Unit 10 Review and check.doc

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《Unit 10 Review and check.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 10 Review and check.doc(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 10 Review and check .第一课时一、Teaching contents:Part A Look ,read and write .二、Teaching aims:1. Language aims: 学生尽可能地把Unit 6-Unit 9中所学过的日常交际用语用到实践中。2. Ability aims:学生能根据图片选择相应的日常交际用语,并填上序号。3. Emotion aims:面向全体学生,关注每个学生,让每个学生都有机会练习说话。三、Teaching focus and difficulties1 学生尽可能地把Unit 6-Unit 9中所学过的日常交际用

2、语用到实践中。2 学生能根据图片选择相应的日常交际用语,并填上序号。四、Teaching aids录音机、磁带、图片和相关实物、挂图。五、Teaching stepsStep 1、Free talk .1.Greetings。(师生间围绕Unit 6Unit 交际用语进行交际)2. Sing two songs .This is the way Whats the matter 3. On duty .值日生根据所学的交际用语随便表达。Step 2 Play games.Game1. 连锁回答(主要复习询问物主,时间表达等项目)师规定游戏进行的路线,首先向第一位同学发问,该生回答后,由他继续向

3、下一个发问,凡在规定时间内接不上的被淘汰,同时在游戏过程中师注意正音。如:T: Whats the time?S: Its seven .Whats the time?S: Its three .Its time to play football. Whose pen is it ?S:Game2 Polly says : 主要复习叫某人某事或不干某事。Polly says “ open your book .” (执行) Close your book. (不执行)Game3 Listen and do .主要复习表情Step3 Look , read and write .1. 指导学生先

4、看图理解图意,然后朗读句子。2. 生填空。3. 校对。4. 生看图朗读。 采用男女生、小组之间、各排之间、同桌之间等不同的形式,直至熟练。5. 角色表演,根据图片进行对话,要注意不必拘于书上图片,可以用学生自己所准备图片加以补充练习。Step 4 Do exercises :1. Whose gloves are they ? Theyre YangLings.2. Whats the time? Its nine ten .Step 5、 Homework .Listen to the tape of Unit 5-9 two times .第二课时一、Teaching contents:U

5、nit 10 Part B二、Teaching aims:1. Language aims: 能根据图片填上合适的单词。2. Ability aims:通过复习,使学生熟练地掌握本册教材所学的单词。3. Emotion aims:面向全体学生,关注每个学生,让每个学生都有机会练习说话。三、Teaching focus and difficulties1 通过复习,使学生熟练地掌握本册教材所学的单词。2 能根据图片填上合适的单词。四、Teaching aids录音机、磁带、图片和相关实物、挂图。五、Teaching stepsStep 1、Free talk .1. Greetings .(让学

6、生自由运用本册所学交际用语进行交际)2. Sing a song This is the way 3. Free talk .(可分小组进行连锁问答操练。)Step 2 : Play games .Game1 “招兵买马。” 把学生分成几个组,“水果组” “动物组” “服装组”“文具组”“表情组”各小组的成员齐心协力,把相关单词填进去。Game2 “滚雪球”把学生分成几个组,每组派一名学生在黑板上写出一个以某字母为词首的单词,前一个单词的词尾字母作为下一个单词的词首字母,在规定时间内写的又多又正确的小组获胜,小组内成员可互相合作提示。如:car-read draw write eat ten

7、no3.Read these words.Step3 、 Look ,read and complete .1、生看图,根据图意填入所缺单词。2、以小组比赛的形式练读句子,直至熟练。3、将这五段话扩充成对话进行表演。师先示范:T:Hello!S: Hello!T: Look at my skirt .S: Oh ,its pretty ./its nice /its smart .T: Do you like it ?S: Yes ,I like the colour ,but its too short .T: Its not my skirt ,Its my sisters .S: Oh

8、,I see.4、Practice in pairs .5、Act .教师要注意运用实物或图片帮助学生创设一下语言环境。Step4、Short break.Step5、Do exercise1.Copy the sentences.1) Dont write on desks and dont eat in class .2)The monkey can drink tea and eat hot dogs .3) I like blue .My school bag is blue ,and my rubbers are blue ,too .Step6、Homework 抄写四会单词2遍

9、第三课时一、Teaching contents:Unit10 Part C二、Teaching aims:1. Language aims: 学生能熟练掌握数词。2. Ability aims:学生能围绕时间展开对话。3. Emotion aims:面向全体学生,关注每个学生,让每个学生都有机会练习说话。三、Teaching focus and difficulties1学生能熟练掌握数词。2学生能围绕时间展开对话。四、Teaching aids录音机、磁带、图片和相关实物、挂图。五、Teaching stepsStep 1、Free talk .1. Greetings.(师生之间综合运用所

10、学交际进行交际)2. Sing a song Ten little Indians 3. Free talk 主要围绕Whats the time?进行。Step2 、Play games1. Read the telephone numbers .6231579 5410689 7912543 6793186 5671824 62219982. Count from one to one hundred . Dont say the multiples of “7”.Say “Hello”Step 3、Look and say 1.师出示钟面,问:T:Whats the time?S: It

11、s T: Lets /Shall we /Its time toS: O .2. Practice in groups 3. Act .(让学生利用钟面进行交际表演)师先与学生进行示范T: Good afternoon .S: Good afternoon .T: Whats the time?S: Its 4:00T: Its time to play football .S: Ok ,Lets go .学生之间围绕时间展开对话,对话内容适当扩展。Step4、Have a rest . (Sing a song We are happy bees)Step5、Do exercises.1.

12、Copy the sentences.1)Whats the time? Its three fifteen .Its time to play football .2)Whats the time: Its twelve .Its time to have lunch .Step6、Homework .读Unit 6-Unit 9 第四课时一、Teaching contents:Unit10 Part D Look and talk .二、Teaching aims:1. Language aims: 能通过复习,使学生对以前所学过的单词能熟练掌握。2. Ability aims:能运用学过

13、的语言合理组织对话内容。3. Emotion aims:面向全体学生,关注每个学生,让每个学生都有机会练习说话。三、Teaching focus and difficulties1能通过复习,使学生对以前所学过的单词能熟练掌握。2能运用学过的语言合理组织对话内容。四、Teaching aids录音机、磁带、图片和相关实物、挂图。五、Teaching stepsStep 1、Free talk .1. Greetings .2. Sing a song Perhaps 3. Free talk .主要围绕Whats the time ?进行。Step2 、Play games 1. Look a

14、nd say 采用“快速闪动”的形式复习文具、动物类、玩具类的单词。2. Listen and do 复习动作类、感觉类单词。I feel /tired /thirsty /hungry /hot /cold Step3、 Look and talk .1.用实物投影仪展开图片,让学生仔细看图数分钟,随后隐去,师针对图片进行提问。如:T:What can you see in the picture ?S: I can see a bag .T: What colour is the bag ?S: Its blue .T: Whose bag is it ?S: Its Liu Taos .2.生仔细看图,用下列句式讨论图片内容,师先示范。T:What can you see in the picture ?S: I can see T: Where is /are theS: Its /Theyre T: Whose is it /are they?S: Its /Theyre 3.生自编对话表演。 师先示范,然后生在小组内练习。Step 4、Do exe



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