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1、附件1:中山市“微课”教学设计说明 微课名称 Unit 7 Food and Drink授课教师姓名卢淑青单位小榄镇升平小学联系方式知识点来源学科:英语 年级: 三 教材版本:广东人民出版社 所属章节:录制工具 Camtasia studio微课设计简介(200字以内)这节课主要是词汇cake , noodles , ice cream , bread , rice ,milk 和句子What do you like? I like .的教学,所以我设计了大量的有关词汇的导入,呈现,操练,和输出环节。然给学生在学中练,练中学。微课教学设计内容教学目标1 Pupils can know how

2、to read these words meaning : cake , noodles , ice cream , bread , rice ,milk .2 .Pupils can know these sentences :What do you like? I like .I dont like .Do you like .Yes, I do./No ,I Dont.重点难点突破策略首先,利用动画片呈现,在一一的新授词汇,一边读一边拼写。第二,用歌曲的方式来一次的巩固,操练句子。第三,快速读单词,图片和句子,看看学生是熟悉程度。第四,根据图片来完成句子,这样既操练了句子有巩固了单词。最

3、后的输出环节:调查。教学过程Step. Warming up1. Greeting :2. Free talkT: How are you ?Ss : Im fine . Thank you . (ask two Ss same questions)Step . Leading in.Watch a video Step . Presentation.Go on the story. 1.Show the dialogue Tony :Do you like 图片(cake)?Tiger: No, thanks. I dont like cake .teach Ss read :cake, c

4、ake, c-a-k-e, cake(finger up).show the picture and ask: T: What do you like? Ss: I like cake.2.show the picture and dialog Jenny :Do you like 图片?(noodles) Tiger: No , thanks. I dont like noodles. show the picture and ask: T: What do you like? Ss: I like noodles.3. show the picture and dialog(picture

5、, first.) Gogo: ?( ice cream.) Tiger: No , thanks. I dont like ice cream. show the picture and ask: T: What do you like? Ss: I like ice cream.4. show the picture and dialog(picture, first.) Tony: ?( bread.)Tiger: No , thanks. I dont like bread. show the picture and ask: T: What do you like? Ss: I li

6、ke bread.5.show the picture and dialog Jenny: ?( rice.) Tiger: .(tips, x). show the picture and ask: T: What do you like? Ss: I like rice.6.show the picture and dialog(picture, first )Tony: ?( milk.) Tiger: .(tips, x)Tony: What do you like? Tiger: I like meat. (肉). show the picture and ask: T: What

7、do you like? Ss: I like milk.7.Lets chant and I LIKE APPLES.(P49)follow the video sing and change the words(cake , noodles , ice cream , bread , rice ,milk )8. Flash Gameslook at the picture and read it quickly.look at the words and read it quickly.look at the sentences and read it quickly.9.Fill in

8、 the blank.What do you like?I like .(picture)What do you like?I like .(picture)What do you like?I like .(picture)Do you like milk . (picture of rice ) x , (Yes/No) I dont.Do you like noodles. (picture of noodles ) ,(Yes/No) I do.10.watch the video and find out the food and drink.(DO YOU LIKE)10.classify the food and drink.11.watch the video of FOOD.tell student which one is junk food, and should eat more vegetables and fruit, drink more water every.(膳食宝塔)12.Homework.月 日3



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