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1、公共英语Part I Vocabulary an Structure1. Some companies might not let you rent a car _ you have a credit card .A .where B.since C.because D.unless2.In his opinion,success in life mainly _on how we get along with other people.Akeeps Bdepends Cinsists Dspends3.We_building the bridge by the end of next mon

2、th.A .are finishing B.would finish C.have finished D.will have finished4.Our companys service is _ in nearly 80 countries around the wordAavailable Brelative Cnatural Dcareful5.It was in Johnsons hotel _ the business meeting was held last year.A. this B. that C. what D. which6.It is true that _ drin

3、king is bad for the health .A.sufficient B. little C.enough D.excessive7.Rising prices may _ the rise in demand for these goods.A reflect B remind C convey D explain 8. The airplane arrived one hour behind _.A. plan B.date C.time D.schedule 9. Fresh air,enough exercise and nutritious food _ to good

4、health.A.contribute B.add C.attribute D.distribute10. Our English professor is a man of French _.A.birth B.origin C.source D.breed11. My advice is that she _ to apologize to him.A.go B.where C.which D.when12. After the earthquake, a new school building was put _there had once been a theatre.A.that B

5、.where C.which D.when13. Any man who wants to start a business must have some _.A.currency B. income C.wealth D.capital14. _you decide to do ,you should try to make it a success.A If only B.Unless C.Wherever D.whatever15. If it _ too much trouble Id love a cup of teaAisnt Bwerent Cwasnt Dhadnt been1

6、6. If you dont go. Neither _.A. shall I B. do I C. I do D. I shall17. Dont talk about such things of _you are not sureAwhich Bwhat Cas Dthose18. I dont like _you speak to her.A.the way B.the way in that C.the way which D.the way of which19. After _ seemed ages,the newsman disclosed the facts.A.there

7、 B.which C.what D.what 20. _ has finished the work ahead of time will be rewarded though we dont know who it will be.A.Those who B.Anyone C.Whoever D.No matter who21. Jim was caught _ drugs into the country.A.steal B.smuggling C.smug D.giggling22. The firm will _ the workers _ their loss of job.A.co

8、mpact;with B.conflict C.has kept D.has been kept 23. David sent his girlfriend a ring _ by his grandmother for all her life.A.have kept B.kept C.has kept D.has been kept24. _ from the top of the mountain ,the building looks like a bird nest.A.Viewed B.Viewing C.Been viewed D.Being viewed 25. In the

9、swamp the army _ by mosquitoes.A.was fallen B.was beset C.was worried D.was set26. You didnt take his advice_ his advice, you _ such a mistake.AHad you taken,wouldnt have madeBIf you had taken,would makeCWere you to take, shouldnt have madeDHave you taken,wont have made27. Half of his goods _ stolen

10、 the other day.A.are B.were C.is D.was 28. He asks that he _an opportunity to explain why hes refused to go there.A.is given B.must give C.should give D.be given29. I am sorry that he _ in such poor health.A. are B. shall be C. were D. should be30. The piano in the other shop will be _ ,but _ .Achea

11、per; not as better Bmore cheap; not as betterCcheaper; not as good Dmore cheap;not as good31. _ difficult the task may be,we will try our best to complete it in time.A.No matter B. No wonder C.Though D.However32. The reason is _he is unable to operate the machine.A.because B.why C.that D.whether33.

12、Were talking about the piano and the pianist D were in the concert we attended last night.A. which B. whom C. who D. that34. The girl _ an English song in the next room si Toms sister.A. who is singing B. is singing C. Being written D. was singing35. The first textbook for teaching English as a fore

13、ign language came out in the 16th century.Ahaving written Bto be written Cbeing written Dwritten36. Wed like to do _ we can _ the poor.A.how;helpB.all;to help C.whatever;help D.however; to help37. The defense computers calculate way to _ the enemy missiles.A spoil B. harm Cdestroy Ddamage38. Today,h

14、ousehold chores have been made much easier by electrical _ .Afacilities Bequipment Cappliances Dutilities39. I really appreciate _to help me, but I am sure that I will be able to manage it by myself.A.you to offer B.thar you offer C.your offering D.you to have offered40. _to sunlight for too much ti

15、me will do harm to ones skin.A.Exposed B.Having exposed C.Being exposed D.After being attentionPart II ClozeThe old idea that anyone with a little money can start a business and operate it successfully is no longer invalid(无效果的). An equally important factor is business relations with 41 .It is necessary to know what people want and to make it 42 to then


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