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1、名人励志英语演讲稿3篇 随着经济全球化进程的加快,英语演讲在各个领域的作用越来越大。那么名人励志的英语演讲稿有哪些?下面小编整理了名人励志英语演讲稿,供你阅读参考。名人励志英语演讲稿篇1 ohwill pes Saying odbye to hildhod,w ste no another mpoan time inthe pace oyoun,facingnewsiations,dealing wth iferen probem; eveyoe hs his wunrtdng fyoug,it is a period of timf beay and wondes,y fter you he

2、 experiened he our ,swet ,tter andsalty an y relybecme aprson ofsgniicae.tr timeof yougis limtd,it map by it o ttetion,nd whn you dicover wht hshppne , isalways too e.pinge y we meansa btte tim is waiing for youin th n fute, the ution aye opost havinga viewonthese grea eni the hisoryofhunmanbeing,e

3、ll madefullse ofther yuth ime ,to dothngtat ueful tosciety,to the wholemnki,ndas a csquec,the ae rememred by aer gnrton,dmirdbyevryneso do soethinghe time of young,lthough you may nt getacheveens thee geatmen did ,thugh not f the wle word,ustforyouef,fo ose aond!he yg iust ik bloom floers,they reo b

4、eauiul whnboomig,thmake peoe feel hapy,but wtime an y,ftrhey iers ,oe people tik theyare gy.ndso it is thsamwthoung,w ar enthusiastiwhenwe are oung,thn weay lose ou assion hen getig olderandler sowemut tresre it ,do#3;t th limittetme ps y ,lavingotig of igficance名人励志英语演讲稿篇 Tribt t Dan 致戴安娜;查尔斯;斯宾塞 D

5、iaa wa the vry essec f cmasion, of duty, yl, fbeaty. All ve th wrld he as ymol ofselfless unity. Aller th world, a stadard brer for te rghof the tuly otrdden, ver Britsh girl who transced naionity, someo ha natural noilitywh wsclssless. 在全世界,戴安娜是同情心、责任心、风度和美丽的化身,是无私和人道的象征,是维护真正被践踏的权益的旗手,是一个超越国界的英国女孩

6、,是一个带有自然的高贵气质的人,是一个不分阶层的人。This isthe textof arl encer&39;s trbue t hi sterathr fnerl. Tere is some verye,wful andeatfelt entmen.Wold tat oseat who is aimewltak heed. The vss ptedon several ewsrics hadino erors. Thi i reiselya itwas deierd.snd befo outday te repestatve of a familyi rief, n aour inmou

7、rig before a wli shck Weaealuitdno only n ur dsi t pay ou rsec t Dian but rather n or ned to do so Forsuchwas her exrdinaappeal that thet o llions of opetaking part in thiservceall ver the wrlv tlevson an adi whoneveractuly her, eltatthe, to, lo meone cle to in the eary ours of Sda mrning. I is ore

8、emkletribute tDia than Ica evopto offerher oday. Dia was the ry sence o compasn, o ut, ofsyle, of beaut All over thewod sh w asyo o sles umniy, asndar-bearrfor he rghts of th trul dowroden, a very British gir h trancende natonaity, somenewith aual nobility ho a classess, whoproved i he la a that se

9、nded noroal itl o continu to geneat erparicularbran ofmaic. odayis our can to say quo;ankyou"fr teway youbrhtned our lies, evehough od grnd you u lf a life We illllfee chated, aay, that yo ere take frm us ooung ad et we us ear to begrtef tht oucme along at al. nly ow youareon we trly pprc whatw

10、areow wihut an we at ou to knohat lifewitu yo i very, very dfict.Wehvealldesred at our loss oe t pastweekand ly the trength o essge yougave u though your ars f givin has afforded usthestngh to move foward.Teeisateptation to rho anniz yuremor Ter is no neeo do s. Yu stantall noug aa humn being ofniqu

11、 qualitinottoneed to be seenas sain. Indeed t ancify yourmeory ould be to mis o on th vy e o your being, your wondrfuly ischievous sns of humorith te augh hat et you duble, y joyfor lie transmitted whereery tookyor mie, andtespakle in thoseunfrgettabl eye, ou bondle enegywhic yo ouldbarely ontan. Bu

12、t yur grattgft as yurituition, and itas ftou usdwiselyhi is hat erpinnedall your wonderfu attibtes. Aniw look to lyzeha itaabout you th ha sch a wide appel, we fn it in yur insinci feelfor wha as eall iporant l ur lives Without yur ogivensensitivit, we ould be immerse n grater inoanceat thanguis f ADS nd HIV fees, he piht of teholss, te isolto ofepers, the rand detruction of land ine. ianaeplained to m oce that it ws hr innrmst elinso sffightmade it posile for hr to coc



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