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1、2023年辽宁省锦州市中考英语试卷单顶选择1(1分)When?Monday?Im afraid Monday _ be a problem for me.But why?I know you are free on Monday.()A needB needntC might notD might2(1分) _ good advice it is!Im sure to have a wonderful summer vacation.Im so glad that you like it.()A HowB What aC WhatD What an3(1分)Amy,I wonder _ in

2、the street when I come to pick you up.Well,theres a big tree with lovely flowers by the front gate at the moment.()A who I can go withB how I can find your houseC why I cant take the busD when I should arrive at your house4(1分)Im sorry.I lost the pen you lent to me. _.Ill buy a new one.()A Im not su

3、reB It takes timeC Its hard to sayD Its not a big deal5(1分) Which of the following is a traffic sign?()A B C D II. 完形填空根据短文内容,从各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案,并将其代表字母涂在答题卡的相应位置6(10分)When Juliet was a child,she often went to the city park and played with her friends.On a sunny morning,when Juliet came to the park w

4、ith her mom,she looked around and felt very (1) . Whats the matter,dear?Whats wrong (2) you? asked her mom. Juliet replied, Mom,how beautiful and (3) it used to be!But now theres so much trash on the ground. Juliets mom looked around.There were pieces of paper,boxes,glass bottles and a lot of other

5、trash (4) . What can we do?asked Juliet sadly. Im sure you will think of something. said her mom. As soon as Juliet and her mom went home,Juliet painted a picture of the park and wrote a sign in big (5) at the top of the picture.The sign read PLEASE KEEP OUR PARK CLEAN.Later,she (6) plenty of bags a

6、nd went back to the park with her mom.Juliet put up her picture on a big trash can (垃圾桶). Will you help me (7) trash,mom? Juliet said as she handed her mom a bag. I surely will. replied her mom with a big smile. The children at the park ran over to (8) what was going on.Juliet handed them each a the

7、m each a them each a bag.Lets clean this place up, said Juliet.Then they began to pick up the trash,talking and laughing.Soon all the bags were (9) We need to come back (10) day.Theres still some trash on the ground,but the park looks much better, said Juliet.Her mom said So it does.Im proud of you.

8、I knew you would think of a way to help.(1)A.interested B.excited C.unhappy D.relaxed(2)A.to B.with C.on D.for(3)A.noisy B.clean C.dirty D.happy(4)A.everywhere B.anywhere C.somewhere D.nowhere(5)A.letters B.boxes C.bags D.bottles(6)A.left B.returned C.built D.took(7)A.set up B.pick up C.put up D.tak

9、e up(8)A.think B.laugh C.see D.say(9)A.full B.big C.empty D.broken(10)A.the others B.other C.another D.othersIII. 阅读理解Passage A 单项选择根据短文内容从各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案,并将其代表字母涂在答题卡的相应位置。7(5分)Giant panda Ya Ya came back to China at the end of April.She was born at Beijing Zoo in 2000.She traveled to Memphis Zoo

10、in 2003 as part of a giant panda protection and research program between China and the US.Ya Ya is now old,but panda keepers are taking good care of her.Cheered by 10,000 home fans,Liaoning team won the CBA championship(冠军) after beating Zhejiang team in the Finals on May 15th,2023.The club has won

11、the league trophy(联赛奖杯) twice in a row,and its third in total.The head coach Yang Ming took great pride and said, Its been a season full of ups and downs.Our teamwork helps us get through the challenging season.Recently,Zibo has become so popular not only for its delicious barbecue (烧烤) but also for

12、 the warmhearted people there.When the quarantine(隔离) was over,the local government offered many students who had to stay there a great barbecue dinner.It also invited the students to come back again the next spring.Its a nice promise between them.AI education will become more and more important.In

13、2020,Zhejiang added AI education to textbooks from Grade 5 in primary school all the way to senior high.In Wenzhou,the government is planning to build 1,000 AI schools by 2025.In the future,there will be more jobs that require AI knowledge.(1)Ya Ya is years old this year.A.23B.15C.20D.8(2)Its the ti

14、me that Liaoning team has won the CBA championship.A.firstB.secondC.thirdD.fourth(3)The third news is mainly about .A.why people in Zibo are warmheartedB.why Zibo has become popularC.what the barbecue is like in ZiboD.how Zibo invited college students(4)The fourth news wants to tell the readers .A.AI education is added to all the textbooks in ZhejiangB.there has already been 1,000 AI schools in Wenzh



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