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1、一 情态动词表能力(能够) can,could1 表示能力 can 表现在的能力 could 表示过去的能力 be able to 表能力,可用于 多种时态,强调成功地做了某事2 表请求允许(能不能,可不可以)多跟第一,二人称搭配 could 比 can 委婉Can I use your pen? Could you help me? Yes, you can.不能用 could 回答)3 表示推测时, could 语气比 can 弱 ,两者都只能用在否定句或疑问句中。(后面有详细介 绍)Its so late. Can Tom be reading?这么晚了,汤姆还在看书吗?You cant

2、 be hungry already you had lunch only two hours ago!She couldnt be telling lies她不可能在说谎。can用于肯定句中表示理论上的可能性并不牵涉是否真的会发生,通常意思为“有时候可能”You can hurt yourself if you play in the street.4 could用于虚拟语气could have done 本可以,本来可能已经” You could have had a better mark. 你本来可以考的更好。二 情态动词表请求、允许(能不能,可不可以)can-could; may-m

3、ight; will-would; shall can-could 前面已详细介绍may/might1表示请求允许时,多用于第一人称might比may更委婉May I take this book out?Yes, you can. NO, you cant (mustnt).Might I use your pen? No, you mustnt.(注意这里以上的回答)2 表示推测时, may/might 表示对现在或将来要发生的动作把握不大:也许,或许 might 用 于指过去的行为或者表示可能性更小。(后面有详细介绍)They may come here tomorrow. 她们明天或许

4、会到这里来。They may be still waiting for us. 他们也许还在等我们呢。He might be doing his homework now. 他也许在作功课吧。3 may还可用于祈使句中表祝愿May you succeed!4 might 用于虚拟语气It might help a little if only you would keep clean. 只要你愿意保持清洁,或许就 会好一点.will would1 表示将要 would 表示过去将要2征求表请求对方意见(用于第二人称),Would比will委婉Would you please open the

5、door?3 表示表示意志、愿望和决心。 Would 表示过去的意愿如:I will never do that again. I will help you anytime.They asked if we would do that again.4表示“常常” would表示“过去常常” He would sit there, reading. would表过去反复发 生的动作或某种倾向 “总是,总要” used to 表过去常常(现在已没有这种习惯 )“过去常 常”used to可与状态动词连用,would不可以He used to be a quiet boy.但不能说He would

6、 be a quiet boy.5表示某种倾向will表示现在,would表示过去I tried to force open the door. But it will not open.The wound would heal.6 would 用于虚拟语气 If we had left earlier, we wouldnt have missed the train.shall,用于一、三人称的疑问句中,shall用来征求对方意见。Shall we begin our class? Shall we begin our lesson?When shall he be able to lea

7、ve the hospital? Shall he go now?用于二、三人称的陈述句中, 表说话人命令、警告、允诺等口吻或用于法律规定He shall have the book when I finish reading. You shall do as I say.You shall get my book on Sunday. The sign reads: No person shall smoke here!三、情态动词表必要性(必须)must need should (ought to)should1表示劝告、建议、命令, Shouldought to 都为“应该”的意思,可用

8、于各种人称。 ought to的语气稍重一些。在疑问句中(包括反义疑问句)用should代替ought to。多数情况下, ought to 可与 should 互换使用。You should take the NO1 bus你应该(最好,比较委婉)乘坐1路车You ought to take the NO.1 bus 你应该(稍稍生硬,言外之意是反之你可能会怎样。)乘 坐1路车2 表示“竟然”,带有感情色彩。 It is strange that you should like him.3 表示推测 根据经验的推测, “应当、应该”You photos should be ready by

9、12:00.should/ought to have done 过去应该做而未做You should/ought to have made the decision a week ago.You ought to have helped him with his English, shouldnt you ?shouldnt /oughtnt have done 过去不该做但做了I shouldnt have made such a foolish mistake.4 用于虚拟语气中 If I were you, I should take his advice.must1表示必须、必要,mu

10、st表示主观多一些而have to则表示客观多一些。回答must引出的 问句时,如果是否定的回答,不能用mustnt,而要用neednt或dont have to。不必须 dont have tomustnt 禁止neednt dodont need to Must we hand in our exercise books today?Yes, you must. (No, you dont have to.) (注意这里的否定回答)cant 在口语中代替 mustnt 时,表示禁止或不准。如:You cant play football in the street. must 还可意为“偏

11、偏、偏要 ” Must you make so much noise?2 表示肯定的推测,只能用于肯定句。(后面详细介绍)There must be something wrong with the computer. 这个电脑肯定出了问题。needneed”既可以作情态动词,也可以作实义动词,但是它们的用法不同。1 need情态动词表示“需要”或“必须”,通常用于否定句和疑问句或条件句中 无人称和数 的变化 注意对need问句的回答:-Need I finish the work today?-Yes, you must.No, you needntNo, you dont have to.

12、You neednt do it again 你不需要再做了。neednt have done 本不必 You neednt have mentioned it 你本来不必提起这件事。 neednt be doingWe neednt be waiting in this place我们不必要在这儿等。2 need作为实义动词时,否定式dont need to do 疑问式do.need to do 有人称和数的变化人+need +to do 物+need + doing 物+ need + to be doneWe need to tell him the truth.我们需要告诉他真相。

13、The flower needs watering=The flower needs to be watered.Does the flower need watering. The flower doesnt need to be watered.四 情态动词表“敢” daredare 的用法同 need 的用法一样(略)五 情态动词表推测(可能)强弱层次must should/ought to can/could may/mightmust 表示推测时, 只能用于肯定句。 Mustnt 表禁止,不表猜测There must be something wrong with the compu

14、ter. 这个电脑肯定出了问题。must +be doing/do 表示对现在的动作进行肯定推测。如:He must be reading novels now. 他现在一定在看小说。must +have done 表示对过去发生的事情作出的肯定判断。The road is wet. It must have rained last night. 路是湿的, 昨天晚上一定下雨了。should / ought to表示推测 根据经验的推测,“应当、应该”You photos should be ready by 12:00.should/ought to have done 过去应该做的事情而没

15、有做, 表责备。如: You should have written with a pen, not a pencil. Yes, I know I ought to have, but I had no pen to write with.should / ought not to have done 过去不应该做的事情却做了, 表责备、悔恨情感。如:I was really anxious about you. Youshouldnt have left home without a word.Im not feeling well in the stomach, I shouldnt have eaten so much fried chicken just now.can /could 表示推测时, 只能用在否定句或疑问句中。 cant 不可能That cant be my pen.She couldnt be telling lies她不可能在说谎。Its so late. Can Tom be reading?这么晚了,汤姆还在看书吗?You cant be hungry already you



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