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1、汇报课教案Unit4 What can you do?教学设计华容县终南中心小学 刘娟一、教学目标根据学生已有的认知基础及本课在单元之中的地位及作用,依据小学英语教学的总体目标,我确立本课的教学目标为:1、知识目标(1) 能听、说、读、写动词短语wash the clothes, make the bed, do the dishes, set the table.能听、说、认读动词短:put away the clothes(2)掌握“Can you.?”句型并能用“Can you do housework?”来询问了解他人的日常生活自立能力及相应的回答“Yes, I can.”2、能力目标

2、(1)通过设置情境和有趣的活动,使学生掌握五个有关家务的词组和句子“Can you do housework? Yes, I can./ No, I cant.” 并能在日常生活和交际中使用。(2)通过做动作,让学生体验劳动的辛苦,提高对知识的理解能力,培养学生的思维、想象力。3、情感目标让学生了解一些环保的相关知识,以及养成热爱劳动的良好品质。二、教学重点和难点:(1)教学重点:四会词组wash the clothes, make the bed, do the dishes, set the table;三会词组put away the clothes并在日常交际中正确运用。(2)教学难点

3、: put away the clothes的正确发音和四个动词的书写及运用。三、教学过程:Step 1 Warming-up1、播放歌谣Let sing “I can help”,师生边拍手边说,边听录音边做动作。I can set the table. I can sweep the floor.I can wash the clothes and count forty-four.I can wash the dishes and clean my bedroom. There is so much I can do. Now I ask you.Step 2 Presentation1

4、、Phrase teaching(1)Guessing game wash the clothes/set the table/ make the bed/do the dishes/put away the clothes (2) 让学生跟读录音。 (3)Remember them:wash wash wash wash the clothesset set set set the tablemake make make make the bed2、Sentence patterns(1)师生之间自由练说,引出重点句型:A、询问别人会做什么:Can you.? 肯定回答:Yes, I can

5、.否定回答:No, I cant.B、当你不会做某事,却愿意尝试一下,可以说:Id like to have a try!(2)Pair work: A: Hello,Can you do housework?B: Yes, I can. I can wash the clothes/set the table/ make the bed/ do the dishes/put away the clothes.Or No, I cant. But Id like to have a try.Step 3 :Practice1、 传话游戏(时间充足的话,可以进行多次。) 将学生分成5组,请每组的

6、第一人任意抽一张课前准备好的词组卡片。 5个组同时开始,将你看到的句子小声传给下一个同学,最后一个同学大声地说出来,选出最快最正确的一组。2、Look and say依次闪过五张关于刚学的词组的图片,让学生快速记住图片并用英语回答。Step 4 Consolidation and extension1、 Good to know:I can cook the meals. Remember to switch off the gas. I can empty the trash. Remember to pick out the batteries.I can do the dishes. R

7、emember to rinse off the detergent. I can wash the clothes. Remember to separate the coloured clothes from the white ones. 2、 Lets chantCook the meals. Water the plants. Wash the clothes. No time to dance.Make the bed. Sweep the floor. Empty the trash. And there is More, please! No more!3、SummaryA: Hello,Can you do housework?B: Yes, I can. I can wash the clothes/set the table/ make the bed/ do the dishes/put away the clothes.Or No, I cant. But Id like to have a try.Step 5 Homework:1、完成本单元B Lets learn部分的活动手册配套练习。2、听课文录音,并读给家长听。



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