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1、某有限公司某年xx吨水果和蔬菜深加工项目可行性研究报告项目单位:某有限公司项目建设地点:某市某区石河街道可研报告编制时间:二八年一月目 录第一章 总论11.1项目概要11.2可行性研究报告编制依据31.3综合评价4第二章 项目背景及必要性62.1 项目建设背景62.2 项目建设的必要性8第三章 建设条件113.1项目区概况113.2项目建设条件优劣势分析12第四章 建设单位基本情况164.1建设单位概况164.2研发能力164.3企业财务状况174.4法人代表基本情况174.5公司主要管理人员简历184.6企业文化18第五章 市场分析与销售方案195.1市场分析195.2销售策略、营销方案和模

2、式225.3风险分析24第六章 项目建设方案266.1 建设任务和规模266.2 建设规划和布局266.3 生产技术方案及工艺流程266.4 项目建设标准和具体建设内容276.5 实施进度安排31第七章 投资概算与资金来源337.1投资概算依据337.2投资概算337.3资金来源34第八章 财务评价378.1财务评价依据378.2销售收入、销售税金和附加估算378.3总成本及经营成本估算388.4财务效益分析408.5不确定性分析418.6财务评价结论42第九章 环境影响评价439.1环境影响439.2环境保护与治理措施439.3评价与审批44第十章 农业产业化经营与农民增收效果评价4510.

3、1农业产业化经营4510.2农民增收、农业增效评价4710.3其它社会影响48第十一章 项目组织与管理4911.1组织机构与职能划分4911.2经营管理模式4911.3经营管理措施4911.4技术培训5011.5劳动保护与安全卫生50第十二章可行性研究结论与建议5212.1可行性研究结论5212.2问题与建议52in a bright red dress and long black stockings. Last year in another play, she had to wear short socks and a bright, orange-coloured dress. If

4、anyone ever asked her how old she is, she always answers, My dear, it must be terrible to be grown up!lesson18 He often does this! 他经常干这种事!After I had had lunch at a village inn, I looked for my bag. I had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasnt there ! As I was looking for it, the inn-k

5、eeper came in. Did you have a good meal ? he asked. Yes, thank you, I answered, but I cant pay the bill. I havent got my bag. The inn-keeper smiled and immediately went out. In a few minutes he returned with my bag and gave it back to me. Im very sorry, he said My dog had taken it into the garden. H

6、e often does this.Lesson19 Sold out 票已售完The play may begin at any moment, I said. It may have begun already, Susan answered.I hurried to the ticket-office. May I have two tickets please ? I asked.Im sorry, weve sold out, the girl said.What a pity! Susan exclaimed.Just then, a man hurried to the tick

7、et-office.Can I return these two tickets? he asked.Certainly, the girl said.Could I have those two tickets please ? I asked.Certainly, the girl said, but they are for next Wednesdays performance.I might as well have them, I said sadly.Lesson20 One man in a boat 独坐孤舟Fishing is my favourite sport. I o

8、ften fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry me. Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I am even less lucky. I never catch anything-not even old boots. After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an

9、 empty bag. You must give up fishing! my friends say. Its a waste of time. But they dont realize one important thing. Im not really interested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all !Lesson21 Mad or not? 是不是疯了?Aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad. I live near

10、an airport and passing planes can be heard night and day. The airport was built during the war, but for some reason it could not be used then. Last year, however, it came into use. Over a hundred people must have been driven away from their homes by the noise. I am one of the few people left. Someti

11、mes I think this house will be knocked down by a passing plane. I have been offered a large sum of money to go away, but I am determined to stay here. Everybody says I must be mad and they are probably right.Lesson22 A glass envelope 玻璃信封My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a

12、girl of her own age in Holland. Last year, we were travelling across the Channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a bottle. She threw the bottle into the sea. She never thought of it again, but ten months later, she received a letter from a girl in Holland. Both gir

13、ls write to each other regularly now. However, they have decided to use the post-office. Letters will cost a litt1e more, but they will certainly travel faster. Lesson23 A new house 新居I had a letter from my sister yesterday. She lives in Nigeria. In her letter, she said that she would come to Englan

14、d next year. If she comes, she will get a surprise. We are now living in a beautiful new house in the country. Work on it had begun before my sister left. The house was completed five months ago. In my letter, I told her that she could stay with us. The house has many large rooms and there is a love

15、ly garden. It is a very modern house, so it looks strange to some people. It must be the only modern house in the district.Lesson24 It could be worse 不幸中之万幸I entered the hotel managers office and sat down. I had just lost &50 and I felt very upset. I left the money in my room, I said, and its not there now. The manager was sympathetic, but he could do nothing. Everyones losing money these days, he said. He started to complain about this wicked world but was interrupted by a knock at the door. A



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