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1、UNIT 1TEENAGE LIFE (满分:100分建议用时:50分钟)第一部分单项选择(10分)()1.He was not _ with his grade in the exam and thought he could have done better.AworriedBconfidentCcuriousDcontent()2.To be honest, I prefer _ books _ TV when I am free.Areading;to watchingBto read;to watchingCreading;rather than watchDto read;rath

2、er than watching()3.John _ his job yesterday because he felt it was too stressful.AfinishedBkeptCcontinuedDquit()4.In 1492, Columbus reached _ is now called America.AhowBwhichCwhatDwhere()5.I highly recommended that he _ some kind of exercise in the morning.AdoBdidCdoesDhave done()6._ is not easy fo

3、r the students to remember the words in a short time.AThatBThisCItDWhat()7.If you are interested in the course, you can _ for it.Asign inBsign outCsign upDsign away()8.Im not interested in maths._, I hate it.AFinallyBActuallyCFirstlyDTruly()9.He was so _ to computer games that he failed in the exam.

4、AabsorbedBburiedClostDaddicted()10.The students are having a _ on whether children should attend tutorial classes or not.AquarrelBdebateCfightDstruggle【答案】15DADCA610CCBDB第二部分阅读(20分)AA young girl, who enjoys being the center of attention, may act out for her friends and family.Then one day her mother

5、 tells her to stop being so silly and grow up.This negative attention may make the girl feel ashamed of her behavior and from then on, hold back her free-spiritedness and then go through life feeling as if she cant fully express herself for fear of being laughed at.The girls experience shows how peo

6、ple live with shame when they have been criticized (批评) for just being themselves.When it comes to teenagers, there are times they can be extremely difficult and try their parents patience.When parents become frustrated, they may say things like “I am starting to really not like you.” They may not m

7、ean what they say.They may just be tired of arguing with the teenager and have become emotionally overwhelmed.However, the teenager doesnt know their words are out of frustration, and may feel his parents are telling him theyre sorry they ever had him.The child may conclude that he is a bad person.S

8、uch casual criticism by parents can linger and stick to children like glue.How to make this better? The next time a child shows you a drawing hes done, or sings a song for you in an effort to get your attention, recognize that your response may be extremely important toward the childs willingness to

9、 continue to explore these creative efforts.When a child is dancing and an adult makes fun of him, the negativity he feels can completely shut the child down from that activity, or even worse, fill him with shame as if somethings wrong with him.That is why it is so important for parents to recognize

10、 that children are exploring their world.The more encouragement we have then and the more we keep their sense of whats possible alive, the more likely they will be to explore and find their own enthusiasm in life.They will keep alive their joy and their dreams for the future.As parents, I dont think

11、 we can hope for anything more.()11.How does the author introduce the topic of the passage?ABy describing a scene.BBy giving an explanation.CBy making a comparison.DBy providing an example.()12.What effect can parents mindless criticism have on children?AThey may have a low opinion of themselves for

12、 long.BThey may no longer feel afraid of being made fun of.CThey may want to challenge their parents patience further.DThey may work harder to live up to their parents expectations.()13.What are parents advised to do when a child seeks for attention?APoint out his weaknesses.BProtect his passion for

13、 exploration.CComment on his behaviors.DEncourage his reflection on himself.【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文。作者指出父母无意的批评会让孩子长久以来都看低自己,并建议当孩子寻求关注时,父母应该保护他探索的热情。11D推理判断题。根据第一段第一句“A young girl, who enjoys being the center of attention, may act out for her friends and family.”可知,第一段是讲述一个年轻女孩的经历,根据第二段“The girls experience

14、shows how people live with shame when they have been criticized (批评) for just being themselves.”可知,文章是通过举例来引入主题。故选D。12A推理判断题。根据第三段最后两句“The child may conclude that he is a bad person.Such casual criticism by parents can linger and stick to children like glue.”可知,父母无意的批评会让孩子长久以来都看低自己。故选A。13B细节理解题。根据第四

15、段第二句“The next time a childrecognize that your response may be extremely important toward the childs willingness to continue to explore these creative efforts.”以及倒数第二段“The more encouragement wethe more likely they will be to explore and find their own enthusiasm in life.”可知,当孩子寻求关注时,父母应该保护他探索的热情。故选B。B(2020吉林长春外国语学校高一上学期月考)A typical school day in the UK starts around 8:30 a.m. This is often even earlier elsewhere in the world, with students sitting down to the



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