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1、编号:0813508 北京工商大学嘉华学院金融理财实务课程论文题目 银行理财产品的现状及发展思考 院 (系) 金融与贸易系 专 业 金融学 学生姓名 金毅 成 绩 任课教师 汪连新 2011年 6 月 20 日诚信声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业论文(设计)是我个人在导师指导下,由我本人独立完成。有关观点、方法、数据和文献等的引用已在文中指出,并与参考文献相对应。我承诺,论文中的所有内容均真实、可信。如在文中涉及到抄袭或剽窃行为,本人愿承担由此而造成的一切后果及责任。作者签名: 签名日期:2011 年 6月 20日摘要 近年来为了增加中间业务,拓宽中高端客户市场,大部分商业银行都在大力推出理财产


3、时认真贯彻近期目标与远期目标相结合的根本宗旨。这样才能增强我国银行业的综合竞争力,促进我国金融业的加速发展。 关键词:商业银行;理财产品;通货膨胀;个人理财Abstract In recent years, the middle of the business in order to increase and broaden the high-end customer markets, most commercial banks are seeking to introduce financial products. Bank of the advantages of this special

4、 distribution channels so that these products can reach into any bank accounts held by individuals, and thus the personal assets of thousands of families have an extremely far-reaching impact. Personal Financial Services Innovation and development is to improve its service functions of the banking i

5、ndustry an important way, the banks and directly reflect the strength of overall competitiveness. Chinas commercial banks began in the 20th century, personal financial management business 90 years, more foreign businesses already developed, China has just started in this field, in the face of todays

6、 traditional business of commercial banks, increasing the risk of increased deposit and loan spreads increasingly narrow, the complexity of foreign banks, pressing harder and harder the situation, commercial banks should deeply reflect on the reasons behind its development. In the student view, city

7、 commercial banks need to urban residents, small and medium enterprises as its market position in the general direction of, adhere to the development of special financial products, attention to active marketing, the use of nepotism marketing, pay attention to personnel training and the introduction,

8、 while earnestly implement the recent the combination of long-term goals and objectives of the fundamental purposes. So as to enhance the overall competitiveness of Chinas banking industry, and promote the accelerated development of Chinas financial industry.Key Words: Commercial Banks;Financial Pro

9、ducts;Inflation;Personal Finance 目 录一、绪论1 (一)课题背景、目的与国内外研究状况1 1.课题研究背景与目的意义1 2.国内外研究状况和研究成果1 (二) 论文主要内容与研究方法2 1.主要内容2 2.研究方法2二、个人理财产品概述2 (一)个人理财产品概述2 (二)商业银行个人理财业务概述3三、我国商业银行个人理财业务存在的问题3 (一)理财产品营销问题3 1.理财产品营销认识存在误区3 2.产品营销缺乏整体策划与创意,存在片面性4 3.理财产品单一,创新不够,缺少主导品牌4 4.营销人员素质参差不齐4 (二)市场环境建设问题4 1.信息透明度不够4 2

10、.商业银行的政策体制问题4 3.道德风险体系面临考验4 4.没有建立完善的信息披露机制5四、商业银行个人理财业务发展的思考与对策5 (一)理财产品营销发展策略5 1.牢固树立以客户为中心的商业银行经营理念5 2.科学细分客户市场,合理进行市场定位5 3.大力开发商业银行理财产品,加强品牌效应5 4.完善产品营销的组织体系及其考评机制6 (二)市场环境建设发展策略6 1.建立完善的事前、事中、事后信息披露机制6 2.加强跨行业的合作,丰富理财业务6 3.加大银行理财人员的业务培训,引导消费者树立正确的理财意识7 4.充分地向客户提示理财产品的风险7五、对商业银行理财产品未来发展方向的思考7 (一)提升理财产品附加值7 (二)理财产品的专业化与集成化7结论7参考文献8一、绪论我国商业银行个人理财规划行业目前还处于新兴阶段,在这种情况下,作为近年来我国金融创新的主力军,商业银行个人理财产品出现了一些新的特点。(一)课题背景、



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