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1、 公共英语等级考试PETS二级语法资料汇总 (三)代词1数 人 种 称 类 单数 复数 一 二 三 一 二 三 1 人称 代词 主格 I you he she it we you they 宾格 me you him her it us you them 2 物主 代词 形容 词性 my your his her its our your their 名词性 mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs 3 反身代词 myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves

2、 4 指示代词 this that these those 5 不定代词 指代人 somebody, someone, anybody, anyone, nobody, no one, everybody, everyone 事物 something, anything, nothing, everything 指代人或物事 one, another, each, every, much, either, neither, little, a little ones, others, the others, both,few, a few, many, several some, any, n

3、o, all, other, the other, none, a lot(of), such 6 相互代词 each other, one another, each others,one anothers 7 疑问代词 who(ever), whom(ever), whose(ever), which(ever), what(ever) 8 连接代词 who(ever), whom(ever), whose(ever), which(ever), what(ever) 9 关系代词 who, whom, whose, which, that, as 2人称代词用法表: 序号 作用 用法说明

4、 例 句 1 作主语 用主格 Does he enjoy listening to music? 2 作表语 指主语用主格 Was it she who saw the white cat? 指宾语用宾格 I believe the writer to be him. 3 作宾语 用宾格 These books belong to them. 留意: (1)代词并列时,排列挨次为“二,三,一”人称,如:“you,he and I”;“him and me”。 (2)人称代词常在名词后,但“you”在名词前,如:“you, Tom and I”。 (3)其他种类代词在“人称代词”后,如:“he

5、and some others”。 (4)口语中,宾格作表语,如:“Its me.”。 3物主代词: 分 类 句法功能 例 句 形容词性物主代词 作定语 This is my pen. 名词性物主代词 作主语、表语、宾语 This bike is hers. 留意:名词性物主代词可用于双重全部格中: She is a friend of mine. 4.反身代词: 序号 在句中充当的成分 例 句 1 宾语 位于动词后 She could dress herself when she was six. 位于介词后 Take care of yourselves. “宾语+and”后 She in

6、vited Mike and myself to the party. 2 表 语 He doesnt seem himself today. 3 同 位 语 主语同位语 He himself had to do it/He had to do it himself. 宾语同位语 You can ask the president himself. 4 并 列 主 语 and之后 (Both)Mary and myself will go. or之后 (Either)Mary or yourself will go. nor之后 (Neither)Mike nor yourself have anything to do with it. 留意: (1)反身代词不单独作主语。 (2)oneself也是一个反身代词,用法与上面一样。One should not live for oneself alone



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