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1、 端午节英语介绍:端午节佩饰习俗端午节又名粽子节,许多人可能只记得是吃粽子的节日,可是在古代,端午节的习俗有许多,其中就有妇女在这个节日里头戴上佩饰,例如钟、铃、钗头等等。形成节日里面一道亮丽的风景线。 The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as rice dumpling Festival, many people can only remember to eat dumplings Festival, but in ancient times, there are a lot of the custom of Dragon Boat Festival,

2、there are women in this festival was wearing accessories, such as bell, bell, hairpin head etc. The formation of the holiday inside a bright scenery line. 旧时江浙一带端午时妇女的一种饰物,一般用金银丝或铜丝金箔做成,外形为小人骑虎,亦有另加钟、铃、缨及蒜、粽子等的。插在妇女发髻,也用以馈送。清嘉录云:“(五月五日)市人以金银丝制为繁缨、钟、铃诸状,骑人于虎,极精细,缀小钗,贯为串,或有用铜丝金箔者,供妇女插鬓。又相互献赉,名曰健人。”健人一

3、说与艾人同意,只是以帛易艾,吴曼云江乡节物词小序云:“杭俗,健人即艾人,而易之以帛,作骆虎状,妇人皆戴之,”似此则当有驱邪辟疫之作用;一说即古时的步摇,纯为妇女装饰品(蔡云吴献注)。儿童头上还会用雄黄酒画上一个“王”豆娘,旧时端五节妇女的头饰。多见于江南。一些地区亦称作健人。 An ornament in Jiangsu and Zhejiang area dragon boat when women, generally with the gold and silver or copper foil made of shape as the villain, riding a tiger,

4、also have the additional clock, bell, tassel and garlic, rice dumplings. Inserted in the women”s hair, also used to feed. “Qing Jia Lu“ cloud: “(May 5th), with gold and silver silk fan Ying, bell, the bell for the shape, riding on a tiger, very fine, with small hairpin, tubular string, or useful cop

5、per foil, inserted temples for women. Each other and offered gifts, fine-sounding name of healthy people.“ Healthy people say and AI agree, just to Bo Yi Yi, Wu Manyun, “Jiang Xiang Festival Ci, small order“ cloud: “hang Su, Jian is AI, and easy to make silk, Luo Hu, the woman is wearing,“ like this

6、 when there are evil provision of plague effect said that in ancient times; step shake, pure as the women dress ornaments (Cai Yun “Wu Xian“ note). Children”s head will use yellow wine to draw the last “King“ damselfly, old terminal five day women”s headdress. In the south of the Yangtze river. Some

7、 areas also known as healthy people. 此物一说源于古代的步摇,一说即艾人的别样形式。清嘉录引唐宋遗纪云:“江谁南北,五日钗头彩胜之制,备极奇巧。凡以缯销翦制艾叶,或攒绣仙、佛、合、乌、虫、鱼、百兽之形,八宝群花之类。绉纱蜘蛛,绮榖凤麟,茧虎绒陀,排草蜥蜴,又螳蜘蝉蝎,又葫芦瓜果,色色逼真。加以幡幢宝盖,绣球繁缨,钟铃百状,或贯以串,名曰豆娘,不行胜纪。”艾虎,旧时端午节驱邪辟祟之物,也作装饰品。我国古代视虎为神兽,俗以为可以镇祟辟邪、保佑安静。风俗通云:“虎者阳物,百兽之长也。能噬食鬼魅,亦辟恶”。故民间多取虎为辟邪之用,其中尤以端午节的艾虎为特色。艾虎或以

8、艾编剪而成,或剪彩为虎,粘以艾叶,佩戴于发际身畔。 It said originated from the ancient step shake, said that the different forms of ai. “Qing Jia Lu“ lead “Tang and Song Yi Ji“ cloud: “the river north and South five hairpin head who, victory, prepare a very ingenious. Where to tie pin Jian of argyi leaf, or save embroidery

9、fairy, Buddha, Wu, insects, fish, animals, flowers, such as eight-treasure. Crepe spider, Qi Wei Feng Lin, cocoon tiger cashmere Tuo, row grass lizards and spiders, mantis cicada scorpion, and gourd fruit, color fidelity. The streamers, Baogai, Hydrangea Fan Ying, bell hundred, or through a string,

10、called damselfly, innumerable.“ The Dragon Boat Festival, the old evil provision was thing, also used for decorations. Our country ancient times as the tiger for the animal, customs that town was evil, bless peace can be. “Custom“ cloud: “the tiger penis, the long. Can bite eat ghosts,. Also the pro

11、vision of evil“. So people get tiger for warding off evil spirits, especially in the Dragon Boat Festival is the most characteristic. The polecat or AI Bian cut into, or the tiger, stuck in the leaves, worn on the hair side. 端午节饰戴艾虎的风习已经有千年以上的历史。宋陈元规岁时广记引岁时杂记:“端午以艾为虎形,至有如黑豆大者,或剪彩为小虎,粘艾叶以戴之。王沂公端午帖子诗:

12、钗头艾虎辟群邪,晓驾祥云七宝车。”又清富察敦崇燕京岁时记:“每至端阳,闺阁中之巧者,用绫罗制成小虎及粽子以彩线穿之,悬于钗头,或系于小儿之背,古诗云:玉燕钗头艾虎轻,即此意也。” The Dragon Boat Festival Decoration Dai Aihu study has thousands of years of history. Chen Yuangui song “when Guang Ji“ lead “miscellanies“: “when dragon boat to AI tiger shape, to have such as black big, or cu

13、t the ribbon for the tigers, sticky leaves to wear. Wang Yi Gong “Dragon Boat post“ poem: ”the new Qunxie hairpin, Xiao driving auspicious clouds Qibao vehicle”.“ And clear the wealthy Cha Dun Chong “Yanjing mind at the age“: “to every Dragon Boat Festival, the boudoir of one person, made of tiger and dumplings with silk. To wear color line, hanging in the hairpin, or in the Department of pediatric back, poetry: ”jade Yan Chai head the light”, that is the meaning of.“



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