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1、1.走极端对你们来说是不明智的。(wise)Its not wise of you to go to extremes2.我们学校图书馆的藏书已经增加到了300万册。(increase)The number of the books kept in our school library has increased to 3 million.3.在起居室使用粉色的油漆,你也可以获得类似的效果。(achieve)You can achieve similar effect by using pink paint in the living room.4.科学家花了一个多世纪的时间才实现了在宇宙中飞

2、行的梦想。(realize)It was more than a century before scientists realized the dream of flying in the universe.It took scientists more than a century to realize the dream of flying in the universe.5.如果他早点意识到这个错误,我们就能避免失败。(aware)If he had been aware of this mistake earlier, we could have avoided the failure

3、.6.我的食谱同食物专家推存的食谱作比较,我觉得我的更合理。(comparewith, recommend)Comparing my diet with the one recommended by the food expert/specialist, I find/feel mine is more reasonable.Compared with the one recommended by the food expert/specialist, mine is more reasonable.Compared with the students from Class One, ours

4、 are much/far better.7.在场的观众都被这部影片所感动了。(move)All the audience were moved by this film.8.天啊!我们正在朝着相反的方向行驶。(indirection)Jesus! We are driving in the opposite direction.The Japanese enemy escaped in all directions.9.近来,易中天教授的学术作品需求量很大。(demand)Recently Professor Yi Zhongtians academic works have been in

5、 great demand.10.Jack过来评价道:你做得真不错。(remark)Jack came over and remarked : youve really done a good job.11.老师总是提醒他不要上学迟到。(remind)The teacher always reminded him not to be late for class.12.我们不能够通过长相来判断一个人。(judge)we cant judge a person by his appearance.13.你说话的方式会给别人留下深刻的印象。(impression)The way in which/

6、that/_ you talk will leave /make a deep impression on others.14.考试失败后,Lucy决定提高英语听力。(decide,improve)Having failed in the exam, Lucy decided to improve her English listening.15.当我们遇到朋友的时候,应该愉快的互相打招呼。(greet)When we meet with/come across our friends , we should greet each other cheerfully.16.交流不仅仅是听和说。(

7、more than)Communicating is more than listening and speaking.17.大雾导致了这场交通事故。(lead to)The heavy fog led to this traffic accident.18.Lucy认为用功学习是成功的关键。(key)Lucy believes hard working is the key to success.19.她在国外旅游的时候,学到了几个新的单词。(pick up)While travelling abroad, she picked up a few new words.20.我不喜欢你和Jac

8、ky说话的方式,你往往被认为很不礼貌。(way,consider)I dont like the way you talked with Jackie; you are usually considered to be impolite.21.他过来就是提醒我明天不要忘记参加那个重要的会议。(remind)He came over to remind me not to forget to attend the important meeting.22.这些蛋白粉能使你更强壮,尤其是青少年。(especially)These proteins can make you stronger, especially for teenagers.23.有效的措施是解决这些麻烦的关键。(key to)Effective measures are the key to solving these problems.



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