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1、一 My iw o uccess es n Getlemen,God evig! Im vr gld to he to share wihyou y ie o success. vbodydsis succsu wht on ear succss Yu mas “Irte succss me s Is a hig as suces” No, dnttink so.Atou ymay le sucesin say, hnscess i mre in he sucs ou tring fr suces Forele,Chiasny inothe TO isacess; eiings d for t

2、he22X Oypcs isa sucs; naional ootba eams dhinto eorld Cpsa scces. wever, have yaied heeffortittook to yel tseuccsfu eames May eopl nlyoncntrat on t rsul btdont engh anion to te proess nailed to ces. Wat a te poss andheeet suce posle Th we itryi andconstant tyng. Iweaquited, ccs wou haveeaed fro us o

3、ee uceyell f t. In te rd, it isprverac ha hs mdan ill maksucces viae to. Thereore,whr w bgin to d anthi, we hould lwaa mhs n the esuls ony.eeind thatpocess ochasg sccss mayget s ots ofxperience, mmake us mo intellgen, me moe detene nreped ort edeavour. Enwedot uceed in the ed, pocs l contibut to s i

4、that wilprep s for the ftur. we ll kno,Re, afmos brn, whihplakey ol in leain e shiohmean abrod, is enjonaw cal psperiy nwide prosect. For the dirtord all te sf,s deinitely an mazing succs. Hover, ore atteto shld be gen ha it tookto mae t deam com inoreality A t e, staing rgig a sec is alsauces tsome

5、extet. mtterwt the us re, urly ill ge lotoexperienceand akelt o rieds becuei is ore mptanttat I hav doe hat I can I oudlike oqtageat riish nuit John Rayssayig, “scceongs tothe pereverin”. riends, along a ou ketrng, succswllpoac y andhyu finaly. Atlast, wsh thisramettion reat uccs, wish youll ucss! T

6、hanouforigwith me! 二 M dfntion ofes Today I amvery glad to e hre toshr wit you my idas ofuccess hai suces t iwht eeryone i ognor.Sometims uces woube ratr mle. in a iscess; gtnghih rde in he eam s suces; making newrind sus; even no amstaning hegivig speeh ismeho also sccss Howevr, a a pesons whlelife

7、 is onerned, sucss bcome vrycomplcatd. Is orne succss I fame sss high ca status sceNo, dtink o.I blev ces hereaizao ofpeples hpes and ielsNowadas, in te oern cety erearemany peopwho aeegarded s sucsul Ad te mst bvous chaacterticsof e r one,hghpoitionan luxro ieSmost peopeblive tats ccss all hattheyd

8、o sfo this purpos.the poe is ethe it s real ucess We alnow hrearealamoemoey,hige poston an ber condtion inront o us. If we kee cainthem, where is the hatwil sasfy s tlat Theree, we an see,to the eal Scces we must neesetn insid,hch the reizat f peophope ad alsffeent popl have differentideasabou scce;

9、 cause peoleshops n deas vary ro neaothBut msuryuccessi dea tveryody,caseitisnteato co b, case n the proe o rsiing fues, we o boh our bodyadsutmpt, mnheeare elghd bythe msvaluableuitie f hma bigs:oe,patient,cuage anseof responsiility. Thrth besraues.nw ve prod tha Ihve this oppotuntyo stnhrepeakig o

10、 llfyouIt ysucces, cause I aise up t halleng mope. hats succss Evereas hi wn inerpraion I d. u Imeever sucess ds oanverghte uture S dis adgentleme, ie in orhopes,beieenorsls, w, vry oneous, an make a sucssf ie! 三 My Defnition Suss y Hn 陈恒 上海外国语大学(获得第五届全国英语演讲比赛冠军) “ceuon me,here was ngwho ha aghter a

11、 autul a a loomin rose.To allthe utswho camo h kings pale to a fh hand f the rncess,tld kin assgne thretaks to be acompished, eah extto imsil.O day, int theinpalc ame hndsm un rinc. , youkn th she thre task ay bedifet in difretversions,but main lo islysheame, wtht prclain he princess a triumphantly An enngi away te sae, ishing with the le Andthey ive happleveryafter. hyae



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