Introduction2Chapter1 Margaret Mitchell and Southern Womanhood.4 1.1 Margaret Mitchell.4 1.2 Southern Womanhood 6Chapter 2 Feminist Image of Scarlett OHara.6 2.1 Capability of Changing with Time.11 2.2 Her Persistent Pursuit of True Love.14 2.3 Positive Attitude towards Saving Tara

2、 .17Chapter 3 Reasons of the Formation of Feminist Image in Gone with the Wind.22 3.1 Inner Factor.223.2 Outer Factors.22Conclusion.25Notes.27Bibliography.28Acknowledgements29The Feminist Image and Causes of Scarlett in Gone with the WindWu Jing(Foreign Language Department, Hunan City University, Yi

3、 yang, Hunan 413000, China)Abstract: In 1936, Margaret Mitchell immediately became a renowned author after the publication of her masterpiece Gone with the Wind. This novel stirred America and sold well after many years, so it owns a lot of readers. In the novel, the unyielding Scarlett, main female

4、 character, shakes our hearts and inspire our spirit. This thesis mainly focus on the feminist image of Scarlett. By analyzing the causes for the formation of Scarletts feminist image, the thesis shows that Scarlett is an independent, brave and far-sighted Southern new woman. All these characteristi

5、cs are related to the Civil War, the life environment and love for Ashley.Key Words: Gone with the Wind; Scarlett; feminist perspective; feminist leaning 摘要:1936年,随着飘这部小说的出版, 玛格丽特米切尔立刻家喻户晓。此书当时轰动全美,多年后仍畅销不衰,赢得众多读者。书中,女主人公斯嘉丽不懈地拼搏奋斗,给人以极大的心灵震撼和精神鼓舞。这篇论文主要讨论斯嘉丽的女性形象。通过分析斯嘉丽女性形象的形成原因,本论文讲述了斯嘉丽是一位独立,勇敢,

6、有远见的南方新女性。这一女性形象的形成与内战,生活环境和对阿希礼的爱有关。 关键词:;斯嘉丽,女性观;女性主义意识 Introduction When Gone with the Wind was first published in 1936, it set up a new sales record of 50,000 copies in one day and 1.5 million copies in the first year of its publication. Margaret Mitchell, the author of the enormously popular no

7、vel Gone with the Wind, won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937. The novel is filled with the authors own experience of her life. An important element of the storys popularity is its successful portrayal of Scarlett OHara, an impressive female character. Gone with the Wind is one of the most popular American

8、 novels in China. Since 1940 when its first edition of Chinese version was published, Gone with the Wind has gained an enthusiastic reception and has been the focus of the study of many scholars. The studies of the novel are concerned with various topics, such as the glamour of the novel, its themes

9、, characterization, and archetypes. Through reading those studies with the diversified focuses, the readers will benefit a great deal since they will have the chances of getting to know this character from different perspectives. The writer of this thesis is surprised at the amount of explicit criti

10、cism of womans role in Southern society. In effect, Scarletts conflict with the moves of her time is abundant in the novel. To better study the image of Scarlett and the reasons of formation of her feminist image, the writer will apply a feminist approach to this thesis. The principle objective of f

11、eminist criticism has always been practical: it seeks to expose, not perpetuate, patriarchal practices. Feminism is closely related to womans struggle for social, political, and economic equality of men and women. The thesis is made up of three chapters. Chapter one is about Margret Mitchells growin

12、g process related to the formation of feminist perspective and traditional Southern womanhood. Through the novel, instead of singing a compliment song for the past, she condemns the old South and reveals that Southern womanhood is endangering society and suppressing woman. Chapter two deals with the

13、 feminist image of Scarlett OHara. She is brave, strong-minded and independent. Chapter three analyzes the reasons of the formation of her feminist image. It is related to the Civil War, life environment and her love for Ashley. To sum up, Scarlett is a heroic female. She is brave enough to walk out

14、 of the house and enters into the “patriarchys world” and competes against men for survival. Chapter 1Margaret Mitchell and Southern Womanhoodsss1.1 Margaret Mitchell Mitchell, rebellious from her childhood, turned out to be a strong-willed woman writer, not a Southern lady. In her youth, she adopte

15、d her mothers feminist leanings which clashed with her fathers conservatism. After graduating from the local Washington Seminary, a school for young ladies of gentility, she began in 1918 to study medicine at Smith College. Her mothers death in 1919 caused her father to suggest that she return and become the head of the house. Her father wished her to become a proper Souther


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