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1、Key Points Translation, Unit 3l 不知怎的,这个宝宝突然哭起来。Somehow or other, the baby burst into tears.l 无论何时我和他出去吃饭,结果总是我付帐。Whenever I go out to dinner with him, I always end up paying the bill.l 他做事总是为自己考虑。He always does something for his own sake. 如果你只是为了说英语而说英语,你很可能无话可说。If you speak English just for the sak

2、e of speaking English, it is very likely that you will have nothing to say.l 你本应该明智些(而不至于这样)。You should have known better.l 他开始对我们班说话。He began to address our class.l “早上好!”孩子们异口同声回答道。“Good morning!” the kids replied in unison.l 听众主要由青少年构成。The audience consisted mainly of teenagers.l 几天后你就好了(健康了)。You

3、ll be all right in a couple of days.l 我可以向你保证,你儿子在这里会快乐的。I can assure you that your son will be happy here.l 总地来说,价格仍在上涨。Overall, prices are still rising.l 我一直很认真地思考你的提议。Ive been giving your proposal a lot of thought.l 快点,告诉我发生了什么!别老让我的心悬着!Come on, tell me what happened! Dont keep me in suspense!l 我

4、开车时别分散我的注意力。Dont distract me when Im driving.l 他以一种单调乏味的语调回答所有的问题。He answered all the questions in a dull monotone.l 他半夜里接到他妈妈打来的一个歇斯底里的电话。He got a hysterical phone call from his mother in the middle of the night.l 对这起事故我感到难过,但这个事故与我毫无关联。Im sorry about the accident, but it has nothing to do with me.

5、l 对不起,今天早上电话里我说话不友好。Sorry, I was short with you on the phone this morning.l 这个故事经由口头流传下来。 The story was handed down by word of mouth.l 不管怎么说,我们完成了工作。At any rate, weve finished the job.l 她在喃喃自语。She is mumbling to herself.l 睡意袭来。A wave of sleepiness came over me. 对不起,我不知道我为什么会这样(我不知道是什么使我这样)。Sorry, I

6、dont know what came over me.l 我恨不得马上结束这个面试。I cant wait to get the interview over with.l 我脸红了,紧张得口水直咽,竭力保持镇静。I flushed, swallowed hard, struggled to keep calm.l 她坚持要每个人都去她的生日会。She insisted that everyone (should) come to her birthday party.l 我这辈子从没感到这么丢人现眼过。Ive never felt so humiliated in all my life.l 他继续他的思路。He carried on with his line of thought.l “他只是开个玩笑。”“就算这样,那样的傻话会很害人(很伤人)。”“He was only joking.” “Be that as it may, silly remarks like that can do a lot of harm.”



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