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1、大学英语四、六级作文速成 一写作基本框架 布局:(采用三、四段法) 第一段:(主题引入句+主题+引导句) 第二、三段:(段中心句+事例句+反向事例句+尾句) 第三、四段:(结尾段) 二基本写作范例: 第一段: 1What we today call (think/believe) 中心事物A was, indeed,中心事物 A of, by, and for ordinary, everyday “中心事物A” who with increasing prosperity and leisure,(这里可换词)created a market for of all kinds, and es

2、pecially for中心事物A 引转。2 Some believe that 抄题,but others believe that抄题。 3I am of the opinion that 观点is not only the imperative need of mankind but also one of the noblest aspirations we have in the present-day world, because原因简述。 第二段 The reason is not far to seek. Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, 第三段In sh

3、ort, it follows from the foregoing discussion that this issue is to be settled by weighing the pros and cons and not by any arbitrary decision, therefore, we may con conclude that the argument (照抄自己的主题)is a viable one, inasmuch as it rests upon a fundamental principle of science and logic, namely, t

4、hat of cause and effect. 三、写作技巧汇总、 1、开首段 (1)谚语法谚语一般已为大家所接受,由它开头引出下文或提出作者本人的观点,也易为读者所接受,如:a. As the saying goes “Money makes the mare go”, but there are something that cant be bought with money such as time and true love.b. As the saying goes “Time flies”, “Time is money”, how to spend your time prop

5、erly is becoming increasingly important to everyone. 其中“Time is money”皆是谚语,说明文章内容的范围,从而引出主题,提出自己的观点。若无谚语,则可用My grandmother told me that(2)定义法有时对题目中关键词作一些简单或正面解释,限定其范围,也有利于引出主题。如:a. What is decisiveness? It doesnt mean act rashly.(反面定义) b. What is advertisement? It is the words or pictures used on me

6、dia. TV for example, to propagandize a certain product or give a warning to people(正式定义)。本方法主要对写作中心事物进行定义或解释。(3)提问法提出一个或一连串问题,以激起读者兴趣,从而引出主题。如:Do you have many friends? Are they similar to you or different from you? Which kind of friends do you prefer?本方法较难掌握,一般可以从对举、区别、喜爱、环境上去写。(4)概括法先概括总结文章内容涉及的现状

7、,然后引出主题。如:In recent years, while our industries and businesses have developed quickly, the number of trees in many big cities has dramatically reduced. Efforts are being made to prevent from cutting more trees, but to realize the significance of making cities greener is of importance.本写法还可以从过去/历史上写,

8、然后引伸到现在。(5)间接开头法以叙述别人的观点开始,引出自己的真实看法。如:a. People often say that money can buy all things, but I think it is not b. Some persons say that love makes the world go round. Others of a less romantic and more practical turn of mind say that it isnt love, it is money. But the truth is that it is the energy

9、 that makes the world go round本方法主要为推翻别人,坚立自己。以上五种写作方法,四、六级常用,且简单易学。2、中间段(例论法)* 作者根据个人经历或所闻所见,列举事实说明或支持文章主题。从而使读者确切地了解其观点的含义或依据。* 例证的组织可按时间顺序、典型性、重要性等进行排列。一般说来最典型、最重要的例子放在最前面(以引起读者兴趣)或最后面(以加深读者印象)。* 具体写法手段有:条件法/具体细节法/对比法/科技法/历史法,下面一例就是具体法代表:主题:北京天气坏In spring, the weather in Beijing can be very bad.

10、It is often windy and dusty here. In spring, the wind may blow all day long, the air is then filled with fine dust which sometimes shuts out the sun. There is no escape of the fine dust. It gets into, your eyes, yours nostrils, and your hair and penetrates through the closed windows.3结尾段结尾是文章的总结和思想的

11、最后升华,它应起到再次肯定和强调主题的效果。高分作文的结尾段应短小有力,言简意赅,又意味深长。具体说来结尾段主要有以下4种表述方法:(1) 重述或总结前面的主题。将前面各段的内容,换一种方式进行总结、再述。(2) 提出一个与主题相关的问题。这一问题的答案其实在文中已描述清楚,可以说明知故问,目的是要读者同意作者本人的观点。如“As the reasons listed above, why dont you choose the public school for your child?”(关于公立、私立学校的主题)(3) 提出预测或希望 作者对上面的阐述观点作一些补充和例外情况的说明,这样显

12、得文章活泼、生动又不失客观、说明性。如:关于“电视广告”一文结尾“In a word, TV advertisement, I think, are a newborn thing in the development of our economy, of course, there is much room for improvement in the TV ads. I believe the TV ads will benefit both the advertisers and comsumers.” 又如关于5天工作制的主题:“I hope someday we will have

13、a four-day work policy”。(4) 提出建议或改进措施。作者就上面问题进行分析、比较之后,往往提出一些解决方法供读者参考,这种方法同样也具有一定的渲染力。四、写作必背句子汇总1. Television and radio are almost the most powerful media compared with other means of mass communications like newspaper and magazine.2. And media, is I understand, couldnt be implementing the principl

14、es of fairness, objectiveness, all-roundedness and above all, the responsibility without any supervision.3. If a country is democratic, media censorship would be simpler because the government only needs to care for the programs social effect, such as the possible consequence of a movie about drug o

15、n teenagers.4. Where was the censorship which may prevent such a disastrous test?5. It can and will warn the government of some problems, like corruption, so that people can trust their governors more if they see the problems solved.6. And this attitude letting the audience decide whats good for them with their own eyes, ears and minds, will guarantee a social stability in the long run.7. Like the tangible environment, that is the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food on our dinner table, the worlds energy resources are the common wealth of all human beings on



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