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1、安源中学2X-20X学年上学期期中试卷高二英语第一部分:听力(共两节,满分0分)第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话仅读一遍。1.Hwisthewoan tavelig to ParisA. y lane.B.yship. C y bus2. hat e know aboutJckA He mghbe iin hospitl. He has ben arad for long imC. He otensendscardstohi friens.3.What do the woma ean A. tre friend hold tee trutB frd inee i fiendineed. C f

2、end should she theame ea.4 Whad know authe wmaA She ire byhe boss.She is out of worknow.C. She has got a new job.5. ha des ewoan tel the boy to A. Do tehousewor.B. Plyaskbl. Prpa for istest.第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第段材料,回答第6至8题。6. Hw ng have the speakerow echotheA For bout ers. or sen ars.C. o sve

3、rl terms7. What do the sekrs plan o do A Have dinn togethe.B. Hve acls gettoeter. . G o se heir classmats. How i the speaks get i touc withr friends A.y mail. Bye-mailBy elephone.听第段材料,回答第9至11题。9What arethe peaers mainytakn aout . hristmaprese.B. Birthdaypresent.C. A wdding prty.10. What does e om s

4、ugge uyi a firs A.A skrt B.A sweter .Anecklce11. What do e wom sugges th ma do atlast . Wie toShryB.r t hile. C Ivit Sly o aty.听第8段材料,回答第12至4题。12.y oes hewoanrig the mn A. ask i i well.B To invie im tdnne.C okwife is leeping.13. Wht i the an going todo A. Go to bed tonce. akeabath ndwrtetohis parets

5、 C. Do so washig nd it i parents.4.Whnwill the man ing teomn A.This eveningB. fwminuteltrC Tomorrw morning.听第9段材料,回答第5至1题。15.at iste womns elephone numbr A.217446B 4217866C. 417846.6. What doth mainit the womn and av to . toa pnc. Got a rtC. Gotose afilm.hat sthe obable oshp betweente peake A athe a

6、nddaugher. Hsand ndwie.C. Friends.听第10段材料,回答第18至0题。l8.Wen d the speaerseetlast time A.Afewohg.B. bou a ye go.C. everal ear go.19 Whatis relaonshipbetwn ill and Je A. rohrs.B. Ol frns.C. Father adon.20. What doe theman wif lieding A. Gong to schoo.B. Playng tennis.Plyin th pan.第二部分:单项选择2 _ book o he

7、desk s _useul oe. A. Te.an .A.a C.h. D he.2 Dr Ba is a prossr in physcs , e is a faos writA. In all B.Inref C. fat D. I adition23.Do o ko o atheoy abtblackholes -Yes, Itis Stepen Wl Hawking.A.put awa . pt rard C put down D put on. 23. The biig aondth orer cagt fire lstih T plie renow_the mater.A. se

8、eg throgh . wrk out C.ooininto D. looing u2.h wtese h nve a uestoy.A. wih B. o C.n D. aut. Te tlksbeeenthesideshave_ ,adpeopl are orried about smethg wil hpen. A.roken out B brken p C. bokn down D .go down27. Only ithiway_ougoas.wecan reach B. hd we arrivC. anariv D canweeah2 Becae omypo English Im

9、afrai cat ak yslf _y others. A unsta B to udstand C. nesing D. nersood9. He tem broen er ordA. accsed; having. accused; t hveC. slde; o havinD. blame;thv30. Her mother does not of hroing to tudntheUnited State an.AamitB agreeC rov. appr31. Sedm himrecl, for sem epangfor th rject.A. IetB.doImeet I av

10、e meD. hav I met32.He came omyclass verwe, bthis atttue _he wasot elly ineetedithe sbctAexpreed B describd C.explained D. suggsted33.As is knownt l,it is teahes nd pare who willve big _on h developmnt ofchildrenAchang Baffecton Cnluenc Dimpresson4. _, wih stick hisha.A. dd h rush B. sedhe C. he rshd D.he did rush35.-Excuse e, cldyou tllme how to e to Smenta station-_.A. Good idea B No dbt Corry, I a strangerhe D. Thasall iht第三部分:完形填空(共2小题;每小题分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从65各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Thees an inestigstory bout Kng freug hs s. t one time e em wa winng. Alfes odiers aall rnaway, a


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