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1、 2022年英语专业晨读美文励志篇:The Power of Us00:03.81Sometimes I think that if I could change the world,00:08.73and run everything the way I want, then the world would be a better place.00:12.78 I”m a good guy. I have good intentions.00:16.17I want the best for everyone; so it sounds like a good plan, right?00:

2、20.65Why not just make me the king of the world?00:24.04I would have the smartest people in the world serving in my cabinet00:28.85to solve all the important issues that I don”t know much about.00:32.03 The rest will work itself out.00:34.54The truth of the matter is that00:36.62 we”ve all had that

3、thought in our minds at one point or another.00:39.68 It”s our ego”s natural yearning. If only I got my way.00:44.72If only I ruled the world.00:46.79An even greater truth is that00:49.08none of us is going to become the king of the world anytime soon.00:52.91 It would probably be a very lonely job,

4、 anyway.00:56.08Too many responsibilities, too much on one person”s shoulders.01:00.90So how do we go about changing the world01:03.74if we don”t have supreme reign over everything?01:06.26The bad news is that it”s still our individual responsibility.01:10.63 Despite not being the kings of the world

5、,01:13.37 the changes we make as individuals can01:16.10and will impact the rest of the world01:18.51 if executed with great precision and passion.01:21.02Where We Make the Most Impact01:23.54I am convinced that we can create the most change in the world01:27.59 by concentrating our resources where

6、we can have the most potential impact.01:31.74 This focus, unlike spreading our resources thin,01:35.78allows us to have a more direct impact on individuals.01:38.96The part of the world in which we make the most impact,01:42.35whether we like it or not, is within our families and small circles of f

7、riends.01:47.38 We may be successful in converting our family into believers,01:51.10 and they may even turn out to be our biggest group of supporters, or not.01:56.02The point, however, does not lie in the way they treat us,01:59.63but rather it”s in our behavior,02:02.03 and the actions we exhibit

8、 from our end; the way we treat them!02:06.52Being able to express compassion, patience, love,02:09.91and understanding for the people in our families,02:12.43despite opposing views belief systems,02:14.94allows us to expand our ability to empathize with others.02:18.55 These abilities, which in my

9、opinion are critical in interpersonal relationships,02:23.91will become ingrained in us as second nature.02:27.08The fact that we have such a high level of influence on the people closest to us,02:31.37our families and close friends,02:33.66will make them more susceptible to picking up on these beha

10、viors02:37.06and adopting them as their very own.02:39.79Thus, we spread compassion, patience, love and understanding.02:44.71 From one person leading by example to another.02:48.21Taking Impact to The Next Level02:50.72While transforming the world for our own families can be very fulfilling,02:55.1

11、0many of our egos will strive for prolific change in the world.02:58.93 In one sense, our egos” mission is to conquer the world.03:02.87 Whether it conquers it with a message of love or destruction03:06.25 depends on the individual ego.03:08.55You may think that family does not need to be a first st

12、ep,03:11.84and that you are perfectly capable of changing the entire world03:15.33without such a close social bond.03:17.74You”ll soon find out that human beings do not operate on such a paradigm.03:22.12 Whether blood related or not, people tend to gravitate to others,03:26.49and eventually form a

13、family unit. It”s a survival mechanism.03:31.19This is why I say to first work on yourself, then your family,03:35.24and then the rest of the world.03:37.42 From this powerful core and support system you will have better resources,03:41.80 mental, material, and spiritual, in order to make breakthroughs03:46.28with hundreds, thousands, or millions of people around the globe.


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