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1、重要固定搭配一、用适当的介词或副词填空。1. The students have classes 8:00am 4:30pm every day.2. Mr Fang, thank you your help.3. Plants and flowers can t grow sunlight and water.4. Jim is very interested music and he is good playingthe guitar.5. It s possible to turn the water ice.6. Don t share cups others. Its not cle

2、an.7. The singer Jay Zhou is famous his songs all the world.8. There are a lot of people living the earth.9. now on, I decide to study hard and try to get a good grade.10. In the Rocket Club, members learn how to make rockets.11. Eating too much sugar and chocolate is bad your health.12. When I m fr

3、ee, I usually help my mum some housework.13. Sam s homeis close his school, so he always goes to school foot.14. I m a German, that is, I come Germany.15. Mary has a good knowledge stars and planets.16. Whenstudents meet new words, they usually look them in thedictionary.17. Ben lives his grandparen

4、ts.18. Many parents take their kids to go a picnic in the park atweekends.19. Astronauts go to the space spaceship and they have to wearspacesuits.20. Jim s dad drives to work every morning and he usually arrives his office 7:45am.21. There were manybirds the sky yesterday morning, and they flew eve

5、ry direction.22. night, all the buildings are full of bright lights.23. As students, we must study hard our future.24. Everyone hopes their dream can come true the future.25. Joe makes friends people from different countries, and sheoften hears her pen-friends.26. It is interesting children to catch

6、 fish in the icy water.27. Most children are afraid snakes.28. Who has the same hobby me?29. Nowadays, some people put rubbish the sea, and some peoplethrow rubbish. What people do pollutes the earth.30. My younger brother haswatch ing carto ons and skat ing.hobbies, suchplay ing tennis,playi ngtenn

7、is,watch ing carto ons and skati ng.31. After school, many studentstake part after-schoolactivities.32. We will visit the In sect Museum the daytomorrow.33. Milly didn t tell us what she did the dayyesterday.34. The book fair provides stude ntsdiffere nt kinds of books.35. When I am not at home, I a

8、sk my n eighbourto help me lookmy pet dog.-caretakemy pet dog.36. China has millions places of interest, example, theGreat Wall.37. Every Chin ese is partChi na, so we should make efforts tobuild our country more beautifully.38. John won the first prize in the football game. His parents must beproud

9、him.39. Our teacher is strictus, especially strictourstudy.40. John got out of the buildingsafely the help of the firemen.41. There is a fat man Jimmy and me at the cinema.42. Little Tom broke his neighbour s window just now, so he is going toapologize his neighbour making such a mistake.43. Sandy s

10、 pet is different others . She keeps a pig as herpet.44. The little kid s pocket is full sweets.45. Class One boys are fighting Class Two boys in the basketballgame.46. No matter how old we are, our parents are always worried us.47. Trees are very important to us. They can take lots of harmfulgases.

11、48. Before we go across the road, we should look . When there sno car, we can go.49. The sand ran my fingers(手指 ).50. WhenI grow , I want to travel around the world with myfamily.51. The door is so narrow that two big mencan t go through it the same time.52. Sally doesn t want to buy the doll. fact,

12、 she has no moneyat all.53. The girl red dress is good at playing the violin.54. Don t touch any electrical appliance wet hands.55. I live far away my school, so I have to get up early.56. I decide to visit my grandparents least twice a year.57. The number animals, birds, insects and trees in the wo

13、rldis decreasing.58. Please remember to take the medicine time.59. the way, how much cooking oil do you have?60. The white cloud is made up some drops of water.61. Having a shower instead a bath can save up to 400 litres aweek.62. Mr Brown wants to buy apples boxes. He thinks it s cheaper.二、用词的适当形式填

14、空。1. When spring comes, everything starts (turn) green.2. Just now, I saw a young man (take) the wallet from a lady shandbag.3. It is important for everyone (protect) the earth becauseit s our only home.4. People must stop (cut) down so many trees.5. After (work) for a long time, my mum wants(have)

15、a break.6. Every child should learn how (wear) clothes by themselves.7. Most boys are interested in (make) robots and rockets.8. During Jill s birthday, her friends all enjoyed (eat)the delicious food.9. Peter s grandpa is ill , so he has to (take) care of his grandpaat home.10. If Mary (have) enough money, she (buy) abeautiful dress for her mum.11. It usually takes Sam half an hour (take) a sho



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