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1、产品购销合同(PURCHASE CONTRACT)甲方(买方):Buyer:乙方(卖方):Supplier: 买卖双方同意成交下列产品,订立条款如下:The un dersig ned Seller and Buyer agreefollowi ng tran sact ion, terms and con diti ons are specified as below:第一条定购产品:Art.1 Ordered products:编号Pos.品号 Article No.描述 Description单价(欧元)Unit Price (EUR)数量Quantity总价Total price总价

2、Total con tract amount:第二条质量要求及技术标准:Art. 2 Quality requirements and technical specifications:2.1按照本合同第一条约定的规格生产产品,质量标准按照生产厂商技术标准。2.1 In accordanee with prescribed products description of Art.1, the quality standard is based on manufacturer s technical standard第三条发货时间和发货方式:Art. 3 Delivery time and te

3、rms of shipment:3.1发货时间:3.1 Lead Time:3.2发货方式:3.2 Terms of shipme nt:第四条付款方式:Art. 4 Terms of payme nt:第五条收货和验收条款:Art. 5 Goods recepti on and accepta nee:5.1验收标准:按照本合同第二条约定的质量要求及技术标准。5.1 Acceptanee criteria:according to the Art. 2 Quality requirements and technical specificationsof the prese ntcon tr

4、act第六条违约责任:Art. 6 Liability for breach of con tract:6.1甲方延期付款的,乙方交付产品的时间可相应顺延,甲方按照延期支付金额的0% /日向乙方支付滞纳金,直至款项付清之日。甲方延期支付超过三十日的,乙方有权选择解除合同,甲方按照合同滞纳金标 准向乙方支付违约金(支付至乙方提出解除日),向乙方返还产品,甲方已经支付的款项作为赔偿,如不足以弥补乙方的损失的,由甲方另行赔偿。6.1 Should Party A postp one payme nt. Party B has right to delay shipme nt date; Party

5、A shouldcon seque ntly pay late fees of 0.5% per day of the con tract amount to party B till date of fullpayme nt. Should party A defers payme nt over 30 days, party B may dissolve the con tract and Party A, according to above stipulated late fees rate, should pay Party B liquidated damages (untildi

6、ssolutiondate released by party B) and Party A should return the goods to Party B. Actual amountpaid by party A is con sidered as a compe nsati on to Party B; party A should compe nsate the loss of party B additi on ally if above said compe nsati on is not able to cover all the damage caused.6.2乙方按照

7、本合同约定的时间、地点、质量要求和技术标准向甲方提供定购产品,如延期交付的,按照未交付产品金额的0.5% /日向甲方支付滞纳金。因乙方延期到货给甲方造成的损失由乙方赔偿。(因甲方未按期支付价款导致延期交货的除外)6-2 Party B should provide ordered goods to party A based on lead time, place, quality requirements and tech ni cal specificati ons stipulatedon the prese nt con tract. Late fees,charged to part

8、y B,of 0.5% per day will be applied on values of goods overdue. Compensation of loss & damage caused by late delivery should be charged to party B. (except late shipme nt due to overdue payme nt by party A)6.3甲方未按合同约定收货或无正当理由提出异议拒绝收货的,乙方将产品运输至交货地点之日视为甲方 收到货物和验收合格的时间,由此造成的损失由甲方负责。6.3 Should party A f

9、ails to receive goods or refuse receivi ng goods delivered without justifiedor validreason, the day when goods shipped to stipulated location will be considered as the dayof recepti on and accepta nee, party A is resp on sible for loss & damage caused.第七条不可抗力:Art. 7 The force majeure:战争、动乱、瘟疫、地震、台风、

10、洪水、物体坠落或其他非合同双方责任造成的爆炸、火灾、意外事故和自然灾害。任何一方由于不可抗力原因不能履行合同时,应在不可抗力事件发生后3日内通知对方,尽力减少损失。不可抗力造成的损失,由双方自行承担。Definition:war, unrest, plague, earthquake, typhoon, flood,fallingobjects or any otherexplosion, fire,accidentsand natural disasters which are excluded by both parties resp on sibilitiesof the prese n

11、t con tract.Should one party is un able to fulfill the con tractdueto the force majeure, the party concerned should inform the other party in 3 days from the dateof the event and should try all means to reduce loss caused. The damage caused by the force majeure should be born by each party s own ris

12、k.第八条争议解决:Art. 8 Dispute resoluti ons:双方发生争议的,应协商解决,协商不成的,由非第一和第二方所在地有管辖权的人民法院裁决。All even tual disputes should be settled through frien dly n egotiati on. If con sultatio n fails, arbitration should be settled by a jurisdiction court located in a country other than both parties on es.第九条其他:Article 9

13、 Miscella nea:9.1双方应对合同履行过程中的技术信息和商业秘密承担保密责任,如因任何一方未尽此义务导致他方经 济损失,应予赔偿。9.1 Both parties are resp on sible to mai ntai n con fide ntiality regard ingall tech ni cal andcommercial information. Economic losses caused by lack of fulfillment of the duty should becompe nsated by the party concern ed.9.2本合

14、同未尽事宜或合同变更,经双方协商一致后签订补充合同,效力与本合同一致。9.2 Any modificatio n or compleme ntary clauses to the prese nt con tract should be n egotiated andame nded which will have the same valid effect as the prese nt con tract.9.3本合同一式二份,双方各执一份,经双方签字后即生效,传真件亦适用。可编辑doc9.3 This prese nt con tract is in duplicate, one ori

15、gi nal for each party; effective once sig nedby both parties. Faxcopy is also valid and applicable.甲方 Party A :乙方 Party B :授权代表:AuthorizedReprese ntative(盖早 Stamp)(签字 sig nature )授权代表:AuthorizedReprese ntative(盖早 Stamp)(签字 sig nature )开户银行Bank:银行帐号Bank account:联系地址Address: 邮政编码Zip code: 电话Tel :传真Fax:签订日期 Date of sig nature:开户银行Bank: 银行帐号Bank account:联系地址Address: 邮政编码Zip code: 电话Tel :传真Fax:签订日期 Date of sig nature:



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