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1、心跳心跳过快原因Sudha Chandran, a young girl who learned dancing when she was three years old and whose greatest passion remains dancing, was cut off in the prime of her careerquite literally-when her right leg had to be 1)amputated after a car aident.As a classical dancer from India, Sudha was 17 when the

2、tragedy 2)struck. Her right leg was badly injured in a traffic aident and had to be amputated below the knee when 3)gangrene set in. The tragedy was all the more 4)poignant as Sudha was 5)on the verge of beginning a glittering career in 1Bharatha Natyam, one of the most 6)exacting forms of Indian cl

3、assical dance. Sudha s world crumbled. She felt that all the years of training had gone to waste and in any case what kind of life was it to be without a leg. The reality that she would never dance again was too much to 7)cope with, she simply did not want to live.However, she didn t give up. During

4、 the six-month 8)recu-peration period after surgery she became obsessed with the idea of walking again but without crutches. By chance she picked up a magazine and read about 9)Dr Sethi and his famous 2Jaipur foot and immediately made an appointment to see him.The first question she asked of him was

5、 “will I dance again?” His reply without hesitation was “why not?” They tried out various options including a spring-loaded ankle fitting for more flexibility essential for the 10)intricate footwork required in Baratha Natyam. The spring was not suessful as it kept 11)jamming during practice. For th

6、e next round of fittings Sudha brought her dance teacher along.For twenty days Dr Sethi and his team watched the two working together. In the end they fitted her with the same Jaipur foot and limb that was given to any other 12)amputee who came to the13)rehabilitation centre at the SMS Hospital in 1

7、4)Jaipur.So intense was her desire that Sudha decided to go back to dancing after she had been fitted with an artificial leg.Sudha knew that she believed in herself and could fulfill her dream. She began her courageous journey back to the world of dancing-learning to balance, bend, stretch, walk, tu

8、rn, twist, twirl and finally dance.It was like starting all over again. She persevered through pain, blood, tears and doubts. Her family, teacher and doctor stood by her in this 15)ordeal. After every public 16)recital, she would ask her dad about her performance. “You still have a long way to go” w

9、as the answer she used to get in return.In January 1984, Sudha made a historic eback by giving a public recital in 17)Bombay. She performed in such a marvelous manner that it moved everyone to tears while 18)catapulting her to the number one position again. Overnight she had bee a celebrity and a st

10、ar was born. She was 19)feted in the press. That evening when she asked her dad the usual question, he didn t say anything. He just touched her feet as a tribute to a great 20)artiste.Sudha s eback was so heart-warming that a film producerwas inspired to capture the incident in the box office hit,21

11、)Nache Mayuri. Other offers of 22)stardom and many dancerecitals followed. And she acted in many films and was invited to perform all over the world.本文为全文原貌未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装原版全文When someone asked Sudha how she had managed to dance again, she said quite simply, “YOU DON T NEED FEET TO DANCE.”Nothing

12、is impossible in this world. If you have the will to win, you can achieve anything.苏德哈?钱德拉,一个3岁便开始学习舞蹈且一直对舞蹈无比热 爱的女孩,其事业正值巅峰之时却被中断了一一一次车祸导致她 的右腿不得不被截肢。印度的苏德哈是一名古典舞者,车祸悲剧发生时,她才17岁。 一场交通事故导致她的右腿严重受伤并出现组织坏死,最后不得不切 除了膝盖以下的部位。而更让人扼腕叹息的是,当时苏德哈那闪耀的 舞蹈生涯正刚刚开始,她所跳的婆罗多舞是其中一种要求最为严苛的 印度古典舞蹈。遭受打击的苏德哈崩溃了。她感到多年的训练

13、全白费 了,而且没有了一条腿,那将是一种什么样的生活呢?她无法接受自 己再也不能跳舞的残酷现实,她简直不想活了。然而,她没有放弃。在手术后长达6个月的恢复期里,苏德哈 一直痴迷于这样一个想法:要不靠拐杖站起来重新行走。偶然间,她 看到了一本杂志,从中读到了塞迪医生和他研发的著名的斋浦尔义肢 的文章。于是她立即约他见面。苏德哈见到塞迪医生时问的第一个问题就是:“我还能再跳舞 吗? ”塞迪医生毫不犹豫地回答说:“当然可以! ”他们尝试了各种 各样的义肢,包括在义肢的踝关节处装填弹簧,使它更具灵活性以满 足婆罗多舞中错综复杂的步法要求。不过,弹簧没发挥作用,因为练 习时它老是卡住,弹不起来。在接下来

14、的一轮义肢装配过程中,苏德 哈请来了她的舞蹈老师。整整二十天里,塞迪医生和他的团队观看苏德哈和她的老师一 起跳舞。最终,他们给她装配了普通的斋浦尔义肢一一和前来斋浦尔 SMS医院康复中心装配义肢的其他截肢者一样。装好义肢后,苏德哈对舞蹈的强烈渴望使得她决心重新学习跳 舞。苏德哈相信自己能够实现梦想。她勇敢地开始了重返舞蹈世界的 旅程一一学习保持平衡、弯曲、伸展、走动、转身、扭动、旋转,最 终,舞动。一切如同重新开始一般。苏德哈在痛苦、血水、泪水和怀疑中 坚持不懈地努力着。在这严峻的考验面前,她的家人、老师和医生一 直在旁边支持她。每次她的独舞公演结束后,苏德哈都会问父亲自己 跳得怎样。她常得到

15、的是这样的回答:“你还有一段很长的路要走!”1984年1月,苏德哈在印度孟买举行了一次公开的独舞表演, 这是一次具有历史意义的“复出”。她那的精彩表演让在场的每 个人感动得落泪,并一下子把她再次推回首席地位。苏德哈一夜成名, 成为了一颗舞坛新星。媒体对她展开大幅的宣传报道。当晚,当她问 父亲那一贯的问题时,父亲什么也没说,只是抚摸着她的脚,犹如向 一位伟大的表演艺术家致敬。苏德哈复出的故事如此感人,一位电影制片人由此受到启发把 她的故事搬上银幕,拍成了后来票房大卖的电影Nache Mayuri。 随后,苏德哈获得了不少演出机会,许多独舞演出安排也紧随而来。 她出演了多部电影,并受邀到世界各地演出。当有人问苏德哈她是如何成功地再次跳舞时,她的回答非常简单:“跳舞不需要用脚!”在这个世界上,没有什么是不可能的。只要你有必胜的决心,你就可以成功。本文为全文原貌未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装原版全文内容仅供参考



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