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1、人教PEP (三起)小学五年级英语下册单元试卷一命=逸人:审题人:二四五六七八九十J0分统分人得分本试卷测试时间为60分钟,满分为100分,其中听力部分 占30分,笔试部分占70分。注意:第五大题迭做秘可以选做一袈.Part I Listening (听力部分,共 30 分)一听录音,逸出你所所到的单词或字母。每个单词读两遍o (10分)B. p.m.)1. A. a.m.C. go fishingC.whyC. take)2. A. go shopping)3. A.what)4. A. walkB. go swimmingB. whenB. work)5. A. lateB. letter

2、C. live二、听句子,将句子前的序号填在相应图片下方的括号里,每个句子读三遍。(10分)it专-W履( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听句子,根据你所听到的内容迭择最佳答语.并将只序号填入题前括号内。每个句子读三fi, (10分)()1. A. At 7:00. B. In (he evening.C. On the weekend.()2. A. My mum worked Iasi night. B. I like shopping. C. Yes. I can.()3. A. A( 6:00 a.m. B. In 6:00 a.m.C. A( 6:00 p.m.()4. A.

3、 I uflen lake a dancing class. B. Al 9:00. C. Im hard-working.()5.A. I often draw canoons.B. I can draw cartoons.C. Sometime I go hopping.Part II Writing (笔试部分,共70分)四、该一读,判原符蛆单词中划线部分的读言是否相同,相同的写“T”,不同的写“F”。 (10 分)()1. A. clmhcsB. |MayC. clock()2. A. cleanB. classC. clever()3. A. cggclaniB. pleaseC.

4、player()4. A. closeB. crayonC. clean()5. A. utdcB. classC. place五、(选做请将单词或词组写在相应图片下方的四线三格里.(10分) do morning exercises go swimming (3)have English classgo for a walk take a dancing classplay baskcballgo shoppinggo to schoolclean my room eat lunch五 选做)请在四线三格中写出下列字母相邻的两个字母的大小写形式.(10分)EeKkWw六、英汉互译(6分)3.

5、 live.2. always.B. dinnerB. cleanB. sometimesB. CarunkiB. alsoB. whenB. watch TVB. do kung fuB. swimB. late4.散步 5.吃晚饭 6.做早探七、清选出每组中不属于同一类别的单词,把它前面的字母编号填在题苗括号里. (每小距I分,共10分)()1. A. exercises()2. A. e9. A. dance()10. A. lunchC. takeC. classC. oftenC workC. have Chinese classC. weekC. read booksC. afte

6、rC. whenC. dinner八、请在第n栏中找出与第i栏中句子相对应的答话,把其字母编号填到每小题前面 的括号中.(20分))I. When do you get up?)2. What do you do on the weekend?)3. When do you go to bed?)4. When do you finish class?)5. Can you clean your room?IIA. I often play football.B. A 4:50 p.m.C. At 6:30 a.m.D. At 9;00 p.m.E. Yes. I can.(2)II)6. W

7、hen do you have English class? )7. Whal do you do on the weekend?)8. Why arc you shopping (oday.)9. When do you eat bnjakfast?F. Usually I do my homework.G. My dad worked last night.11. I have English class on Mondays.1.1 have Chinese aixl music.J. Ai 7:30.()10. What do you have on Thursdays?九、连伺成句.

8、(一定要注意大小写标点符号、占格、印刷体与书写体的区别4分)1. you. class, when. the. do. in. morning, finish (?)2. often, TV, I. play, watch, with, and. ping-pong, father, my (.)十、阅读理解,根据短文内容用完整句子回答问题,(总计10分。短小题充整回答全对得 2分;完整句子回答,关键词正确,但有部分语法错误得1.5分;简路回答得I分)Hello, Im John. I get up at 6:00 in (he morning every day. I cat breakfa

9、st at 6:30. Then I go to school at 7:00. We do morning exercises at 8:00. We have three classes in the morning and (hree classes in lhe afternoon. I go borne at 5:00 p.m. I often play Kskeitxdl al 5:50p.m. I cat dinner at 7:30p.m. Then 1 do my homework. I go to bed at 9:00p.m. This is my day. Whal about yours?I .When docs John cat breakfast?2. Does John have five classes in a day?3. Docs John play sports in the afternoon?4. When docs John cat dinner?5. When docs John go to bed?



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