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1、Renaissance, Reformation, Counter Reformation Exploration, Absolutism, Scientific Revolution1. Compare and contrast the relationship between the artist and society in the Renaissance/Reformation period to the relationship between the artist and society in the late nineteenth century.2. Describe how

2、the Catholic Church responded to the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century.Thesis: The Catholic Church responded to the Protestant Reformation first by forming or reviving groups to go against the Protestants, specifically the Jesuits, but finally to attempt to reform the Church a little bit at

3、 the Council of Trentso they would not risk losing more members.3 Historical Points:Old elements of Catholicism revived and reformed into new groups Teresa of Avila started group of Carmelite nuns based on mystical visions and belief that she should be of service to Catholicism Capuchins preached th

4、e Gospel directly in order to resist Protestantism Oratory of Divine Love was group of clergy and laymen who wanted to reform Catholic Churchcharitable works and personal spiritual development; supported Erasmus idea of “philosophy of Christ” Jesuits started to spread Catholicism Educated young peop

5、le at universities in order to curb Protestantism Converted people in the east such as some Chinese; found similarities between Christianity and Confucianism Won back parts of Germany and Poland from the Protestants Council of Trent Pope Paul III called it to resolve differences between Catholics an

6、d Protestants AFFIRMATIONS: 7 sacraments, Scripture and Catholic tradition, purgatory, celibacy, Latin remaining the only language of the Church, faith and good works being part of the religion REFORMS: Priests to be trained in seminaries, indulgences limited Catholicism still dominant religion in t

7、he 1550s. Militant Catholicism would be the next movement, trying to crush all the Protestants 3. Which factors explain why the European states in the 15th and 16th century were interested in the building of colonial empires?Thesis: In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the European states began

8、 building colonial empires due to strong economic motives and religious zeal, urged on by the growth of centralized monarchies during the Renaissance.Background (Introduction): By the second half of the fifteenth century, monarchies increased both in authority and resources, which allowed states to

9、turn their attention beyond boarders; Europeans have always been drawn to other landswriters in the middle ages wrote about magical other worlds.Economic Motives:1. Desire to find precious metals to trade and make moneya. Needed a more direct route to the eastb. Wanted to cut out the “middle man” in

10、 the Middle East in order to get better prices2. Mercantilisma. Jean Baptist Colbert; in order to acquire bullion and be an economic power, states needed colonies to have materials to trade and export.Religious Zeal:1. Crusading mentality dominated Portugal and Spaina. Prince Henry the Navigator had

11、 desire to increase faithb. Hernan Cortesconquered Mexico and wanted to convert heathen to Christianity 4. Compare and contrast the relationship between artists and society in the Baroque era and in the 20th century, Illustrate your essay with references to at least TWO examples for each period.THES

12、IS: Both artists during the Baroque period and during the 20th century related to art by creating pieces that held a religious or political message. Paragraph #2: Baroque Bernini Example #1: The Ecstasy of St. Teresa exemplified the church, sculpted during the Catholic Reformation dramatic, erotic,

13、in your face, Catholicism revival Example #2: Apollo and Daphne exemplified the church, religious messageParagraph #3: 20th Century Pablo Picasso Example #1: Guernica shows terror of war, disembodiment, speaking out against FASCISM Example #2: Massacre in Korea reference to Goyas the Third of May, s

14、hows atrocities of war, anger, pain and innocence Paragraph #4: 20th Century George Grosz (DADA) Example #1: A Winters Tale city of Berlin is a kaleidoscope, the good citizen is at his table and the evil forces that molded him surrounded him clergy, General, schoolmaster, anti war anti government, a

15、nti bourgeois 5. To what extent and in what ways did women participate in the Renaissance?Intro: During the middle of the fourteenth century, a “rebirth” of antiquity and the birth of new ideas were taking form. -Renaissance began in Italy among wealthy upper class men-new ideas impacted women (wome

16、n had no share in husbands wealth, no control over children) for better or for worse-Thesis: While lower and middle class women did not get a change to fully participate in and benefit from the teachings of the Renaissance, upper class women were able to use their wealth and power in society to significantly impa



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