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1、毕业论文豆丁cool wordsThe Old Mariners Evolvement in The Rime of Ancient Mariner中文摘要 古舟子咏是柯勒律治一部比较独特的作品。这是一首长诗,以歌谣的形式讲述一则故事。全诗是一个充满了奇幻之美的的航海故事。探索人生的罪与罚 问题 ,诗人把热爱宇宙的万物泛神论思想和基督教思想结合起来,宣传仁爱和基督教的赎罪思想。在这部作品中 ,老水手是贯穿始末的主人公、核心人物。无意间射杀了一只信天翁所谓的“神鸟” ,造就了一次刻骨铭心的海上经历。懊悔与自责使那位曾经天真烂漫的小水手,性格与心理慢慢发生严重扭曲 ,以致发展到作品中的老水手 ,整

2、日无所事事,借不断向路人讲述那次不平凡的海上经历而度日,来减轻自己的罪恶感 ,慰藉自己忏悔的心灵。 本文先简述古舟子咏这首诗歌的内容和写作特点,以及作者柯勒律治的写作风格;接着从心理活动的角度出发,总结主人公-老水手的心理演变历程;然后结合心理变化分析老水手的性格特征,使读者更加明白为什么说柯勒律治笔下的老水手踏上了一条不归路。关键词:老水手;心理演变;性格变化AcknowledgementsIn writing this paper, I have benefited from the presence of my classmates. They generously helped me

3、collect materials I needed and gave me many invaluable suggestions. I hereby extend my great thanks to them for their kind help, without which the paper would not have been what it is. Particularly, I am deeply indebted to my supervisor #, for his constant encouragement and guidance. He has walked m

4、e through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without his consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form. I also wish to sincerely thank my friends, whose brilliant ideas and perceptive observations have proved immensely constructive. Thirdly,

5、my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me through out these years. They always share my weal and woe. I feel much grateful and want to share my achievement with them. Lastly, none of this would have been possible without the help of those indi

6、viduals and organizations hereafter mentioned with gratitude: our school library and its staff, the library of Henan University of Technology. AbstractThe Rime of the Ancient Mariner is unique among Coleridges important works. It is a long poem, telling a story in the form of ballads .The poem can b

7、e approached as a dream voyage to another realm, as a story of sin and expatiation, or as the quiet essential representation of the alienated isolated modern individual. It displays the basic Christian creed of original sin. In The Rime of Ancient Mariner, the old mariner is the hero and core figure

8、 throughout the story. Accidentally, he shot and killed an albatross, the so-called Bird, creating an unforgettable experience at sea. Thanks to regret and remorse, the old mariner who was used to be innocent, was inclined to undergoing serious distortions of personality and mind. He spent all day d

9、oing nothing, and tried to alleviate his guilt by the aid of telling passengers about this extraordinary experience, which was aimed at comforting the heart of repentance. The old mariner struggles to understand his experience by means of his moral framework but cannot, with the result that his expe

10、rience seems irrational. With the aim to illustrate how the old mariner set foot on no-return road, the paper summarizes and analyses the evolution of his psychology as well as personality alternation.Key Words: the old mariner; psychological transformation; personality alternation ContentsAcknowled

11、gements.iAbstract (English)iiAbstract (Chinese)iii1.Introduction.11.1 The author.11.2 Background of the poem12.Analysis of the poem . 32.1Brief summary. .32.2Writing skills.32.3Writing pattern43.The old mariners psychological transformation43.1Psychological alienation4 3.1.1 Sense of guilty.43.1.2 A

12、gony, loneliness and fear53.2Psychological transformation.63.2.1 Reacquisition of the ability to pray63.2.2 Request for forgiveness74.The old mariners personality alternation84.1 Depression84.2 Void84.3 Negativity84.4 Extreme.95.Conclusion.9Works Cited. 111. Introduction1.1The author Born in Ottery

13、St. Mary in Devonshire England, Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) was the youngest of 10 children born to John Coleridge, a minister, and his wife, Ann Bowden. In this crowed household, it was reported that Coleridge led to a less than idyllic childhood. It was made worse in 1781 by the death of his father, a man he idolized. He was sent to study at a London charity school and eventually stayed with a maternal uncle. As an adolescent, Coleridge lost two of his siblings. He himself became ill, and it is believed that his use



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