【精品】人教版高中英语必修二教案:Unit 4 Wildlife protection Period 1 Words and expressions Word版

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1、人教版英语精品资料Unit 4 Wildlife protectionPeriod 1 Words and expressions 教学设计I. Teaching contents:Words and expressions II. Teaching aims:1). Master the floowing words and expressions. wild; decrease; hunt; reserve; danger; respond; mercy; certain; importance; contain; afftect; appreciate; succeed; 2). To

2、Know about the following phrases: die out; in peace; in relief; burst into laughter; pay attention to ; 3). wild; decrease; hunt; reserve; danger; respond; mercy; certain; importance; contain; afftect; appreciate; succeed; die out; in peace; in relief; burst into laughter; pay attention to.4). Stude

3、nts can remenber the above words and their derivatives.III. Key points & DifficultiesKey pointsMaster the following expressions:wild; decrease; hunt; reserve; danger; respond; mercy; certain; importance; contain; afftect; appreciate; succeed; die out; in peace; in relief; burst into laughter; pay at

4、tention to.DifficultiesUse the words and phrases in this period correctly. IV. Teaching procedure:Step 1: Lead-in1) Check the students homework. 2) Preview some words of this unit (PPT 35) Step 2: Listening Listening to the words and expressions for the correct pronounciation.Step 3: Read after teac

5、her: Read all the words in this unit after teacher. Teacher deal with the words that is difficult to read.Step 4: Key words and expressions explanation (PPT 639) 1. wild adj. 野生的;未驯化的;疯狂的;荒凉的;狂暴的 wildlife n. (不可数) 野生动植物2. decrease v. 减少,(使)变小或变少 n.减少 减少的数量 (可数)3. die out : disappear completely 灭绝 di

6、e away: (光、声音)慢慢消失;(风)停下来 die off : 一一死去;先后死去 4. hunt v. 打猎;猎取;搜寻;强行驱逐 hunt for: search for; try to find 寻找;寻求 5. reserve 1).n. 保护区;储备;储藏;内向;矜持;拍卖中的低价 2). vt. 预定;预约(座位、房间等);保留;把留作; 保留(某种权利)6. in peace: peacefully和睦地;和平地;安详地7. danger n. (不可数)危险 (可数 ) 威胁;危险物;危害8. respond vi 回答;响应;作出反应(+to)respond to 对

7、做出回答,回应respond to a letter=answer a letterreply to a letter reponse n. 回答make/ give no response to 对没有反应,不予回答(=make/give no answer9. in relief 如释重负; 松了口气10. burst into laughter.突然大笑起来11. mercy n. 仁慈;宽恕;怜悯12. certain adj. 确定的;一定 ,此时类似于单词sure, 但是也有一些区别,即certain既可用人作主语,也可用物作主语,而sure 只用人作主语13. importanc

8、e n. 重要性;重要14. contain v. 包含;容纳;抑制;克制 container n. 容器;集装箱 containment n. 包含;控制;抑制15. afftect v.影响;感动;侵袭;(通常指对身体;思想或情绪带来不良影响)。16. pay attention to 关注;注意(to为介词,后要接名词或动名词)17. appreciate vt. 鉴赏;感激;意识到18. succeed vi. 成功;继承;继任succeed in (doing) sth. 成功地做了某事Step 5: Exercise Pair work: students try to compl

9、ete exercies of this period with their patners. Teacher give them help when they do this exersie.Step 6: Homework. 1. Memorize the following expressions: wild; decrease; hunt; reserve; danger; respond; mercy; certain; importance; contain; afftect; appreciate; succeed; die out; in peace; in relief; b

10、urst into laughter; pay attention to.2. Complete exercise 1 on page 63.V. Blackboard designUnit 4 Wildlife protectionPeriod 1 Words and expression 1. wild adj. wildlife n. 2. decrease v. 3. die out : die away: die off : 4. hunt v. hunt for: search for; try to find 5. reserve 6. in peace: peacefully7

11、. danger n. 8. respond vi respond to reponse n. make/ give no response to 9. in relief 10. burst into laughter.11. mercy n. 12. certain adj. 13. importance n. 14. contain v. container n. containment n. 15. afftect v.。16. pay attention to 17. appreciate vt. 18. succeed vi. succeed in (doing) sth. 版权所有:高考资源网()



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