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1、粉末成型机C35160粉末成型机C系列1粉末成型机C35160 技术参数内容单位C35160最大压制力KN160最大脱模力KN80压制位置最大支撑力KN50凹模最大返回力KN5.5上凸模冲程mm100上凸模调节行程mm70最大装料高度mm65最大压制行程mm30最大脱模行程mm35顶压行程mm6冲程数n/min12-50电机功率Kw3离合器空气动力Mpa0.55压缩空气需要量L/min225总功率Kw4.55上凸模向下时压力调节范围Mpa0.1-0.55上凸模向下力调节范围N450-2810上凸模向上时空气压力Mpa0.55向上力N1380可调行程mm30最大空气消耗量L/min63机器重量K

2、g1900外形尺寸(长宽高)mm238011251120成型压机S-10A/S-20A(L) 粉末成型机1、按浮动凹模压制系统和脱模位置恒定原理,不管零件的高度、脱模均都在同一位置。 2、使用凹模控制系统实现凹模定位运动,可靠的平面凹模止挡设计,确保了成型件尺寸的精度控制,使密度均匀,产 品坚固可靠。3、连杆驱动系统中的上滑块压制运动,使压机有优越的粉末压制特性。4、为了实现模架的快速更换及最短的停机时间,采用了专用模具更换及模架安装系统,在压机的前面和后面都可以实现模架的更换。5、压机的设计与结构,简单直接,使得城市面运行可靠,并减少了在压制复杂零件时的机器故障。 1. Floating d

3、ie pressing system and Ejection Position Constant(E.P.C)principle where the level of ejection of the part from the press is always the same regardless of the part height.2. Use of the die control system for positive die movement and the secure flat-face die stopper design ensuring accurate control o

4、f part dimensions, uniform density balance and consistant production.3. The upper ram pressing motion is a toggle-link drive system for superior powder compression characteristics.4. For tool changing and setting the dieset system is adopted for quick dieset changeover times and minimum press down-t

5、ime capability, The press can be supplied for dieset changing at the front or the rear of the press.5. The press design and construction is simple and straightforward resulting in reliable operation and reduced mechanical trouble while still maintaining the sophisticated controlled press motions for

6、 the production of intricate and complex parts.6. The press drive and main moving structures are located at the base of the press giving the press a low center of gravity and inherently stable operation.成型压机S-10A/S-20A(L) 粉末成型机 技术参数内容单位S-10AS-20A最大压制力KN100200最大脱模力KN100200最大装料高度mm80100最大脱模行程mm80100上冲


8、S-1 00N(L) 粉末成型机1、按浮动凹模压制系统和脱模位置恒定原理,不管零件的高度、脱模均都在同一位置。 2、使用凹模控制系统实现凹模定位运动,可靠的平面凹模止挡设计,确保了成型件尺寸的精度控制,使密度均匀,产品坚固可靠。3、连杆驱动系统中的上滑块压制运动,使压机有优越的粉末压制特性。4、为了实现模架的快速更换及最短的停机时间,采用了专用模具更换及模架安装系统,在压机的前面和后面都可以实现模架的更换。5、压机的设计与结构,简单直接,使得城市面运行可靠,并减少了在压制复杂零件时的机器故障。6、压机的驱动及主要运动构件安装于压面的下部,使压机重心低,运行稳定。 1. Floating die

9、 pressing system and Ejection Position Constant(E.P.C)principle where the level of ejection of the part from the press is always the same regardless of the part height.2. Use of the die control system for positive die movement and the secure flat-face die stopper design ensuring accurate control of

10、part dimensions, uniform density balance and consistant production.3. The upper ram pressing motion is a toggle-link drive system for superior powder compression characteristics.4. For tool changing and setting the dieset system is adopted for quick dieset changeover times and minimum press down-tim

11、e capability, The press can be supplied for dieset changing at the front or the rear of the press.5. The press design and construction is simple and straightforward resulting in reliable operation and reduced mechanical trouble while still maintaining the sophisticated controlled press motions for t

12、he production of intricate and complex parts.6. The press drive and main moving structures are located at the base of the press giving the press a low center of gravity and inherently stable operation.成型压机S-40N/S-60(L)/S-1 00N(L) 粉末成型机 技术参数内容单位S-40NS-60S-100NS-130NL最大压制力KN40060010001300最大脱模力KN400400

13、500500最大装料高度mm120120130130最大脱模行程mm120120130130上冲行程mm175180200200上冲调节量mm85708082上冲预加载行程mm65658080上冲预加载力KN1.41.955凹模控制力KN5075125125凹模控制调节mm120120145145凹模止挡力KN150300500500凹模止挡调节量mm70709595成品最大尺寸mm100100100100凹模脱模面调整mm20203030过料、欠料(固定)mm5555每分钟压制数s.p.m5-205-205-205-20料靴冲程mm200200200200主电机Kw152222离合器空气离合,弹簧刹车变速方式变频器所需工作空气压力Mpa0.5-0.70.5-0.70.5-0.70.5-0.7润滑油池式自动集中润滑成形机净重t5.58.51618外形尺寸(高宽深)mm317018651592335020801710415527801801415527801801成型压机IE-10/IE-20/IE-40/IE-60 粉末成型机 1、采用更换式模架,并可与S系列压机的模架进行交换通用。2、与其它高速粉末成形机相此,它有较大的装料高度使成形的产品品种更为广泛。3、因配置了凹模止档和凹模控制装置不何能生产多台陛



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