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1、考点集训7八年级上册Units 56一、完形填空。Denny Crook was a famous photographer.He traveled all over the world,taking pictures for magazines and newspapers,and won many prizes.“Ill do anything to get a good photo,” he often said.“Ill go anywhere at any time,even if it is _1_”And he told the _2_He had photos of earth

2、quakes,forest fires,floods and even wars.If something interesting happened,Denny went to photo it.He was a married man and his wife often asked him to take her with him,but he always _3_“Ill travel for my work,not for _4_,” he told her,“You wont enjoy yourself,and I wont have _5_ to look after you.S

3、ometimes theres not even anywhere to _6_,and I have to sleep outside.I often dont have a good _7_ or a bath for days.You wont like it.”“Denny,Im not a child,” his wife didnt _8_,“I can look after myself.Please take me with you the next time you go overseas.”Denny did not say anything,but he _9_ abou

4、t it,and when he was asked to go to Africa he said to his wife,“You can come to Africa with me if you want to.Ive got to take photos of wild _10_ there.It should be interesting and not too uncomfortable.”His wife was very _11_,and at first she had a very enjoyable time.Then Denny went off to _12_ so

5、me lions to photo.His wife went with him,but before long they became separated.She walked down one path while he walked down the other.Suddenly,Denny heard her _13_He ran back and saw her running toward him.A huge lion was chasing her.Quickly Denny took his camera out of its case and _14_ it at his

6、wife and the lion.Then he shouted,“_15_,woman!I cant get you both in the picture!”(A)1.A.dangerousBnaturalCconvenient Cimpossible(D)2.A.lieBreason Cnews Dtruth(B)3.A.allowed Brefused Cfailed Djoked(C)4.A.wealth Bprize Cpleasure Dluck(B)5.A.money Btime Cinterest Dability(D)6.A.meet Bwork Cshop Dstay(

7、A)7.A.meal Bpicnic Croom Dparty(A)8.A.agree BunderstandCreply Dcomplain(D)9.A.worried BforgotCasked Dthought(C)10.A.land Bflowers Canimals Dpeople(B)11.A.confused BexcitedCsurprised Ddisappointed(A)12.A.find Bfeed Cdrive Dshoot(B)13.A.singing BcryingClaughing Dcheering(D)14.A.threw Bfired Cshowed Dp

8、ointed(C)15.A.Hurry up BLook outCSlow down DGo ahead【短文大意】本篇短文讲述了摄影爱好者Denny的故事。一次Denny带着他的妻子去非洲拍野生动物,当一头狮子袭击他的妻子的时候,他也没忘记拍照。1A【解析】通过下文的“He had photos of earthquakes,forest fires,floods and even wars.”可知,他去的是危险的地方。2D【解析】tell the truth为固定搭配,意思为“说实话”。故选D。3B【解析】从后句“You wont enjoy yourself.”可知他拒绝了他的妻子要求。

9、4C【解析】句意为“我去是为了工作,不是为了取乐。”所以选C项。5B【解析】由上文可知,因为是去工作,所以没有时间照顾他的妻子。故选B。6D【解析】从后句的“I have to sleep outside.”可知,经常没有地方呆。7A【解析】由上句可知,因为没有地方呆,所以吃饭和洗澡也就成了问题。故答案为A。8A【解析】从句意可知,他的妻子不同意他的说法。故答案为A。9D【解析】固定短语think about,意为“考虑,思考”,符合句意。故答案为D。10C【解析】由文意可知,去非洲应当是拍野生动物,所以选C。11B【解析】通过后句“at first she had a very enjoya

10、ble time”可知,开始他的妻子非常兴奋。12A【解析】从句意可知应当是找狮子拍照。13B【解析】从后句“A huge lion was chasing her.”可知,他妻子应当是哭了。14D【解析】从整句话可知他应当是掏出相机对准他们。所以答案为D。15C【解析】句意为“慢一点,女士。我不能让你们两个都在我的镜头里。”故答案为C。二、阅读理解。(2014,包头)Bob,15 yearsold,Toronto,CanadaIn my free time,I like reading books.My favorite writer is Mark Twain.His books are

11、very humorous.I also like OHenry very much.His stories always finish with surprising endings.Yuki,12 yearsold,Tokyo,JapanEvery day after school,I finish my homework first.Then I will watch cartoons on TV.I think they are interesting.Of all cartoon programs,I like Tom and Jerry best.Kate,15 yearsold,

12、London,U.K.I like music very much.American country music can always drive me crazy.A song that Im fond of is Take Me Home,Country Road.These days,I am beginning to enjoy Chinese music.Dick,16 yearsold,Wellington,New ZealandIm going to high school this September,so I have much homework every day.But

13、I try to find some time to hang out with my friends.Sometimes we go to the cinema or the library;sometimes we go swimming or play football or basketball together.16.All of them are from Englishspeaking countries except _B_ABob BYuki BKate DDick17What do we know about Take Me Home,Country Road?_D_AIt

14、s a TV program.BIts a movie.CIts a book by Mark Twain.DIts an American song.18Who of them are of the same age?_C_ABob and Yuki. BYuki and Dick.CBob and Kate. DKate and Dick.19Where is Kate from?_A_ABritain. BAmerica.CCanada. DNew Zealand.【短文大意】文章主要从年龄、国籍和兴趣爱好等方面对Bob、Yuki、Kate和Dick四个人进行了介绍。16B【解析】细节理

15、解题。由“Yuki,12 years old,Tokyo,Japan”可知,Yuki来自日本,不是来自说英语的国家。故选B。17D【解析】细节理解题。由文章第三个表格中的“A song that Im fond of is Take Me Home,Country Road.”可知,它是一首歌曲。故选D。18C【解析】细节理解题。由“Bob,15 years old”和“Kate,15 years old”可知,Bob和Kate年龄一样。故选C。19A【解析】细节理解题。由“Kate,15 years old,London,U.K.”可知,Kate来自英国。故选A。三、词汇运用。A)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。20Its usually considered impolite to ask personal (个人)questi


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