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1、英语(五年级下册)Unit 7 Chinese festivalsStory timeTeaching contents 教学内容Story timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Double Ninth Festival, rice cake, dumpling, moon cake, rice dumpling。2. 能听懂、会说、会读句型The is in or 、People eat a

2、t this festival。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Double Ninth Festival, rice cake, dumpling, moon cake, rice dumpling。2. 能听懂、会说、会读句型The is in or 、People eat at this festival。Teaching procedures 教学过程S

3、tep 1 Warm-up 1. Greetings2. Game time3. Look and say4. Lets learn(Teach: festival, Chinese festival)【设计意图:以游戏为热身,活跃了课堂气氛,激发了学生的学习兴趣。从游戏中呈现的单词中提炼出festival,可以让学生留下深刻印象,同时揭示本课主题。】Step 2 Watch and answer1. Watch and answer: What Chinese festivals are there in the story?2. Look and choose(Teach: Spring

4、Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Double Ninth Festival)【设计意图:通过观看视频让学生对文本有整体印象,同时教授四个节日名称。】Step 3 Read and answer1. Read Paragraph 1 and answer the questions Whens Spring Festival? What do people usually do at Spring Festival? What do people eat?2. Read and answer(Teach: January,

5、 February, get together, dumpling)3. Try to say: The is in People at this festival. They eat 4. Read in groups5. Ask and answer When ? What do people do ? What do people eat?(Teach: May, June, dragon boat race, rice dumpling)6. Try to say【设计意图:让学生通过阅读获取问题的答案,提高学生阅读理解的能力。让学生根据获得的信息来复述节日信息,锻炼了学生的表达能力。

6、】Step 4 Read and complete1. Show a picture: What festival is it?(Teach: look at the moon, moon cake)2. Read and complete (Fill in blanks)(Teach: September, October)3. Try to say4. Discuss in groups(Teach: November, climb mountains, rice cake)5. Finish the sentences6. Try to say【设计意图:以小组合作完成任务形式,提高学生

7、解决问题的能力。】Step 5 Reading time1. Read after the computer2. Read in different ways3. Try to retell【设计意图:复习巩固课文内容并尝试复述。】4. Know more about Chinese festivals【设计意图:了解中国传统文化,继承传统。】Homework 家庭作业1. Try to retell the story to your friends.2. Search more information about Chinese festivals from the Internet. L

8、ets discuss them next class.Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:词汇卡、多媒体PPT板书设计: Unit 7 Chinese festivalsWhens ?What do people do ?What do people eat?Spring Festival Dragon Boat FestivalMid-Autumn FestivalDouble Ninth Festival说课本课所要教授的内容是学生非常熟悉的中国传统节日,内容丰富且条理性强。本课从游戏入手,在活跃课堂氛围、激发学生兴趣的同时,巧妙地引出了本课的主题Chinese festival。在处理文本时,先通过Watch and answer这一环节让学生对文本有整体感知,新授四个节日名称,再用Read and answer、Work in groups、Read and complete等教学环节,由浅入深、循序渐进地教授文本内容,提高学生阅读理解、总结表达及解决问题的能力。最后再通过朗读、复述课文巩固复习本课内容,通过最后一个教学环节让学生了解节日的寓意和传统,激励学生继承和发扬传统。由于本课文本结构雷同,且缺乏一定的趣味性,所以在上课过程中非常考验老师掌控课堂的能力。



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