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1、麻田中心学校六年级英语学科电子教案(一)主备教师:侯春娟 上课教师: 时间: 年 月 日 课 题Big cities 班 级六 课 时第三课时 课 型新授课 三 维 教 学 目 标1. Knowledge aims:Students can understand the three postcards;2.Skill aims: Students can match the pictures with the postcards;Know how to write a postcard3. Emotional aims:能结合游戏、表演等灵活多样的课堂活动,激发学习英语的兴趣。 教 学 重 点

2、 Students can understand the three postcards. 教 学 难 点Students can understand the three postcards.教学方法自主学习与探究,小组合作教学用具仪器媒体Cassette ,recorder ,PPT 教 学 反 思教 学 内 容 与 过 程 自 主 学 习Step1: Warm-up1. Read the passage in P6 of Revision12. Say some sentences about this passage to let students to judge3. Read se

3、ntences in P7a to review 合 作 交 流Step2: Presentation1. Open the book to read the content of three postcards free2. Finish the matching exercise3. Check answers and let students share reasons of the answers4. Show difficult and key words and expressions : at the moment, next, guess, Manchester, middle

4、, Well be back, We are going toand teach one by one 5. Read the difficult expressions in pairs then in groups6 .Read following recordingsStep3: Practice1. Read by individuals2. Read in groups3. Read the passages in a whole 教 学 内 容 与 过 程 合 作 交 流 巩 固 延 伸Step4 Production:1.Ask some questions according to the postcards to test students2.Lead students to include the writing form of a postcard 3.Try to write a postcard to your good friend 4 .Choose two postcards they write to the class 板 书 设 计postcardsguess lots of in the middle ofpalace at the moment walk aroundWell be back next


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