Lesson 1 Coming to My Party.doc

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1、Lesson 1 Coming to My Party五灵小学 徐丽蓉 一、 教学目标: 1、 学生能够听懂对话的大意和特殊信息,并能熟练运用电话用语与他人交流。2、 教学如何发出邀请和接收邀请的用语,以及提前打电话预约和邀请的习惯,以表示对他人的尊重。二、 教学重难点:能在日常生活中使用相关的电话用语,发出邀请和接受邀请。三、 教学内容:教学电话用语,“This is .speaking”“Whos calling?”以及表示邀请的句型“Would you like to.?”及其答语“Yes, Id love to.”同时复习询问时间和道别的句型“What time”“How about?

2、”“See you.”四、 教学准备:录音机,ppt.五、 教学过程第三课时 Lets TalkStep 1:1. 师生常规问候。T: Good morning, boys and girls. Whats the day today?Ps: Today is Tuesday.T: And whats the date today?. Ps: Its May 19th. T: Very good.Step 2:激趣导入 T: Boys and girls, do you have a phone in your house?(出示电话的ppt图片帮助学生理解) Ps: Yes, we do.

3、T: Do you usually call someone in advance when you want to make an appointment with him or her? 那你们会不会在约某个人之前先打电话预约呢? Ps: Yes. T: Very good. That is a very good habit.这是一个很好的习惯。But do you know how to make an appointment on telephone in English? So today we are going to learn it. First, Lets listen t

4、o the tape. There are two girls talking on the telephone. Lets try to find out what they are talking about.让我们听听这两个女孩在电话里都说了些什么。(提出问题,让学生带着问题听录音)Step 3:T:Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.播放对话录音,完成以下练习。T:(1)Whose party is it? (2)Whos going to come to the party?Step 4:教师播放第二遍录音,让学生进一步理解

5、对话内容,订正答案。Step 5:重点内容讲解。 教学电话用语:“This is .(speaking)”“Whos calling?” 邀请及回答用语:Are you free this evening? Would you like to + V? Id love to. 其他:Ill be there on time. See you. T:板书并教读S:多种形式读单词和句子。Step 6:work in groups of four 让学生以小组为单位读对话,猜出文章大意。Step 7:进入情景对话 T: Lets hear how Tingting invites Rose on t

6、he phone.(1) T: show the first pictureHello, this is Rose!Whos calling?S: read one by one and understand it.T:Hello. Rose. This is Tingting speaking.S: Read , practice and understand it.T: 分角色对话。(2) T: Would you like to come to my birthday party?S: Yes, Id love to.(3) T: What time?S: How about 7 oclock?(4) T: Ill be there on time. See you.S: See you.Step 6:多形式巩固练习对话。(1) 教师带领学生朗读对话,注意语音、语调和把握情感。(2) 全班齐读。(3) 让学生同桌之间开展练习,并请学生上台表演对话。Step 7:Summary and Homework.



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