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1、人教版高中英语必修 5 教案 Unit 2 TheUnited KingdomUnit 2 The ; United Jack; famouaureVocabulalarify accompllict udit cuvugh attract collection administration countryside furnished possibility arrange wedding fold sightseeing delight royal ulendid statue commullFuLanguage difficulunicationExcuse me. I m afraid

2、I cant follow you.Can you spealowly, please?What did you mean by ?2. Space:ddistancewd to/d /st1:country- regdividedTarest is called GrammarThe past participle as the oblu findulaleduth he hadlled while they were asleep.Period OneTeaching objectives:1. shaation about the .2. F reading ability (predi

3、ctingg and scanning) Teaching procedures:Warming-upAudwairs and do the quiz on P9Keys: 1.C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5.B1. The and are much smaller than prov, wlong, .Which couleft out? Why?2) Whauntries does British Airwa?3) Which group of invaders didnt influence .2. Text structure analysisHavudd ouach parag

4、raaragraphWhy are dwords used to describe ?2nd paragraphFwas and /st1:Auddivide the passagarts and write down the main idea of each partPart1 (para1-4) What the UK includes and how the /st1:pla:larities and d找教案http:/linkedPart3(para6) The cultural importance of was to wd toTuries later andTowns and

5、 roadsLanguage and govVocabulary and place-namesCastles and wordd3. Havudents look at the map of and Ngland. North: Leeds, , Brighton, developed as an administrative unit. It shows how .Period Two ThreeLanguag由组成,由.构成(不用进行时) The teaundred men and women athletes.=The team is made uundred men and wome

6、n athletes.Ta big familgl 在于,决定于 ( 不用被动态 )= be based on/ depend on/ uponWhat does ha? 什么才算是幸福? The beauwlancient buildings.Pre-readingdivi de “把 . 分成;分开”指将一个整体分成若干部 分,常与介词 between ,among, b 等搭配He divided the caThe cake was dividedDivide this l20 equal parts. Divide this lalf.Well have to divide the

7、work between (among) us.6 divided by 3 is 2.separate 多指把原来连在一起或者是靠近的人或事物分 离开,常与介词 from, by 搭配The Channel separates .The two towns are separated bvdoesnt want to beseparatedan.I have got separateda couple of years. 分开,分居 /st1:uzzlg that is difficult to understand or explain 难题,迷 / 益智玩具 ( 游戏 )Programm

8、ing is really a puzzl 我搞不懂编程。I am in a puzzle about his way of dealing watter.对.大惑不解A cross-word puzzle 填字游戏Vu 使某人迷惑What puzzled me a lw he bwithout being noticed.Vi * be puzzled about/over 为 . 冥思苦想I ve bg here puzzling about/over what to do.2 Clarifyvt/vi to mag clearer and eaunderstand 澄清,阐明,讲清楚Ia

9、t what I said will clauation. 澄清情况He clawelfa 阐明在福利改革上的立场His mind suddenly clarified. 他的头脑突然清醒了。3find + 宾语宾补He woke up and found himselal. ( 介词短语 )Did you find? ( 副词 )I m sure we ll find her hard at work when we g( 容词)I find the light burning, so I guess thall studying.( 现在分词 )The girl found the hou

10、se b(过去分词)They found themselves trapped by the buI find her a difficult woman to deal with. (名词 )* contain 包括侧重于“内有”; include “侧重于包 含者只是整体中的一部分”。Tains 20luding 5 children./ 5 children included.4 accomplish v to succeed in doinggally ag very hard; achieve 完成任务,取得成功, 实现目标We have accomplished all we se

11、t out to do.所有的计划要做的事,我们都已完成。He knew he had accomplishedg after all.The bd to accomplgoal is to unite as many people as possible.*Accomplished adj. 有修养的, 有造诣的, 有才华的 An accomplished painter/ singer/ author*Accompl 完成,实现 unThe accomplask depends uwhole class.The accomplace成就,才能 = achievLanny was delig

12、hted to have his musical accompladmired.Playing piaany accompllict a state of disagargument betwle, groups ,countries抵触,冲突 , 矛盾This stalicts wade laThe conflict between traditional view and modA conflict betwdemandsstudy and one ainment 学习需要与娱乐之间的矛盾 *lict 发生争执This stubborn blict wlassmates ovblems*

13、armed conflict 武装冲突 confl 利益冲突6. break away (from) “挣脱;逃离”Several states broke awa and became independent. 几 个州脱离了联邦成为独立的国家。The dog broke awawner. 那条狗挣脱主人的控制。He has broken awabad habg.克服了抽烟的习惯有关的短语: break out (战争,疾病,火灾等)爆发,没有被动态 Td World War broke oubA fire broke oul last night.The SARSbroke out in

14、early spring and spread all over the .break down (车辆,机器)损坏;(计划)失败;(身 体)崩溃;分解The car broke dowway.His plan broke down at last.Tbroke down for laand had to gal.Waasily broken dowdrogen and oxygen. break in 闯入;打断 Tband stole the TV set.Dont break in when we are talking. break up ( 使 ) 解散;结束,放假;绝交 The p

15、olice broke ughting crowd by violence. The students will break uas vacation next week. Mary has just broken up wboyfriend.7 Credit n trust/belief 信任, 相信We gave credade-uPraise that you givg they have done 称赞* to one s credit值得赞扬,为.争光It is greatly to your credit that you have carried on your caall the difficulur children are really a credam.= your children really dam credit.为队争光She deserved creduarty.There was little credit givwho had worked the hardest. 那些工作最努力的人几乎没有收到什么表扬。找教案 http:/zhaojiaoau could at lea


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