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1、Unit 2 Continuous Learning (B)I. More reading:A class of one Independent learning 1) Independent learning is one solution for those who want to continue their education, but have no time for it. independent adj. 独立的,不受约束的,有主见的 independent country 独立的国家 be independent of 独立于之外;不受约束;免得 dependent adj.

2、依靠的,依赖的 be dependent on 依靠,随.而定; 依.而转移All effects are dependent on their causes. 一切的结果都基于它们的原因。 depend on v. Children must depend on their parents. 孩子们必须依赖他们的父母 independence n. dependence n. 练习: He is old enough to be independent of his parents. They went camping so as to be independent of hotels. 他

3、们去露营, 免得住旅馆。 运动会会不会举行要看天气。Whether the sports meeting will be held or not depends on the weather. solution n. 解决(办法/方案),解答;溶液 solution to = key to = answer to 的解决办法 练习: What is the solution to your trouble? 你解决困难的办法是什么?2) It is often described as a class of one, because you work alone. describe vt. (

4、described, describing) 描述;描绘 describe as 把描述为 be described as 被描述为 description n. 描述,描写 give a description of sth = describe sth 描述某事 beyond description 难以描述练习:这个人到处(universally)被说成是一个英雄。The man is universally described as a hero. 你能描述一下这次事故嘛?Can you describe the accident accurately? = Can you give

5、an accurate description of the accident?3) You study at your own pace, at a time and place convenient for you. at pace 以的速度/节奏(这时pace等于speed / rate) at a fast pace 快速 pace n. 一步, 步幅;一步之距 make two paces 走两步 take a pace forward 向前迈一步The fence is only ten paces from the house. 围墙离屋子只有十步远。步态, 步法,步伐 rapi

6、d pace of life快节奏生活 keep pace / hold pace with 跟上,与同步;并驾齐驱Are wages keeping pace with inflation? 工资的提高能否与通货膨胀同步?pace vt. 慢慢地走, 踱步: He paced the room nervously. 他在房间里紧张地踱来踱去。(the room前不要加介词!)练习:Many people in Shanghai complain of the rapid _ of modern life. A. rate 率,比率, 速率 The rate of inflation decr

7、eased to 10% last year. 去年通货膨胀率降低为百分之十。 rate of exchange 汇率 B. speed 特指物体运动的速度,不用于生活快节奏的场合 at a speed of eighty miles an hour 以每小时80英里的速度 C. pace 步伐,速度,节奏(特指生活节奏) a fast pace 快速 to go at a good pace 以飞快的速度走 D. growth 生长,成长 In this time of economic reforms, our state of mind should keep _ with the ra

8、pid changes of the economic system. A. pace 词组keep pace with并驾齐驱,与齐步前进 B. touch keep in touch with与保持联系 C. progress D. stepconvenient adj. 方便的,便利的 If it is convenient for you 如果你方便的话(不能用if you are convenient) convenience n. 方便,便利 at ones convenience 在方便的时候 Its a great convenience to live in town. 住在

9、城市里有很大的方便。Please come at your convenience. 请在你方便的时候前来。4) These courses can help you get a degree, help your career, or help you learn what interests you. get a degree取得学位 the degree of doctor / a doctors degree 博士学位He passed his examinations and now he has the degree of Master. 他通过了考试,现在他有了硕士学位。care

10、er n. 事业, 生涯 a career teacher 专职教师 make a career 在事业上有所成就5) One type of independent learning is the correspondence course. In a correspondent course, a school sends you textbooks, study guides, and materials such as video and audio discs. correspondence course 函授课程correspondence un. 相应;通信, 信件 teach

11、by correspondence 函授 by / through correspondence 用写信的办法 in correspondence with 和.一致;与.有通信联系 hold / keep up correspondence with sb 与某人(保持)通信(联系)6) You communicate with your teacher by email. Your teacher reads your papers and makes comments. Your mistakes are recorded by the school before they are ma

12、iled back to you. by / through email 用email的形式 by / through correspondence 用写信的办法 by telephone 通过电话make comments on 发表对的看法或评论 comment n. 评语;批评;评注;注释 make a comment / make comments on / upon / about 对作评论Nobody is willing to make any comments on his poor performance. 没有人愿意对他的糟糕的表演作出评论。He made a commen

13、t about the bad road. 他对这条糟糕的路发表评论。 No comment! 无可奉告!comment vi. (常与on, that连用) 评论;注释;批评Everyone commented on her new hat. 大家都在评论她的新帽子。7) Independent learning gives you the freedom to adapt your learning to your lifestyle. freedom n. 自由 have the freedom to do sth 有做某事的自由 (= be free to do sth ) with

14、freedom 自由地; 随便地, 无拘束地 People in that country have the freedom to say what they want to say. 那个国家的人民享有言论自由。adapt v. 使适应,改编 adapt for 使适合于; 为.改编 adapt from 根据.改写/改编 adapt oneself to 使自己适应或习惯于某事 adapt sth to 使某事物适应或适合练习: 这部电影为孩子们而改编。The film has been adapted for children. 这部电影是由小说改编的。The movie was ada

15、pted from a novel. 试着把你的生活规律(routine)和这里的习惯(customs)合拍。Try to adapt your routine to the customs here. 链接:adopt v. 采纳(建议等);收养(孤儿等)The old lady adopted an orphan last year. The idea was at last adopted by the government. 8) However, it requires self-discipline and hard work, so not everyone is successful at it. Those who are successful receive a real sense of achievement and satisfaction. self-discipline n. 自我训练, 自我修养, 自律, 自我约束有关sense的几个搭配:a sense of achievement 成就感 sense of honor 荣誉感 sense of


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