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1、Unit 2 The United Kingdom【教材分析】本单元的话题是“英国”。通过阅读使学生了解英国的历史和地理位置,国家的构成及名胜古迹。Warming Up 部分要求学生完成一项小测试任务,了解学生对英国的了解,并调动学生积极的思维,激发学生的学习动机。Pre-reading 部分通过三个有关英国的小问题,让学生预测本文的内容,使其大概了解阅读内容。Reading (Puzzles in Geography)从地理、历史、政治、文化等多角度说明了联合王国的形成、发展、以及它的风土人情和人文景观。使学生对英国有一个比较详实的认识,拓宽了知识面,有助于深入地理解和领悟英国语言和英国文化

2、习俗。Comprehending 部分通过练习加强学生对文章的深层理解,训练其概括总结能力。Learning about Language 部分主要突出通过语境运用本单元生词、设计了有关构词法的练习和各种与动词say同义和近义词的练习。语法部分引导学生发现课文中的过去分词用作宾语补足语的例句,设计了较为简单的填空练习和具有趣味性的游戏。练习册还设计了具有实际意义的活动完成一份调查报告。Using Language 部分涵盖了听、说、读、写几个部分。听的部分通过张萍玉与导游之间的对话使学生亲身体验去伦敦旅行的真实情景,既训练他们的听力,又通过回答问题训练他们的分析能力。读的部分主要介绍英国伦敦的

3、一些名胜。通过图片展示,学生图文并茂感受异国文化,增强学生文化意识,培养学生跨文化理解的能力。说的部分主要通过学生表演游客和导游之间的对话的形式完成。通过练习学生可以熟练地掌握因没有听清或听的听懂而请求别人复述的几种表达形式。写的部分要求学生参考所给的形容词和动词,发散思维,把自己收集到的有关某一建筑物或迷人的景观的资料写进学生所在地旅游手册。学生需要用最生动的语言进行描述,以鼓励人们前来旅游观光。Summing Up 部分让学生对本堂课的学习内容进行总结、对学习效果进行评价,判断出哪些部分已经掌握,哪些还需要更多的练习。Learning Tip 部分要求学生在写作之后,主动将所写的文章读给别

4、人听,进行自评和他评,检查文章是否语义通顺,是否有时态和拼写上的错误。【课程标准要求掌握项目】话题:countries of the United Kingdom; the history of the UK.; Union Jack; famous sites in London; 词汇:unit kingdom consist divide puzzle debate clarify relation legal convenience attraction collection construct influence project arrange wedding fold sights

5、eeing available delight tower royal uniform splendid statue communism thrill pot unfair smart suggestion tense consistent error consist of. divide .into break away (from) leave out take the place of break down功能:1. Language difficulties in communication Excuse me. I am afraid I can not follow you. C

6、an you speak more slowly, please? I beg your pardon? / Pardon? What did you mean by. I didnt understand . I am sorry, but could you repeat that? 2. Space: position, direction, distance Wales was linked to . England and Wales were joined to / connected . England is divided into three zones. The zone

7、nearest . is called . The middle zone is called .语法:过去分词做宾语补足语 (the Past Participle as the Object Complement)Period 1 & 2 Warming up & ReadingTeaching aims: 1. Get the students interested in talking about the UK, and at the same time improve their speaking ability.2. Enable them to get some basic in

8、formation about the UK. through reading.3. Improving Ss reading skills such as prediction, scanning, skimming.Teaching difficult and important points:1. Express the ideas freely in English2. Understand the history and the geography of the UK.3. Improve the reading skills.Teaching Methods:Skimming an

9、d task-based activities.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Warming up& lead-in1.Game playingT: Nowadays, traveling abroad are becoming more and more popular. So if you have a chance to go abroad, which country do you want to go most? How much do you know about that country? T: Very good! Just now some of yo

10、u shared your ideas, and now lets play a short game: Guess which country it is! Altogether there are 7 groups, you are asked to choose one item and guess which country it is according to the related information offered to you.1.People-America2.Music-Argentina3.Video-Australia4.Food-Italy5.Shooping-F

11、rance6. Architecture-China7.Poetry-the UKShow some pictures of UK.2. Quiz1. How many countries does the UK consist of ?2. How long does it take to fly from Beijing to London Heathrow Airport?3. Who rules the country?4. What are the provinces called in England ?5. Which is the longest river in Englan

12、d?6. Which is the national flower of the UK?7. Which is the national animal of the UK?8. Which is the bank note of the UK ?9 Where is the capital of each country of the UK?10. Whats the full name of the UK?Step 2 Pre-ReadingBrainstorming :T: Now you have a chance to go to the UK, before you go there

13、 youd better go to the library to search for some information about the country. What kind of information about it you want to find out?S: geography, literature, politics, sports, sightseeings, cultures, ethnic groups, famouscities, food, history, language, fashion, life styles .T: How much do you k

14、now about these?Step 3 Reading1. Fast-reading. 1)Task 1:Question: What kinds of information are mentioned in the text?(sports, geography, history, flag, London, The biggest country England, flag, invasions). 2) Task 2:How many parts can this passage be divided into and what the main idea of each par

15、t is?. Part1(para1-3): How the UK came into being Part2 (para4): England is divided into 3 zones. Part3 (para5-6): The reason why London became the cultural capital of England.2. Careful readingPart 11) T: So could you tell me how many countries the UK consists of and what they are? S: The UK consists of four countries, that is England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.2) T: Then does these



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