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1、七、将下列单词分类填写在相应的横线上。(10分) penil-se two rle hed orage, morbk hand bow tai fotbod (身体部位 ) sttioner (文具) nmber( 数字) color(颜色 ) trnsport (交通工具 ) 八、看图,将单词所缺字母补充完整(一条横线写一种字母)。(10分) 1.pl ne 2. d n .n_ e 5 s 6. b 7 . _ y _9、f _ _ t10m t 九、 看图,选择括号内合适的单词填空。(6分)1.34. 5.6 (orning teh hai truk eening leg)1. Rse

2、your iht _. . Cean your _. s hit . od , ant5. Go ,MrHil. 6 Brush your .十、将下列句子的大写字母编号写在相应图下的括号内。(8分) 1.( )2.( )3.( )4.( ) 5( ) 6.( ) .( ) ( )A.Tis is an apeBClean your ear. I a picre f gil. The ruber i onte ox.E.pen tebook.That isa penclsarpner.Touchyu tes. H. The rulr i in the pnclcase.十一、根据图意选择问题的

3、对的答案,把其字母编号写在前面的括号内。(分)1.2. .5 ( )1 Whats his? It a piure.Is a cake.( ). hereishe ali?Ats ina si.B.Is ina spaceshi( ) 3. Isi a enil?. No, is a pe.B s, itis.( )4. What colourthe crA. It wit. t blak.( ) 5.Whas th in glh?A ts a bal.BIts pple.( ) 6. How mny rubers ethe?A. ThereareseenB. Theeare ight.十二、

4、读句子,选出相应的答句,并把其字母编号写在前面的括号内。(分)( )1.Whats tht?A.Im fine, thanks.( )2 ht oor is s?BIt a rainbow.( )3. Peaselend me youruer.C.Its in ura( )4. Wheres my o?DN,t snt.( )5. Ist one tbl?E.OK. re you ar.( ). How are y?F. I gy.十三、看图,选出符合图意的句子,将句子的字母编号写在括号内。(4 分)( ) . This is a bus. . Tis is a ax.( ) 2. A. Th

5、e cake ison thedesk B. The cake s onthe table.( ). . Wash yorhed B.ahyouhads.( ).A. Theearethree aples. B. Threare fou aples. 笔试部分(40分)七、阅读下面的句子,把它们的编号写在相应的图的括号里。(6分)A. he are someboos o thedesB. Ts is oat.C. The man isfrom Cina.D. Tsi a tamp.E. Tey aefsh.F. he oy lkes birds. 1.( ) .() 3( ) 4.( ) 5.

6、( ) 6( )八、写出下列名词的复数形式。(9分)tapbox fmi shepchild pig bus goose toth九、选词填空。(分)1. Wh thea (ih, in) on air?2. Lok (in,t)tt cut baby3. I ave sme (shee dose, sh ad ge).4. Ar theseJapanes (stm, sap)?5. Whre (i,ae) te oys from?6. o i (a,a) erican bo.7. Uncl Wag (has, hae)ig.8. o you have (any,some)goats?9. A

7、:Whats ta? B: (ts, Its) family tree.10. Her har (is, are)short andhe yes (is, are) big十、根据上下文,选择合适的单词把对话补充完整。(5分)(es, Whos, Geany,from, s )A:he tall bo?B: mycui.: Wre is e?B: H ro.A:Is th grl hs iter?: Ys, she .十一、看图,选择对的描述图的句子,并把编号写在括号里。(1分)( )1AThe is an old ma ana boy. 1 B. Teris a old oman an a

8、irl. C.herei ano mannd woman(). A.Its ostcar rom China. It has a dog on it BIt sm from Chna. 2. It has a co oit. C. Its a samp from China. thas aand(熊猫)on it.( )3. A.his ia tre. Ti isafmily tee CThi isa tran.( )4. A. Ther is a dg an a cw. 3. B.Ther isa caana do C Thee is a pig and a do. ()5. The boy fom te . He hs a box. B. Th boy is fr the Astralia 4. Hehabag C. They rom anada. Hehas a ook. 5.



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