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1、毕业设计外文资料翻译题 目 气候变化和结构工程 Climate change and structural engineering 51/2 (2007) 4750 Pter LenkeiDepartment of Structural Engineering, University of Pcs, H-7625 Boszorknyu. 2, Pcs, HungaryAbstract Based on last years experiences it is obvious for the majority of professionals and for the general public

2、 too, that climate change is a realistic present and future.In the beginning this paper deals with the signs and perspectives of climate change. In the second part the consequences of climate change on building and civil engineering structures are treated. The emphasis is laid on the eect of tempera

3、ture, windend water circulation of the globe. The research is directed mainly towards getting reliable future data and its evaluation for practical use. Finally some aspects of standardization procedure and the problem of old/existing and new structures are treated. Keywordsclimate change eects on s

4、tructures meteorological actions AcknowledgementThe author would like to express his sincere gratitude to Professor Judit Bartholy of the Meteorological Chair of L. Etvs University for her help and understanding .Acknowledgements are due to the National Oce for Research and Technology Development (N

5、KTH) and to the Hungarian Scientic Research Fund (OTKA) for accepting this topic for common future nancing. 1 IntroductionThe climate change, the global warming and their consequences are well represented in the media. In addition people experience in everyday life smaller or bigger signs of this pr

6、ocess. Nevertheless one can meet skeptic opinions, but the number of such opinions are decreasing due to the obvious evidences. The problem of climate change is very wide and extremely complex, involving every elds of science, and even every side of the life on the globe. It should be pointed out, t

7、hat this problems in structural engineering are important, but involving only a small part of the general problem. According to the opinion of the author the adaptation and mitigation procedures of the climate change should be applied to the activity of each profession. To draw the consequences, and

8、 propose the necessary steps in our profession, in structural engineering is the goal of this paper. 2 The climate changeThe global warming due to the increased emission of greenhouse gases is investigated by many of the meteorological institutions, offices, bureaus and stations. Great many of repor

9、ts have been published all around the world. One of the most important documents is the series of Assessment Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(established by the UN). The last one titled Climate Change 2007 Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability”(IPCC 2007).This

10、Report declares Much more evidence has accumulated over the last ve years to indicate the changes in many physical and biological systems linked to anthropogenic warming.”The Report states for the future Magnitude of impact can now be estimated more systematically for a range of possible increases i

11、n global average temperature.” About the future impact due to the altered frequencies, and intensities of extreme weather, climate and see level events. . . ” the Report pointed out Disruption by oods and high wind, withdrawal of risk coverage in vulnerable areas by private insurers. . . ” would be

12、of great importance. Responding to the climate change the Report stressed the necessity of adaptation and mitigation measures.The above described general situation makes necessary the adaptation and mitigation measures in structural engineering too. For specifying our task we should know the perspec

13、tives on he long term about global warming in the Carpathian Region. In the following some regional aspects, e.g. average temperature increase (Fig. 1) and average precipitation changes (Fig. 2) are hown in the Carpathian Region elaborated by the Meteorology Chair of the Etvs University, Budapest (B

14、artholy et al 2).In these diagrams are shown the expected change in the period of 2071-2100 relative to 1961-1990 in case of an adverse scenario. The data was drawn from research results of 18 meteorological institution using regional climate change models.Next years some similar diagrams will be el

15、aborated for average wind speed of the above period by the Meteorology Chairof the L. Etvs University in the frame of a research project sponsored by the National Oce for Research and Technology Development (NKTH) and the Hungarian Scientic Research Fund (OTKA).3 Possible future impacts of climate change on structures There are several possible disadvantageous impacts (the following list is not complete).Impacts of temperature changes Drought areas (long seasons without precipitation) More frequent freezing-thawing cycles (concr



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