《跨文化交际》 名词解释

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《《跨文化交际》 名词解释》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《跨文化交际》 名词解释(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Introduction1. Globalization is considered as a process of increasing involvment in international business operations.经济学视角中的全球化表现为不断增加的国际商务往来过程。2. Macroculture :The term macroculture implies losing ethnic differences and forming one large society.宏观文化意味着种族差异的消失和一个大社会的形成。3. Melting pot means a socio

2、cultural assimilation of people of different backgrounds and nationlities.熔炉:不同背景和国籍的人们之间的社会文化的同化。4. Microcultures:cultures within cultures 微观文化:文化中的文化5. Intercultural communication refers to communication between people whose culture perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the c

3、ommunication event. 跨文化交际:指拥有不同文化认知和符号体系的人文之间进行的交际。 Chapter 16. Culture is a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs,values,and norms,which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people. 文化是习得的一套关于信仰,价值观,规范的公认的解释,这些信仰,价值观,规范对 相当大人类群体的行为产生影响。7. Culture identity refers to ones

4、sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group. 文化身份:指有意识地把自己归为某一特定文化或种族群体。8. Subculture are formed by groups of people possessing characteristic traits that set apart and distinguish them from others within a larger society or dominant culture. 亚文化:具有能在更大的一个社会范围内或主流文化中使自己有别于他人的特点的人类 群体所

5、形成的文化。9. Subgroup are groups with the dominant culture does not agree and with which it has communication problems. 亚群体:与主流文化不一致,并与主流文化有交际障碍的交际群体。10. Rules may refers to socially agreed-on behavior or to individual guidelines for behavior. 规则:社会认同的行为或行为的个体原则。11. Norms are culturally ingrained princi

6、ples of correct and incorrect behaviors which, if broken carry a form of overt or covert penalty. 规范指的是正确和不正确行为根深蒂固的文化原则,这种不正确的行为一旦发生,就意 味着一种显性或隐性的处罚。Chapter 212. Enculturation is the socialization process you go through to adapt to your society. 社会文化适应:人们学习适应自己所在社会的文化的社会化过程。13. Acculturation refers

7、 to an individual s learning and adopting the norms and values of the new host culture. 文化适应:人们学习适应新文化的社会规范和价值观的过程。14. 分隔和隔离 separation and segregation refer to maintaining one s original culture and not participating in the new culture. 在文化适应过程中保留了原有文化,完全没有接受和习得新文化。15. 融合 Integration takes place wh

8、en individuals become an integral part of the new culture while maintaining their cultural integrity integration ensures a continuity of culture. 在文化适应中人们成为新文化的一部分,同时又保留了自己文化的完整性。16. 同化 Assimilation is the degree to which an individual relinquishes an original culture for another .when individuals a

9、re assimilated into a mainstream culture,they lose their previous culture. 人们放弃原有文化,接受新文化的程度一旦被主流文化同化,人们就失去了原有的文化。17. 边缘化 Marginalization or deculturation, refers to losing ones cultural identity and not having any psychological contact with the larger society.人们不仅失去自己原有的文化身 份,而且与广大社会失去了心理联系。18. 文化震

10、荡 Culture shock refers to the traumatic experience that an individual may encounter when entering a different culture.人们在进入一种新文化环境时,遭遇的痛苦和难忘的经 历。Chapter 319. 信息源 source is the person with an idea he orshe desires to communicate. 是具有交际需要和愿望的具体的人。20. 编码 encoding is the process of putting an idea into

11、a symbol. 是指将思想转换成代码的行为过程。21. 信息 message is the resulting object.是交流的内容,编码的结果。22. 渠道 channel 是信息传递的手段。23. 干扰 noise 指任何会曲解信息源所要表达的信息的事情。24. 解码decoing信息接收者在积极参与交流的过程中对所接收到的符号信息赋予意义的过 程。25. 反馈 feedback 指信息接收者的反应被信息源所了解的那一部分反应。26情境context交际发生的环境并且有助于解释交际内容的含义。 Chapter 427. 人际交际 interpersonal communicati

12、on: a small number of individuals who are interacting exclusively with one another and who therefore have the ability to adapt their messages specifically for those others and to obtain immediate interpretaions from the m扌旨少数人之间 的交往他们既能根据对方调整自己的信息,又能立即从对方那里获得解释。28. 内文化交际 intracultural communication

13、is defined as communication between and among members of the same culture .旨同一文化内某成员之间的交际,总的来说,同一种族,政 治倾向宗教,或者具有同样兴趣的人们之间的交际。29. 国家间交际 internation communication 旨国家和政府而非个人之间的交际,此种交际 非常正式和仪式化。30. 跨民族交际 interthnic communication :refers to communication between people of the same race ,but different et

14、hnic backgrounds . 旨同一种族,不同民族背景的人们之间的交 际。31. 跨 种 族 交 际 interracial communication:occurs when the sender and the receiver exchanging messages are from different races that pertain to different physical characteristics.旨信息源和信息来自不同的种族,种族具有不同的身体特征。32. 跨地区交际 interregional communication:refers to the exch

15、ange of messages between members of the dominant culture within a country.指一个国家内主流文化成员之间的信息 交换过程。 Chapter 533. 世界观 worldview :is the belief that we hold explaining the cosmos God,the nature of humanityand nature.指我们持有的对宇宙,神,人本质及自然的最根本的看法。34. 宗教 religion refers to belief in and reverence for a supern

16、atural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe. 对超自然力量宇宙创造者和控制者权力的相信与崇 敬。35. 个人主义individualism:个人利益胜于集体利益,集体主义collectivism:个人融入集体。36. 对不确定因素的回避态度:uncertainty avoidance deals with a societys tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity ;it ultimately refers to man s search for truth. 是关于一个社会对 不确定性和模棱两可的容忍程度。37. 权利距离power distance:组织或机构里边,没有权力的成员对于权力不均等分配接受 和期望的程度。Chapter 638. 感觉



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