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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。. 单项选择1、My mother always tells me that . So I always do my best while studying.Ano pain, no gain Btoo many cooks spoil the brothCmany hands make light work Dthe grass

2、 is always greener on the other side2、Andrew likes English. He _ it for eight years.AlearnsBlearnedChas learnedDwill learn3、-Would you like to attend Chinas Got Talent(中国达人秀)?-_ But Im busy revising for my test.ADont mention it.BId love lo.CThats all right.DMy pleasure.4、Not all the students would r

3、ather _ computer games than _.Aplay, studyBplaying, studyingCto play, to studyDplaying, study5、The clothes in this store are sold _ very good prices.Ain Bat Con Dto6、The doctor looks tired and sleepy _he stayed up late to look after his patients yesterday.AifBbecauseCwhileDso that7、 Robert, Im afrai

4、d I _ finish the work today. It doesnt matter, you may finish it tomorrow.AneedntBcantCmustntDshouldnt8、Ill never succeed _ your help. Thank you, my dear friend. Its my pleasure.AwithoutBwithCinDfor9、Mum, may I draw some flowers on the wall?Oh, no, dear, you _. Why not draw your beautiful flowers on

5、 the paper?A neednt B cantC wont D couldnt10、Bobs mom is happy to see that he is full of energy and _for knowledge.AfamousBcarefulCfamiliarDthirsty. 完形填空11、Mr Brown lived in a small town. One day he 1 a long journey. It was very late when he was going home. 2 he found that a man was 3 behind him. Mr

6、. Brown went faster, and the man walked faster. 4 Mr. Brown walked slowly, the man slowly 5 .They were coming near a garden. Quickly Mr. Brown ran 6 it. He tried to get away from the man in this way, 7 he failed. He was very afraid. He rushed and the man rushed after him. Finally Mr. Brown 8 . “Excu

7、se me,” he said, “what do you want to do?”“I mean no harm, sir. I have to 9 a bag to Mrs. King and I asked the man at the station. He told me, Go right after that man. He 10 in the house just next to Mrs. Kings. So I have to follow you.”1Amissed Breturned Crode Dhad2ASuddenly BQuietly CBadly DFortun

8、ately3Aflying Bguiding Cwalking Dgathering4AWhat BWhen CWhere DHow5Aneither Beither Cstill Dtoo6Ainto Bon Cof Dat7Aand Bbut Cor Dfor8Areviewed Bminded Cdreamed Dstopped9Aborrow Blend Cgive Dbring10Alives Bcopies Ccooks Dpaints. 语法填空12、Im Hongmei. I 1 (learn) English for many years, but I dont find i

9、t easy. I went to an English-speaking country on our last vacation, and I could not speak to the people very 2 (good). Our tour guide spoke English for us. Now I know it is important 3 (learn) more English, so Im having extra 4 (lesson) in my free time. I believe it can help5(I) improve my English m

10、ore soon. 阅读理解A13、Sometimes, you might not finish drinking your glass of water before you go to bed. You might want to drink it the next morning. But have you ever wondered if it is still safe to drink?“If you have clean water in a clean glass, youre fine to drink it for a day or two,” Kellogg Schwa

11、b from the Johns Hopkins University Water Institute in the US told Time.But you may find that it tastes strange. Thats because after about 12 hours, the carbon dioxide in the air reacts with the water in your glass, slightly lowering its pH level.Also, there might be more microorganisms in your wate

12、r if you leave it out overnight. Microorganisms grow more quickly at room temperature. These microorganisms can stick to your glass. They can make you get sick more easily. But as long as you clean your glasses very often, this will not be a problem.In countries like the US and UK, people often drin

13、k water directly from the tap . This is OK however, tap water cannot be stored for a long time. Most experts say that tap water has a shelf life of six months, according to Zane Satterfield from West Virginia University, US. After six months, there is less chlorine in the water and bacteria start to

14、 grow. Youd better not drink the water otherwise you may get sick.What about plastic water bottles? Schwab said people should be careful with them. If you leave a bottle of water under the sun or in a car for a long period of time, the plastic produces a chemical called BPAThis chemical can cause heart disease and cancer.1According to the passage,the water in the glass tastes strange after about_.A12 hoursB2 hoursCa day and a nightDtwo days2Why does the water taste strange after a night?ABecause there is less chlorine in the water.BBecause the glasses are dirt



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