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1、 编号南京航空航天大学金城学院毕业论文题 目 基于收入分配功能的我国 房地产税制建设研究学生姓名学 号系 部专 业班 级指导教师二 一 四 年 六 月南京航空航天大学金城学院本科毕业论文诚信承诺书本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业设计(论文)(题目:基于收入分配功能的我国房地产税制建设研究)是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的成果。尽本人所知,除了毕业设计(论文)中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本毕业设计(论文)不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。 作者签名: 学号: 年 月 日 毕业(论文)报告纸基于收入分配功能的我国房地产税制建设研究摘 要中国房地产税收制度改革是房地产行业发展的客观


3、况,并从实践层面论证房地产税制改革的必要性。其次,文章分析了英国、美国、日本等国家在开征房地产税方面的经验,以便我国学习和借鉴。最后,提出我国房地产税制改革的方案构想。第一,应抛弃“头痛医头脚痛医脚”的错误做法,既要关注房地产税的财政收入、宏观调控等功能,更要留意其合理调节居民收入分配的功能;第二,结合我国房产税收改革试点,提出税制改革方案;第三,完善房地产登记制度、评估制度和税收管理权限的设定等,推动我国房地产税制改革的进程。关键词:房地产税,收入分配功能,税制构建A Constructive Case Study on Chinas Real Estate Tax System Based

4、 on its Income Distribution FunctionAbstractObjectively speaking, the development of Real Estate Industry in China requires a reform of the real estate tax system, which is also an important component of the general tax system reform. In National Economy, real estate is not only a key factor in capi

5、tal goods, but also in consumption goods. The boost of real estate industry to provide better goods proves to have essential influence on both the growth of the market economy and the development of the society. However, with the establishment and expansion of the real estate market, the current rea

6、l estate tax system, namely the one that provides use of the land for free, is exposed to undesirable risks and ready for a reform. Meanwhile, ever since the founding of this nation, Chinas tax system reform is limited to the reform of turnover tax. Property tax such as real estate tax is having a v

7、ery slow progress on the path of reform. This not only jeopardizes the buffering effect that tax is supposed to have on the distribution of real estate resources as well as fortune, but also imperils the local governments on improving the local tax systems in different regions. In order to change th

8、e unsatisfactory status quo, a reform of the current real estate tax system is a must.This paper starts with analyzing the current situations of Chinas real estate tax system and two case studies of Shanghai and Chongqing on their attempts to reform the real estate tax system. This lays the foundati

9、on for the necessity for a real estate reform in China. Moreover. the writer discusses the practicality of this tax reform, borrowing the experience from Britain, America and Japan following their precedents of successful real estate tax systems. Finally, the writer envisions a practical proposal to

10、 make this reform actually happen in China, with three key points: first, we should dismiss the conventional thought of taking stop-gap measures, with equal attention on real estate taxs two main functions control over the macro-economy and adjustment to income distribution. Second, try to incorpora

11、te the experience from the trailblazer cities that have already done the pilot reforms with the national reform plan. Third, advance the reform process by improving the real estate registration, evaluation and administration systems. Keywords: real estate tax; the function of distributing income; co

12、nstruction of a new tax system目 录摘 要iAbstractii第一章 绪 论- 1 -1.1 研究背景- 1 -1.2 研究意义- 1 -1.3 文献综述- 2 -1.4 研究内容及方法- 4 -第二章 房地产税功能的理论分析- 5 -2.1 税收的功能- 5 -2.2 房地产税的内涵- 6 -2.3 房地产税制功能概述- 7 -2.4 我国现行房地产税的状况- 8 -第三章 我国房产税改革试点效果分析- 12 -3.1 沪渝两市房产税方案简介- 12 -3.2 沪渝两市房产税方案比较- 13 -3.3 沪渝两市方案的效果分析- 14 -第四章 国外在房地产税收

13、入分配方面的经验借鉴- 16 -4.1 国外房产地税借鉴- 16 -4.2 经验总结- 17 -第五章 对我国房地产税税制建设的建议- 20 -5.1 我国房地产税制改革思考- 20 -5.2 房地产税基本构架设计- 21 -5.3 完善其他相关配套制度- 23 -参 考 文 献- 25 -致 谢 词- 26 -iv 毕业设计(论文)报告纸第一章 绪 论1.1 研究背景在2014年党中央召开的十八届三中全会上,讨论并通过了中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定。决定指出:“要逐步提高直接税比重,完善税收制度,深化税收制度改革,加快房地产税立法并适时推进改革。”房地产税制改革作为一项综合性改

14、革,成为了社会各界关注的焦点,如何发挥好房地产税的作用将成为政府经济工作中十分重要的问题。1.2 研究意义1.2.1 社会意义我国改革开放至今已有三十多年,在这期间国家的工业化、信息化、城镇化等指标都有着显著的提升,与此同时居民对于住房的需求也开始急速扩张。促使房地产行业在短短几十年中,一跃成为我国经济的支柱产业,不论占GDP的比重还是在税收收入上,都是不容忽视的组成部分。但是在繁荣的背后,也接连浮现出了不少问题,例如:(1)房地产市场触顶迹象明显,中国70个大中城市新建住宅在2014年第一季度销售价格不论在同比和环比上,涨幅均呈现下降趋势。房地产行业在信贷紧缩、自住房供应等多方面问题的影响下




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