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1、复合句总结复习从句其实就是三个句型的衍生物。掌握了三个句型就已经掌握了从句。名词性从句主系表或主谓宾句型中再套上一个主系表或主谓宾的句子而已。注意中英文表达上的区别并熟记相关连词I know the teacherI know that he is richI know that there is a wallet on the desk.I know that he studies English 由连词that、if、whether 引导的名词性从句 主 语 谓 语 宾语(宾语从句) 每个人都知道 地球 围着太阳 运行。 主 语 谓 语 宾语(宾语从句) Everyone knows th

2、at the earth moves around the sun. 连词 主 语 谓 语 状 语 主语(主语从句) 系 表语 地球围着太阳运行 是 一条真理。 主语(主语从句) 系 表语 That the Earth moves around the sun is a truth.形式主语 系 表 语 主语(主语从句) It is a truth that the Earth moves around the Sun. 主 语 系 表语(表语从句) My idea is that we will go to the Great Wall on Sunday. 我的意思是星期天我们去长城。 主

3、 谓 宾语从句 I wonder if he will come. I wonder whether he will come ( or not ).形式主语 系 表 语 主语从句 It is not clear whether she will come ( or not ).注:whether 可加 or not 而 if 不能。有时我们可以将由whether引导的主语从句放在句首,if则不能。注意 !- 在主语从句中IF不能在句首。1.whether she will come ( or not ). is not clear 2. IF she will come ( or not )

4、 is not clear.下列句子常跟名词性从句I am glad thatI am sorry thatI am sure thatI am afraid that 由连接代词who、whom、what、which、whose、how much、how many ( how often how long)引导的名词性从句 上面列出的连接代词代替从句中的名词或修饰名词的词,有实际词义,不能省略。who - 人(主格,也可用于宾格)whom - 人(只用于宾格)what - 物(主格或宾格)which - 哪一个(名词的定语)whose - 谁的(名词的定语)how many(much) 多少

5、(代替名词或做名词的定语) 主 谓 宾语从句 I dont know who bought(buy)买 the English book. 连接代词做主语(代替人) 谓 宾 主 谓 宾语从句 I dont know what you bought. 连接代词做宾语(代替物)主 谓注意 !- which在名词性从句从不能单独使用,必须在which后加名词,用法同whose, how many(much) 1. I dont know what you bought.2. I dont know which you bought. 主 谓 宾语从句 I dont know whose sister

6、 bought the English book.连接代词做主语的定语(代替谁的) 主 谓 宾 主 谓 宾语从句 I dont know which book you bought. 连接代词做buy的宾语 主 谓 的定语(代替哪一本) 形式主语 系 表 语 主语从句 It is clear who will be our boss. 系 连接代词做 主语(代替人) 主语 系 表语从句 The question is whom we will send there. 连接代词做 主 谓 状 宾语(代替谁) 主语 谓语 宾语从句 Do you know how many books he bou

7、ght yesterday? 连接代词做 主 谓 状修饰宾语 由连接副词where, when, why, how, how often引导的名词性从句 上面列出的连接副词代替从句中副词或介词短语,有实际意义,在从句中做状语,不能省略。where - 地点when - 时间why - 原因how - 方式 宾 语 从 句 He told me that he studied English hard in the university to go abroad five years ago. how where why when 他告诉我,五年前他在大学时,为了出国而努力学习英语。 He to

8、ld me how he studied English in the university to go abroad five years ago.He told me where he studied English hard to go abroad five years ago. He told me why he studied English hard in the university five years ago. He told me when he studied English hard in the university to go abroad.我们同样可以把带有连接

9、副词的句子放在主语或表语的位置上,称为主语从句或表语从句。 主语 系 表 语 从 句 The question is how we can get so much money. 状 主 谓 宾 主语从句 It is not clear where he got the news.形式主语 系 表 状 主 谓 宾注意 !- 熟记下列连词及用法 由连词that、if、whether 引导的名词性从句 由连接代词who、whom、what、which、whose、how much、how many 引导的名词性从句 由连接副词where, when, why, how, how often引导的名词

10、性从句 This(that, it)is + because注意 !- 请同学们将下列练习重新做一遍,这一点非常重要。名词性从句习题2名词从句典型试题1. We were not surprised感到惊讶的 at _, for he had worked so hard. (2000年)A. what has he achieved B. that what he had achievedC. what he had achieved D. that he had achieved2. _ I saw was two men crossing the street. (2001年)A. What B. Whom C. Who D. That3. Mary found it difficult to talk calmly about which she A B C had experienced at the station. (2002年)D



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